Pharmalord /u/Martinshkreli goes to talk at Harvard, gets called murderer and a racist for growing up and playing basketball in Brooklyn

17  2017-02-18 by bigtool123




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Some great shade being thrown

crowd member: Are you a fraud?

shkreli: The jury will decide that one, not you. Hopefully you're not on the jury. It requires an open mind and examination of all the facts.

/ O U R G U Y /

After the protest nonsense in the first third of the talk, I was pretty interested in the pharma research & investing bits. Great talk.

Fake news for a hit on him, now Trump will punish them for all those lives they ruined.

11:15 : a crowd of women suffering from vocal fry chanting "Pharma greed kills".


Woman screaming : Martin Shkreli you're a sexual predator!" over and over again as security escorts her outside.


"Woman screaming(the same?) : Martin Shkreli you're a racist!" over and over again as security escorts her outside, again.

Did he pay comedians or what ?


I'm pretty sure that's not why he got called a murderer and a racist, but whatever.

He got called that because college students are autistic.

Why'd he get called a racist?

I starting to think that Trump winning the election has fried the brains of liberals and leftists in America. Like after 9/11 when all of America was in shock and no one really knew what had happened or how they should react to it, it was perhaps inevitable that the country would act rashly and enter a hugely destructive war. Obviously Trump is not comparable to 9/11, but I think for a lot of liberals the election was nevertheless a kind of tragedy which shattered certain ideals and fictions they had about their country which they held dear. And they simply do not seem to understand what happened or how they should respond to it.

Maybe I'm romanticizing the past, but before Trump it seems like the kind of rhetoric you see in the video directed at Shkreli -- the whole idea that the problem with unregulated markets is not that they're unregulated but that the actors within them are greedy, immoral, etc.; in short that the market ought to go unregulated and business executives ought to learn or be shamed into regulating themselves -- it seems like before Trump that kind of thinking would have gotten you laughed out of most any leftists circles. That argument used to be the sole province of disingenuous centrists and right wingers who were against market regulation and who thought they could cynically blame the excesses of their system on something they knew would never change. And yet here we are, 2017, and over-educated kids at America's most prestigious university are trying to change the world by yelling "racist" at a pharmaceutical executive.

Honestly I'm not even mad anymore. Just disappointed.

Are you in the wrong sub?

Probably. The video made me too depressed to shitpost.

actually watching the video

Fucking effortposters

i got nothing else to do while walking to class sue me dawg

This is a genuinely really good comment, what's it doing here?

Tbh leftists are getting their shit together right now, the DSA for example has seen record growth and activism, it's mostly just liberals who are having meltdowns on Twitter and university campuses.

The problem is that liberals learned the wrong lesson from Trump. They think he's vindicated their belief that whitey is out to get you, instead of realizing that whitey is tired of being belittled.

I'm not from the US, but I thought Harvard was supposed to be one of the absolute top schools. Someone explains to me, how these libtards get in there. Affirmative action?

Shkreli 2024