/r/Sweden mocks Trump for fabricating a terrorist attack, so his supporters rush to defend their baby daddy from the libcucks.

57  2017-02-19 by IAmAN00bie


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I don't get why he had to make up an attack, since Sweden has a shitload of real migrant issues already.

That's just lazy, Trump.

To be fair the cancer that is melodifestivalen has been plaguing Sweden for 58 years. So i'm allowing him to be correct that some bad shit went down yesterday.

Oh god, I don't even wanna imagine what we in germany will send to the ESC..


Bless you!

cause he's terrible at being president


Noobie is worth upvote if only for the fact that his submissions piss off lots of people in this sub.

The residents of the_Cheeto are actual more subhuman than our favorite OP. I know, hard to believe, but it's true.

It's always sad when literal CHUD's get to brag that they're more intelligent than an entire subreddit

Multiplying by 0 still gets you 0 famalam.

IKEA is spreading like cancer. Sweden is cucking us with cheap furniture.


Neo-nazis in Sweden????

boggles the imagination!!!

Do English speaking people and Americans actually say this, or is this an ESL thing? I've only ever heard "boggles the mind".

True story: IKEA got flak in Sweden for outsourcing some factory work to shitty southern states with low wages and no worker protections.

When called out on it, the IKEA bosses were like, "you have to understand Americans are basically Mexicans compared to Swedes. They're just happy for the chance to work for meatballs."

i mean, he isn't wrong

It's simple economics. They keep their manufacturing costs low so they can produce more products. It's not like they are enslaving people.

If potus doesn't have to fact check then why should anyone else? Let the age of belligerence begin!

If potus doesn't have to fact check then why should anyone else

thus began pizzagate

I always imagine a huge gate made out of pizza you can take chunks out of and eat while passing through. It sounds really nasty-sweet

Yeah because everyone in sweden is a libcuck


Get back in your cuck shed, Sven.

The crime and murder rates of Malmö are the envy of any american city of the same size. Sure, crime is high by scandinavian standards, but that's not saying much because this is scandinavia where crime is low.

Sure, we have more rapes and murders than we used to, but at least we don't have drive-by shootings.

Wtf how do they manage to get more retarded every day, I thought there was some limit.

That top comment is some top-tier deflection lmao

You mean the stickie?

Try this one:

Hey r/all, remember when 60 Minutes went to Sweden to show how peaceful the migrants were but instead they got attacked?

r/the_donald remembers... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A76DLK20L4o

Wow worse than 9/11

You wanted a genuine unscripted politician. When god is feeling particularly cruel, he answers prayers.

People who voted for Donald Trump, explain yourselves.

I think you should do that weekly.

Fuck Sweden. If it's some leftoid cuckoldry bullshit happening in any of the Nordic/Scandinavian countries, guarantee you there's a Swede in the works.

Behind every jew, there is a Swede