God Emperor ready to deploy the Imperial Guard to fight infestation. In 2017, there is only deportation. But is there a place for empathy too?

16  2017-02-17 by BannedFromImzy


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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But is there a palce for empathy too?

Are you familiar with Warhammer 40k lore?

That's why /u/stuckinthepow's remark is dumb.

Thank's for spamming my posts with "drama" sub non-sense and getting shitposters to follow your lead. Fairly childish and immature.

Fairly childish and immature.

You should have more empathy for the maturity challenged, you ableist.

Fuck that's good. Shut up and take your upvote.

See? /r/Drama is fun! Take your lumps for the day, then come back and enjoy.

Burn the heretic, purge the unclean.

The people who put Jews into gas chambers probably also had similar ideas.

Godwin's law just doesn't apply anymore I guess

You'd think throwing jews out of your country would be mutually exclusive with killing them in camps. If anything, camps keep them in.

You know what Hitler was big on? Respecting established borders.

He had his own definition of "established".

The law is only important when it applies to white people who've broken it.

Isn't that where we mostly ignore it and play it by ear?

Depends on the financial status of said white person.

Send them all back by catapult!

Tie them up to a drone.


>not trebuchet



>not ballista

Barbarians go home

Dude... Ballistic can't launch a 90kg projectile 300m. Git gud skrub

Bitch please. Assuming the average immigrant is 90kg, you'll need to hurl them 300m to get them accross the border.

A trebuchet is definately the weapon of choice in this situation, not some pathetic catapult.

200lbs? Half of them are women, they have a ton of kids, and Mexicans are really short - our obesity rate isn't that high (yet).

I love the left.

Religious fundamentalists in Europe are causing trouble?

"They come from a war torn country with a different culture, have some EMPATHY>>tm"

Illegal residents in the US are being deported?

"They're just coming here to get a better life, how can you have so little EMPATHY>>tm?"

Rural Americans feel ignored by Washington and desperately resort to a political outsider to give a wake up call to the system that failed them?

"You're all bigoted monsters who want to hurt women and minorities and you should be ashamed of yourselves! Where's your EMPATHY>>tm?"

It's quite simple : "agree with me and deserve empathy, everyone else is a potential nazi and should get physically harmed just in case".


If a homeless person broke into your house would you not call the cops because he was already comfortable on your couch? Lol Fucking californians.

That analogy doesn't work for this at all.

It does. The US is a sovereign nation, and our borders (much like the doors and windows on your house) are there to say "Hey, don't come in without permission."

So again, would you let a homeless person live with you if you came home to find they had broken in and began using your things and eating your food?