The story of a fallen US serviceman, punctuated by some dips fighting over Trump

9  2017-02-18 by xjapxn


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Never before had this been more fitting

It seems like the original tweeter was giving honest homage to a true hero of a man, and a good person. Fuck you op, just let this go.

Excuse me what

"MAGATerrence Hackett's" is the one perpetuating petty drama. I'm just the messenger, not the one responding to a hero's story by blathering "how will you blame Trump for this shitlord hurr durr."

: /

...were you not actually referring to me when you said "OP"?


While I'm sure you meant "perpetuate," I'm going to have to find some definition for this word that makes what you said funny.


Out of all the hills you chose to die on OP, you picked a fallen soldier.

gg no re