An angry special snowflake history professer melts down at UMass event as Martin Shkreli explains that his perception doesn't align with reality very well

104  2017-02-18 by bigtool123


Now with added Cancer!


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Martin's jimmies got rustled pretty hard here, seems like he was quite riled up and offended.

It sounded like he was gonna cry there for a sec

Martin looks so cute when he's frustrated 😊

Tbf i would be too if ppl were constantly telling me I was killing people

"I don't know, I didn't hear the first part of the presentation. I was outside protesting."

oooooooooh boooooy

At that point you should have just lied

oh man I thought that prof was being a whiny bitch, but then M Shrek somehow came off as even more of a shit eating bitch

He probably gets frustrated at being called a murderer every day.

he shouldn't have raped and killed that girl in 1996 then


To be fair he did fuck people over without any remorse. His edgy internet trolling wont change that.

I thought he fucked over insurance companies, and people without coverage were able to get massive discounts such that the price hikes for them were a non-issue.

So he fucked up over people then. Thanks for agreeing with me.

people without coverage

Poor people are the ones least likely to be aware of or have the nous to take advantage of discounts or rebates.

b-but muh free market :(

the doctor tells them

Oh yes, the magical doctor who does home-visits without charge to the exceptionally poor and sick. Kek.

people who have AIDS and never visit a doctor who tells them how to get the meds they need, they die long before they could get toxoplasmosis.

Yer nan told me about her 5 buck suck discount m8

He's obviously a socialist

Well he did donate thousands to Bernie

NOPE. He kept saying that he'd give the drugs to uninsured people for free, but that hasn't actually happened, and people have contacted him about the matter hundreds of times and have been met with silence.

Care to elaborate? Which drugs, and do you have a source that indicates that people have reached out to him for them and he hasn't responded?

but that hasn't actually happened

happened 2000 times so far

Shrek there spends a lot of time going 'look at the chart', I'm not doing what you say I'm doing, look at the chart for 30 seconds and you'll understand.

Then goes on to say the really expensive drugs don't cause riots, so obviously everyone who needs them is getting them and can afford them, but he never proves that the people who need those drugs are getting them, so the whole argument appears to be based on that assumption, which is false.

So you can show that people don't get the drug because of costs?

Shkreli's the one making the claim without any evidence.

No, the professor in the video made a claim, and u/iforgotagain42 repeated it. Their claim is that people died. I want to see a cite.

Shkreli categorically said that nobody had died. Watch it again.

OK? So disprove it then. Either way, Shkreli has a fucking spreadsheet, what do you have?

What the fuck are you talking about? I didn't state an opinion, I just noted what Shkreli said. Suck my dick.

No. Shrek claims his prices are fine because no one riots over the 6mil/lifetime drug, therefore everyone can afford every drug on that list. Its the base assumption of that table of drug costs he flaunts for most of the video.

You're right, anyone who has trouble affording the drug gets it for free, the ones who can are using insurance.

Lol if that were true people wouldn't need insurance, since insurance rarely covers the full cost of expensive drugs, particularly in the US.

Cite sources for that claim please.

That people get it for free? The source material is right in the video. Don't believe the source material? It also confirms this right on the website. Don't want to read because reasons? Call the number yourself 1-877-258-2033. Also the people who can afford can only do so because of insurance, I mean you think people are paying out of pocket for the current price? That's just stupid.

Not acceptable source. Scientific study or GTFO.

Anyone can say anything on their own website.

The source material is not acceptable source? You want a study on how they get the drug for free?

That claim is part of refuting the claim that people have died. He's saying that you can't find people who have not gotten the drug because of cost, which seems to be true given that nobody can produce these cases.

I guess I'm wondering if anyone can provide any sort of information as to whether or not people have died due to not being able to afford the drug because of the price hike.

I don't care who is claiming what. I'd just like to see some data.

The problem with Shkreli's reasoning is that the poorest, most illiterate and ignorant people are the ones who simply wouldn't know to ask his company to give it to them for free. So when he's saying that "everyone who is poor and asks for it gets it, therefore nobody suffers!" he's turning a blind eye to a whole subset of people who don't read newspapers, don't have internet access, use the Emergency Room as a General Practitioner, and have absolutely no idea how drug companies operate.

They're so off the grid that actually tracking the numbers would be impossible, short of asking social workers or parole officers.

I'm not sure where you're going here. You demand evidence from Shkreli. When I ask for any evidence from any source, you come back and say that it doesn't matter because it's impossible to get any meaningful numbers? Why did you even ask in the first place?

Since when is the onus on me? I didn't give the opinion. I don't have to support it. Numbnuts professor did, although he was as whiny and retarded as Shkreli when he gave it.

The anus is indeed on you.

How can you be this retarded?

Not retarded enough to believe that the onus is on me to defend an opinion I don't hold and didn't state. Apparently that takes a special kind of retard.

the poorest, most illiterate and ignorant people are the ones who simply wouldn't know

the only people who need that drug are late stage AIDS patients,

if they're that illiterate or ignorant about how to get AIDS medication, they will be dead long before they need his drug

Oh yes, poor people are well-known for being up-to-date with their medical knowledge and regularly filling all the appropriate prescriptions on-time under a specialist's supervision.

those people die of AIDS long before they ever get to the toxoplasmosis stage.

I guess that's all right, then :^)

regardless how awful it is that people die from lack of medicine.

you can't blame the price of toxoplasmosis medicine, if they never live long enough to get AIDS-related super-toxoplasmosis.

No, he said any drug.
For starters, I'd use the evidence that people in the Canadian border states often try to find ways to buy medicine in Canada, where it can be a fraction of the US cost since our government dictates the price they will accept, instead of greedy dicwaffles like Shrek there artificially setting whatever price they want.



"e" has both an enclosed space at the top representing a vagina and the curl at the bottom is a penis: it's a far more inclusive letter than "o", which ignores gender completely and enforces norms. Not that someone with your privilege would care.

Trying too hard man

You aren't trying hard enough, why are you on reddit instead of eating dat pussy?

Trying to lose weight

Huh, cock must be even note fattening given the rate we work out.

Yea I put it on from eating a lot of e's, which have both penises and vaginas so double the calories

What sort of cishet homophobic bullshit is this. Everyone knows that o represents the anus which can be enjoyed by everyone regardless of sex, gender, or kin status.

But the "o" is just a vagina and therefore more inclusive.

Like how all a 100% black group is more diverse than a group with an even number of black and white people.

Hey, u/martinshkreli, have you ever relied on a pharmaceutical drug to live?

What does that have to do with anything? Nobody died because of what he did.

I died because of what he did.

Who's gonna take your couch? Cuz if no one else has dibs on it...

If you want my AIDS couch, have at it.

Does mayonnaise count as a drug?

No hue, mayonnaise is not a drug. Kill yourself.

/u/martinshkreli don't worry we love and welcome you here. What's your opinion on BAC btw

He does


We can hate the game AND the player!

Mayocide now. Mayocide tomorrow. Mayocide forever.

If Mayocide succeeds it will just have to be today, and maybe tomorrow. But only if we need to stop on the first day to take a nap because killing millions of cumskins takes a little effort

What if there is a new Yakub?

You know, initially I had a bit of trouble getting onboard with mayocide. I thought, "There has to be at least one redeemable one!"

Nope. Not even me.

the dude is literally trying to teach people how this shit works so we can try and improve the system that is current ripping everyone off, and he gets yelled at because social media told people to yell at him.

he gets yelled at because social media told people to yell at him. And apparently his drug price hike killed people

I don't think the talk should have been interrupted but you must realise one of these is not like the other.

(it didn't)


If you think this guy is a kind hearted Robin Hood you are kidding yourself.

didn't say that.

However, I will say he's a hell of a lot kinder than the people who price the drugs that actually impact a lot of people and who nobody is attacking.

its shit but at least it's not diarrhea

High standards there fam.

It's a business, the company pays a lot of money to have a drug developed, the drug has to be sold at a price that will profit the company or else no more life saving drugs.

No, he's a ruthless capitalist. He's not stealing from anybody, he's benifiting the planet at a reasonable market sustainable charge.

How is he not? He gives away his drug for free and sells quite a bit to a government program for a penny a pill. On top of that he also funds his R&D at a higher percentage (I believe it was 15%) than the industry standard (5-10%). In fact the whole thing people give him shit for was for raising the price on an outdated drug to raise money for R&D for it. The drug literally is poison and only kills the illness faster than the user.

Man he Fucking annihilated them

Still can't figure out why anyone is giving this little Manley any attention. Ignore him and he will disappear into the ocean of the millions of other autistic trolls.

Because he has more $ to his name than all of this sub combined

I think mod xnotch would disagree w u.

/u/notchx could buy and sell Shkreli a dozen times over and still have money enough to plough your mother after buying her dinner.

I have enough change in my sofa to plough his mother though.

Nah maybe like 3-5 times

I think you're dramatically overestimating how much your mother charges.

My mom would probably charge nothing because she never gets laid

Well, this is the Drama subreddit. He tends to be a source of it.

Did you accidentally come here instead of SRD?

People on university campuses think agreeing with other people on a university campus is the same thing as having actual knowledge or intelligence.

almost like Reddit then

Spoon feeding to your asshole sounds bad for your health

I think what really stings leftists is facing the reality that Martin will be far more successful then they and their children will ever be.

He's the poster boy for frustration with the terrible US healthcare system. Nothing he's doing is wrong, per se. He's just operating within a bullshit system and got a light shined on him.