Sweden asks why Trump would mention their immigrant problem, reddit get butt-hurt when the answer doesn't fit their narrative.

13  2017-02-19 by OnlyRacistOnReddit


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Way to provide the context, retard.

I know right? Here I am in Drama looking for evidence supported posts on serious world events, and we get this low effort post. I say, it makes me want to contact the editor if this fine publication and ask them to print a retraction. It behoves them to maintain a modicum of standards in this day and age.

You know what? You're right.

It's time to drink.

Chin chin old chap


get it right

Committing Harikari right now

best i can do is a bukkake

No in the hair, I have a date tonight

free styling product so you can look dapper on your date ?

I don't get your logic

Way to provide substance, moron.

You want substance? How about reading the article of the thread you linked. It doesn't even use too many big words. You should be able to pick up the narrative without too much trouble.

I did, this isn't about the article, it's about the response to it.

Retarded agendapost #8273173897813

kys OP

God, you can't even count right...

Numbers are a social construct

Sounds to me like OP is a dumbfuck with a narrative of his own

Good job being butt-hurt!

Good job being a faggot!

You set a stellar example!

Thank you I try

If only you were as good of a weeaboo.

Damn fam that is seriously a low blow.

Sorry fam, my duty is to the truef

So many fucking Trumptards

looks at username


Literally kys

It's almost like it's a joke.


After you, asshole.

You seem very triggered over your trash username friendo

I do not think that word means what you think it means, chief

It might not. I haven't been the same since the stroke tbh

Don't worry about /u/CucksLoveTrump. He thinks pizzagate is real.

Skippy Podesta and his brother are coming for you!

For a pizza party?

"pizza" yes

Isn't 4Chan full of Trump supporters?

Smh like anyone uses halfchan anymore

Well what do you people use? 8chan, pedochan?

My coordinator has a slack where we collaborate.

ITT: this sub becoming more and more like SRD every day.

Mostly because the butthurt lefty mods want it that way.

You are such a whiny little fuck.

Nah, it's just being brigaded by a bunch of SRDtards.

Probably, but that doesn't change the fact that he's a whiny little fuck.

Nah, you are.

oh snap

Boppity boom!

Yes, the mods here totally seem to have a very hands-on approach to setting the tone of the sub.

I have it on good authority that /u/oxus007 works as a tone policeman IRL

Only on weekends.

/u/ferenix2 was right!

about loving cock?

I can't call you a prolapsed anus in SRD, so we still got that going for us.

Trumpeters trying to tell Swedes about Muslims in Sweden is the same as Europoors trying to tell Amerifats about gun violence in the States. In both cases it's a bunch of dipshits with no actual experience relying on cherry picked statistics to push their agenda.


And it all creates good drama.

I was going to make a comment about losing braincells but then I remembered that I already lost them all to huffing paint and reading this subreddit.


It's similar to mixing pills and alcohol.

Meh in happens in /r/sweden also. People overly estimate some flat out ignore.

So they get bit overly sensitive if they deem it an attack towards immigrants. I made off bit remark how green party is all about immigration even tho it is bad for the environment.

Mod delete my comment and i had to explain to mod why immigration from poor mena countries to Sweden was for bad for the environment.


Yeah, I have also noticed that. Immigrants from MENA aren't exactly going to do wonders for a developed country, especially considering how starkly different their culture is, but that doesn't mean that Sweden has gone Mad Max yet. In the same vein, gun violence in the States is a cause for concern, but thinking that implementing European style gun control will fix it is idiotic.

A lot of doomsdays moaning in Sweden about immigration. Like most experts agree worst case scenario would be only decline of the welfare state and less open society with increase in gated communities.

Best thing is how news and worldnews delete all pro trump comments