Was that arm gesture a Nazi salute? Was Mohammed a pedophile? Rebel Media holds a "freedom rally" and raises all the important questions for Canadian political wonks on the Internet. It's only 55 comments so plz no effort-shame.

17  2017-02-18 by zahlman


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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/u/sw04ca in what universe is fucking a 9-year old not pedophilia?

If she has a bigger dick than him.

They usually snip those off at birth though, so it's all good.

Meh. People seem pretty selective about their moral outrage of historical figures. Anti Muslims will put Mohammed under a microscope but seem to not care one iota about anyone else from Greece, Rome, Mongolia, or wherever who was a mass murderer, rapist, slaver, etc.

The issue is that Muhamamd is seen as a perfect human being by roughly a billion people, and those others are not.

Most of the American founding fathers raped their slaves and they're on the money. Selective outrage.

Again, none of those are seen as paragons of virtue, just ordinary politicians.

You could make a case for 'selective outrage' if Jesus raped little children, but it seems Muhammad is the only major religious figure that was really filthy.

OK. How about religious figures. Moses was a butcher who committed mass genocide against the Caananites to steal their land. Every man and woman "who had known a man" were killed and burned in the city square along with their animals. The only people spared were "girls who have not known a man" aka virgins and the Israelites were instructed that they could rape them. That's IN the bible.

Selective outrage.

Then it'd still not be selective because Moses isn't seen as a paragon of virtue.

Look, Islam differs from Christianity and Judaism in that it sees its prophets as perfect, and Muhammad as the seal of the prophets, whose life is chronicled in greater detail than any other Islamic prophet. Christianity only views one 'prophet' as perfect, and that is Jesus (whose perfection depends on the fact that he wasn't even human but w/e). This means that a Christian or Jew cannot say "i can murder any egyptian i want, because Moses did so as well", because no Christian or Jew believes Moses was perfect. For fuck's sake, God even punished him for his lack of faith according to the OT. They can only do so with Jesus, whose most heinous crime was kicking over some tables in a temple.

That's not true. Jeses was a carpenter, and I hear he gouged the elderly. A table is NOT worth 30 sheckles of silver, king of kings!

You're right.

In Judaism, giving away free stuff is seen as the most dreadful crime a man can commit.

That and toining on a light on Friday night!

oy vey

no offense but do u actually know anything about islam? mohammed isnt seen as anything more than a prophet - hes not even a 'son of god' like jesus and is not a figure of worship. beyond his faith and communication with allah he is just human

this is like high school history level understanding

I'm a former Muslim, so yeah.

And i never said Muhammad is seen as a son of God, or that he's seen as a figure of worship. He is, however, seen as a perfect human being, which is why there are so many hadith about his life, and why those hadith are needed in the first place.

I do think Muslims are really, REALLY, skimming the surface of idolatry when you look at the reverence they have for Mo. I mean, even Christians don't use "peace be upon him" after saying Jesus' name, and they actually think he was the son of God.

is the pbuh just for the prophet or do multiple figures get that treatment? im just asking because i heard it after a name i didnt recognize.

also isnt there a story where he was asked for farming advice then was like wtf why would u listen to me? thats what im thinking of when i say he isnt supposed to be perfect

It's for prophets, not for important people in general.

Being a former muslim doesn't mean you know islam. The prophet is seen as a man, not a god. But I have to agree that I see more and more people worshipping the prophet as if he was the son of god, or a god himself. It doesn't mean that it fits islamic theology

The prophet is seen as a man, not a god

I just fucking said that. That doesn't take away that he's seen as the "perfect" man who is to be followed in every way possible.

Have you seen Catholicism? There's like 5,000 saints who are prayed to with full paintings and statues of each.

Yeah it's pretty bad.

Then again, Catholics never prize themselves on being the One True non-idolatrous faith.

Now calvinists on the other hand.

Calvinists think everything is predetermined, so no one can really do anything wrong.

You're just jealous because of all the Abrahamic faiths Catholicism is the blingists with the best places of worship. Fabulous places of worship, people love them.

Mosques are boring as fuck. They don't even have pictures or statues. Dull dull dull. No wonder Muslims want to blow things up all the time...anything to detract from their boring god houses.

Fucking idolaters, the lot of them.

I often bring up the hardon for momo and the koran as an example of shirk when trolling allah's chosen beggars. Usually quite effective.

This is literally not true unless you're a Wahhabi.

Literally the only group of muslims who do not treat Mohammad as a paragon are the fucking baddies.

/u/UrbanZZenMock is a real expert on nazi salutes and gets very annoyed when ppl do them wrong.

My biggest fear in life is having a candid picture taken as I'm reaching for something on the top shelf and having it used as evidence of my Nazi sympathies.

"It's good to be in a room with severely normal people," Kellie Leitch told the crowd

This should be etched on every mental institution in the country.

I love how the blatantly manipulative photo of a lady raising her hand to ask a question is included specifically to rile up the tards with their daily dose of "muh nazis" hysteria, and how it's placed right above their "Award Winning Journalism" banner.

r/canadapolitics: why are all white people racist nazis