Journalist of the feminist variety finds out that some fathers are teaching their daughters to respect themselves and not be total sluts. NOT👏ON👏MY👏INTERNET

91  2017-02-18 by lvl99SkrubRekker


Cool story, bro


  1. This Post -,,*

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This is 2017. And newsflash, women don’t need men to do things for them.

Lol I mean cmon...

It's [CURRENT YEAR] people, come on!

It's [CURRENT YEAR] people, we should not have to eat or drink anymore! We should be photosynthesizing. Cmon!


It will be the new standard dating format--C.E. and AD will wither away like the leaves on a dead tree ravaged by parasites and wookpeckers that bore holes to eat them

Isn't it [CURRENT YEAR] + 2 now?

Apparently men should do things for her, such as letting her know that you don't start a sentence with "And".

Did you just assume my father's gender?

How long do you think women would survive if men suddenly disappeared?

Just give the author a jar of pickles and tell her she's on her own.

Except continue the species yo

Drama where?

I agree it's creepy. But once you start talking patriarchy, I'm closing the browser and punching the next woman I see.

Is it creepy to enforce the standard that no one will replace daddy's warmth, feelings of safety, and his hairy old man wiener?

Is it creepy to enforce the standard that no one will replace daddy's warmth, feelings of safety, and his hairy old man wiener?

From a psychology standpoint, men do develope some of their first sexual feelings more often than not towards maternal figures in their life. Just saying, its not a coincidence that warm milky tits get you ratcheted up like a fucking iron god.

Speak for yourself....but I'd like to hear more about this hairy old man wiener

I just participate in my usual shitlord activities like holding the door open for them.

It's like they are training their girls to be pets. Take her out on walks and take good care of her. Feed her regularly and give her compliments.

But they forgot to expose them to moderate sunlight for 8 hours a day. So irresponsible.

I don't have daughters — only sons. But these attitudes harm them, too. It primes my sons to grow up to expect girls who are submissive and passive — not equal partners. These ideas force them into the gendered notions of the patriarchy, where men make the choices and women obey. It's only a sidestep from rape culture, and it's my job, first and foremost, to bring my sons up not to rape.

I'm sure this won't mess them up at all. They'll be totally well-adjusted and have realistic expectations of what attracts women.

What bad luck that woman has to be stuck with natural born rapists.

It would be hysterical if the boys rebelled and became alpha-male MMA fighters with a harem of pussy at beck and call.


Her other blog posts look equally sanctimonious.

  • Why I turned down a job to keep homeschooling
  • I don't regret my hospital birth one bit
  • Getting help for my depression was a nightmare
  • I breastfed on Antidepressants, & I don't want to be shamed for it
  • I co-sleep with my whole family
  • Why I let other women breastfeed my baby
  • My birth experience made me feel like a warrior
  • Why giving birth was the most feminist thing I've ever done
  • I don't make resolutions for New Year's Eve

I find the idea of making a specific parenting resolution, then trumpeting it to the world, a great way to blast your insecurities to the whole internet, and a wonderful way to perpetuate an unhealthy fixation on parenting.


Why I let other women breastfeed my baby

Oh. That reminds me.

This reminds me. Some random ass redneck woman who I had never met before randomly asked me to take her kids to school the other day.

"What kinda candy they like?"

Did she slam a tall boy natty daddy afterwards?

I imagine she wanted to go do some meth or something.

Smoke some fentanyl

I only do opiates.

Oh that's disgusting. What is wrong with some people?!

My Family All Sleeps In One Bed, & I Don't Care If You Judge Us For It


get another bed. you're an adult

calls daddy-daughter dates incestous

I find the idea of making a specific parenting resolution, then trumpeting it to the world, a great way to blast your insecurities to the whole internet, and a wonderful way to perpetuate an unhealthy fixation on parenting.

I choose to believe that that was deadpan sarcasm.

It seems way, way too on point to be accidental. Hilarious though.

I hate this person

It usually starts with 3-year-old Sunny, my youngest. I nurse him to sleep in our bed, which is queen-size with a twin bed right next to it.

From the "I co-sleep with my whole family" story. Holy fuck this woman is nuts.

Being this mad because her own daddy was too busy buying drugs for strippers to get her an Easter Basket.

Aside from the ick factor of daddy daughter dates, i love how a man taking his child out once a month and being nice to her is seen as such a huge fucking deal. Men are a mistake.

Mankind was a mistake

Woman expects man to hold door, pay for date, lead conversation.


Woman criticizes the above and asks to not be pedestalized


Woman lives her life not giving a shit about what others do or say

Internet: ASL?

c'mon, let's be real

Also a significant part of the internet: fuck you cunt go fuck another chad

c'mon, let's be real

No, really. There are a lot of women who don't blog about the plight of women. It's possible they're underrepresented on the internet. Which is unfortunate, because when you date a woman like this, all issues pertaining to gender expectations of who pays, holding doors, responsibility for birth control, etc. are all easily resolved through communication.

I just meant my part about a lot of people being inordinately hostile to women on the NET.

I know. I was just yanking your chain.

i didnt read your comment that closely sorry

i never do, really

You too!

These aren’t sweet. They aren’t cute. They’re creepy, and they seek to enforce patriarchal notions of femininity.

Or it's a father spending time with his daughter, you vapid cunt.

Right? It's hard enough for a father to find things to share with his daughter, and she's making it into anything BUT nice bonding time between a dad and his little girl.

well, if your mom was like "lets go on a date" you'd rightly think it was creepy as fuck

I don't really see it as any different to "play date". If someone said they were taking their kid for a dad/daughter date, I'd assume they're just hanging out and not that they met on Tinder and are going to fuck in the back of his car after dinner.

but it is clearly gendered. If you heard someone was taking their son for a "mother son" date...

it would be...

...somewhat strange.

I don't think it's strange because it's creepy, but just strange because of our culture.

a "mother son" date...

Like this isn't celebrated

Uh no, because I'm understand context and nuance and am not a creepy fuck who wants to fuck his mother. You got some issues with all that projecting there.

blame freud bruh

It's only weird to me when you use the term "daddy - daughter date". The concept is great though.

"I had a terrible telationship with my father, therefore EVERYONE has to have a terrible relationship woth their father

It's a pretty strange way to spend it. My dad made a point of spending time with each of his kids individually, but he never framed any of it as a date, because that would be weird and the idea would just never occur to him to do that. Because why the fuck would it?

Nah fuck this shit. Ok, we are equal but we aren't the same. I'm a great cook and do pastry for a living. I'm also super clean and love doing laundry. I don't want a dude that does that shit. I already do that shit. And if I didnt, if I made mad dollars and he cooks, cool! But it isn't that way so I want a dude to do other nice things to show he cares. Open my dang door and tell me I'm pretty goddammit!

This world has enslaved you into it's rigid gender roles. A man telling you that you are pretty means nothing. You must believe it yourself, and then realize that your appearance is no way to measure your own worth.

If you ever have daughters, don't let their father tell them they are pretty. It is insulting.

I think I'd do best to not have kids.

That too.

So uh... How is your night?

"While I don't fault the woman who posted this, I am pretty uncomfortable with the overall idea of "daddy-daughter dates." "

Yeah the same reason some guys are uncomfortable with women in the workforce. Because they have a black and white view of gender norms shaped entirely by what they've been told to think. She's no better than someone who says a woman's job is in the kitchen.

Wait a minute, is that a white male in the pic? Fuck that pedophile.

Wait a minute, is that a white male in the pic? Fuck that pedophile.

Nice twist, shaymalamana, made me chuckle

My mother and sister are both employed MDs and proud feminists. I was still raised to open doors for women because its respectful, that's what both of them expect. I guess I should tell them they don't make the cut anymore.

My mother and sister are both hard working MDs and proud feminists. Like all savvy feminists, they still demand to maintain all the traditionalist privileges associated with being women, of course.


lmao why the fuck does it have to be a "date"? Can't it just be quality time together?

Do these guys really want their daughter to say "Wow, that was a nice date, but not as nice as the one my dad went on with me."

Short Answer: Indeed


Did you just see my last post man? I need more sluts in this world not less for fuck sake Skrub. Even less so ones that actually respect themselves enough to not sleep with me.

But corrupting well to do Mormon girls is like half my game?

Teach me

Where is the drama? Is there a comments section I'm missing??

Dont be a fun sucker.

sorry, but I am a drama connoisseur. this post is the "american cheese" equivalent to a fine post-supper fromage plate. It's not even cheese.

I was invited to be

you should accept

I hate my daughter now wtf??

Yeah, calling it a date is creepy. But since when is taking your child on an outing, as a father, weird?

I take my 20 month old son out all the time, and when my daughter comes along in July, I'll do the same thing with her. Yet, there are certain women who look at me like I'm a creep. It's sad that a sub segment of the female population looks down on fathers.

These people would probably not be happy that a guy was working at their daycare.

Reeeeeeee feminism!!!!!!

haha that little pussy belongs to daddy haha. don't go out and enjoy yourself because that would destroy my ego make you lose self respect!

I don't know I kind of agree with this. I just don't like how the writer only takes offense for the girls. This doesn't just push a certain kind of femininity but also an expectation of masculinity on them. Apparently men have to do all those chivalry stuff out they aren't worth it.

Don't pretend those daddy-daughter things aren't creepy as fuck religious indoctrination that totally don't suggest incest, no sir, get your mind out of the gutter.

Just because a feminist whines about something doesn't mean she isn't right in the broad strokes.

Too many in this thread agree with the linked author.

I'm a father of daughters and I'm cringing so hard I think my huevos just went inside my body. Thanks, internet

How many dates before the dad can expect to get laid?