For once the comments about a video of 4 cute girls removing a rat from their home in an awesome way does not turn into generalized woman hating. But it gets animal rights activists litteraly shaking.

31  2017-02-18 by BannedFromImzy

Here's the thread, sorted by "best", with the video (4 girls dealing with a random encounter with a rat in their bathroom, really worth a watch). A lof of praise, people recognizing they would have expected a video of women having them freaking out, and so on.

Now if you sort the comments by controversial everyone is mad because apparently there are "better" ways to deal with a rat that these women could have tought of in a fraction of a second.

BTW it's a fucking rat, it probably survived all of it without a scratch and is right now plotting his revenge.

First they're blamed for scaring the rat

Another one with /r/iamverysmart potential points out that if they were doing the same to a rabbit people would freak the fuck out. Why not try to do their dumb comparison with a baby instead, or the holocaust?


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. This Post -,,,*

  2. A lof of praise, people recognizing... -,,,*

  3. comments by controversial -,,,*

  4. First they're blamed for scaring th... -,*,,*

  5. Another one with /r/iamverysmart po... -,*,,*

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Rats just want love. Why do these people not realize that?

Domesticated rats just want love, you walking plague. Wild rats just want to kill off half of Europe.

Probably someone who learned anything they know from a pet rat and a few Disney movies.

How about you stop promoting bigotry through myth ?

Like anyone's buying your bullshit mayocide denial.

Maybe aliens did it.

We need a rat genocide tbqbhwymm

hello i trademarked that acronym please message me for permission before you use it next time!

It's disputed, you nitwit... and I can't even use the "ironic shitposting is still shitposting" cliché because that's mean you were right to post this here. What a conundrum!

drama? in my drama thread?

Do walk rats just want to kill off half of the humans in Europe, or do the humans in Europe just want to kill half the rats?

Think about it.

Pretty sure they want to kill all the rats. The rats would like to kill all the people, but are more realistic.

/u/el_Di4blo rats (especially the ones on my property) are disgusting, and so are you for defending them.

People who attack harmless small animals are disgusting

No u

I'm not sure, but I think they missed one of the signs of rat presence.

You could even take out the harmless part. Rhino's aren't harmless to us, but I still think it's shitty for humans to go after them and kill them. Jesus we've taken up a lot of planet, maybe just leave the few patches alone.

Dunno, those girls seem kinda harmless. Kinda throwing stones in a glass house there buddy.

Bitch please, I just let my cats have at it.