Comment about blacks and pedophilia in /r/CringeAnarchy turns into a debate whether abbos are humans (if they're not human, is it racist to hate them?)

13  2017-02-18 by BannedFromImzy


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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Let's continue the discussion here: Are they human?

I, for one, do not believe that they are.

Any ethnic group who huffs gasoline at that rate raises that question.

Don't knock till you try it

They are indeed human, but we must come together in humanity and recognize that India and Blacks are the worst social media posters on earth. They must be put to death for bad spongebob memes and awkward moments of sexual frustration mixed with autism.

Purge the infidels and make twitter semi-less shitty.

White Boi detected, empty the tanks

ni🅱️️🅱️️a please

But can whitebois use spice tho

Very sparingly. We mayokin can't tolerate too much of it.

Is this the part where we say politically incorrect stuff and then pretend it's just a joke?


I think the correct term is "doing a pewds"

"Nigs"? "Aboriginals are closer to Neanderthal than human?"

Am I missing something here? Or wtf has happened to that sub?

/r/cringe and /r/cringepics mods went SJW crazy, so everyone (including right-wing edgelords) flocked to /r/CringeAnarchy. Eventually the edgelords outnumbered the normal people, most normal people left, and so, here we are.

So, basically the natural life cycle of a subreddit? Gotcha.

if the /r/cringe mods had stayed sane, none of this would have happened

Unless they unexpectedly shut it down in its prime

Eventually all subs either become SJW ghost towns or right-wing /pol/ colonies.

South Park neutrality triumphs again.

It's been shit for like 3 years now.

It's almost a free-for-all, with decent traffic, they tend to attract people from all crazy groups.

u/acideath are you an abo?

what is up with those usernames






Edgy teenagers/frustrated middle-aged men looking for an outlet.

Probably leftist jews doing one of their false flag operations.

Speaking of edgy teens

Forgot a /s there, and underestimated your intellect.

Home grown cringe.

I wouldn't be shocked at all if at least two or three of those belonged to the same account.

I'll have you know this is my only account.

Haha gave me a chuckle.


I'd tell them to read up on anthropology and biology but I realize they probably believe that data is being manipulated by (((those people)))

It's insane. Inbred scum.

/u/PisslamicState, I know you're just an edgy little fucktard, but get your sterotypes right. Its white people that inbreed.

I don't think inbreeding is limited to stereotypes though.

Not really

Source: Inbred Arab

using national borders to denote biological differences

kentucky, siberia, eastern australia and wherever the House of Habsburg was show how useless this chart is

Arabs are generally pretty inbred though.

Islamic cousin marriages aren't great for your gene pool.

yeah but neither are mormons

Mormons don't exist outside Utah

they started invading other states like they tried to in the 1800s, and this time we can't even shoot them on sight. they've already taken Idaho, Wyoming and half of Nevada

Goddamn, can't you set traps?

Not yet. Here in Missouri though there's been a couple waves and we have a state government who routinely freaks out over ways in which they haven't banned Sharia yet, and EOs are in, so hopefully we can get our old Kill-a-Carrot-Snapper law back

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Fucking Yuropoors.

I don't think it's the Yuropoors that are inbreeding in Yuro-land.

Inbreeding protects our racially superior genes.

Sound like you upset nigga.

Technically I'm a spic.

See, you keep mixing up your racist slurs.

Get your shit together bro.

Word up homenigga.

(that'll really upset them! huehuehue)

Papers please.

I was born here, swing and a miss.

Anchor baby, gotcha.

My folks became legal citizens.

You're behind in the count.

Whatever Pedro get in the van.

Make me.

throws shoe at you

That sub is fucking garbage.

it used to be the same as this sub

stay alert, your country need lerts

Haha sheeeioittttt I'm Reddit famous.

Oh no, the cringe is coming from inside the thread.

so do you have any real hobbies or is being boring on the internet your only one


I could try to explain that neanderthal crossbreeding with humans is at least circumstantialy linked to an increase in human intelligence and civilization but my guess is that's a wasted discussion for reddit.

what a great subreddit

all members of the genus Homo are humans so /thread

these fuckers have 46 chromosomes, and like it or not, the presence of archaic genes doesn't mean you aren't in the same pool. 'specially since Neanderthal Whitey probably posted this.

that OP though wat