Prison bitch /u/blackjackprofessiona throws a tantrum

13  2017-02-19 by geraldo42

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Honestly just look at the whole thread. This guy is a treat. As far as I can work out he's a semi literate goon who realized after getting out of federal prison that giving blowjobs to other men in exchange for cigarettes isn't a valid career choice so now he's trying to make money teaching people how to play blackjack.


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I bet /u/blackjackprofessiona doesn't even make 200K a month. That explains why he wastes his days away cyberbullying and e-trolling.

He prolly can't even deadlift 400 LOL

Just LMAO at this keyboard hater tbh

i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about /u/blackjackprofessiona . u wouldnt say this shit to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol

LOL @ /u/blackjackprofessiona. Dis nigga says he GREW UP in a federal prison. Dude stop with the fucking pathological lying. You are too stupid for it. 200k... plz. You probably can't tie your own shoes let alone count cards.

My Bureau of prisons number is 10229-036 BITCH go online and look it up

HAHAHA your prison number even had BITCH right in it?? oh wow what are the odds. I would think they would toss that one. Lucky you. I bet you were a popular young thing.

Is there an opt-in for having your prison number have bitch in it? Asking for a friend. That friend being me.

I'll give you a pack of cigs, any kind you want, if I can tickle your tonsils with my cock

Oh god reading your appeals is like reading the ranting of a 13 year old girl upset because she's grounded. I knew you were a bitch but you're a jailhouse lawyer too? I bet the guards just LOVED you. 8 years for stealing $5k lol. I'm sure that was worth it.

See.. he grew up in prison because that's when he honed his legal and pragmatic thinking which helped him blossom into the blackjack superstar he is now.

It all makes sense.

The sentencing hearing in this case was fairly contentious due to an allegation made by the Government concerning a paper mache model of the crime scene allegedly constructed by Defendant while he was incarcerated awaiting sentencing. The Government felt that the model was evidence of the Defendant's state of mind and the defense did not think the Court should consider it.

I wonder what state of mind they thought it was evidence of. Boredom?

Without knowing the specifics of this case: this sort of evidence would most likely be introduced to prove intent, malice, knowledge, or absent of mistake.

My guess would be the defendant was arguing he could not have the requisite intent of the charged crime for one reason or another (intoxication, insanity, etc.).

The state would then introduce the model in its rebuttal case to show that was bullshit. "The defendant has such a good memory of the scene on the day of the crime he was able to make this scale model. Yet, he would have you believe he could not have intended to commit the crime because (intoxication etc.)..."

Sweet Polo shirt faggot.

My nigga K C was in da pen wit u he said u a chomo

U get tricked out punk ass bitch

Did you also commit battery and domestic violence as well in 2013? or is that some other polo shirt wearing faggot?

/u/blackjackprofessiona I will shill your JewToob all over my social mediums if you PM me timestamped dick pics.

Why is there a chick with a saggy ass in the video?

One look at this guy's video told me he was the type to do this too.

Shocking that online blackjack would cheat, shocking I say!

From his voice, you might guess he's African American. From his looks, he ISNA mayoface.

Sorry I didn't apply for Harvard before posting this, but I get what you are saying, I grew up in federal prison for bank robbery, google it :) and I am not on HERE for fame, only to expose... I make plenty fleecing casinos counting cards, if you look at my channel you would know that. But I'll take you advice when I start my Bentley, no bs I need an editor for my book and already have a screen play being written about my life, not being rude, just take it personal... because I am real, not some stupid fake YouTube channel, I have an army behind me and they refer to me as the "Captain"

Switching accounts? Did you get bullied too much on your other account? Were we too mean to you?

But I'll take you advice when I start my Bentley

Take a photo of your Bentley with a timestamped piece of paper in the frame. No one believes you own a Bentley and it better not be some fucking 15 year old piece of shit.

I have an army behind me and they refer to me as the "Captain"

Feel free to sic them on us. I'd love to see your army. All are welcome here in /r/drama.

pretty sure that's copypasta