More Pewdiepie drama in /r/tumblr, in which the user confesses their love of the third reich

7  2017-02-20 by Popecockandballs


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I have no idea what the pewdiepie drama is about bur I can tell you thag /u/mantonization probably is not the best person to discuss comedy with

Ehh, I'm happy to talk comedy.

I just think "Look at me I'm going out of my way to be an arsehole aren't I hilarious!" is dull, to say the least.

And if you're going to try and push boundaries like that, at least have the decency to apologise once you go too far. Don't double-down and try to brush it off with "It was just a funny meme!"

That's fair I'll give you that. Although I think the boundaries of comedy are lot more ambiguous than you sort of led on. However I do think the concept of is someone actually being funny actually makes a difference in how it will be accepted


I mean, I love Louis CK, and a lot of his comedy is skirting the edge of offence. However, the offending material is never the point of the joke, you know?

For example, his "Of course, but maybe" skit. Especially the part about kids with peanut allergies. The point of the joke is never "lol isn't kids dying hilarious?", it's about the discrepancy between what we know is moral and what our brain throws out at us.

I'll be honest, most of my comments in the link above were just me seeing how deep a hole they'd keep digging themselves in, if that makes sense.

Well with that last statement I'd say you'd fit right in here!

"a rule of comedy is to punch up instead of down"

Lmfao no it's not.

Lmfao yes it is.

Obviously there's no official rulebook anywhere, but it's generally considered to be a good guideline.

Jokes that make fun of oppressed groups often fall flat as being mean-spirited, whereas jokes making fun of those in power are not. See: Jerry Seinfeld and his terrible jokes falling flat.

The cult followings of comedians PFFR, Matthew Holness, Chris Morris, Kenny Hotz, Ari Shaffir, Noel Fielding, Harry Enfield, Andy Kauffman, etc. say otherwise.

The entire field of black comedy, absurd comedy, and the every Pythonesque comedian of the 80s that made fun of the jews says otherwise.

The cult followings of the gazillion online personalities and podcasts like DVDSA, CumTown, MilliondollarExtreme, early Mega64, Stgggs, Skunkpaste, and Legion of Skanks says otherwise.

Absurd humour can involve punching up. Been done before, been criticized before, and it will continue to be the same way.

So thank you caring mother of the 1950s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, and 10s. Your concern is valid and rejected because nobody who likes comedy fucking cares.

From your other comment:

the offending material is never the point of the joke

Neither was pewdiepie's.

The sentence was: "Kill all jews, subscribe to Keemstar".

The fist part of the joke is how absurd it is to pay $5 for some random people across the ocean so they say some offensive things. The absurdity comes from the lack of standards. The question wasn't "Do people of Fiverr have low standards?". The question was: "Do people of Fiverr have any standards?".

What's the most offensive thing you can think of? It's likely to be a tragedy. What's the most devastating and well known tragedy? The Holocaust. Ergo, using the holocaust to prove his point... proved his point. The joke is the absurdity of the situation. If you don't understand it, you don't understand it.

The second part of the joke was about Keemstar. Essentially saying, hey this guy is an antisemite.

The controversy occurred because:

1) He's popular among kids

2) He's a part of Disney

If Disney indeed believes that children shouldn't be exposed to such offensive jokes, then why are they supporting even more offensive youtubers like idubbbz?

They don't because they're a corporation. They only care to cover their asses, and I completely understand that. The only reason Disney cared enough to do something was because some media sites reported on it.

But do they really care either? There are much offensive comedians out there with substantial following. They only targeted this particular guy because it's easy.

This is a well written and fairly intelligent comment.

Get this shit out of /r/drama you fucking shitstain.

Holy fuck did you just punch down on a Jewish person by calling their comedy bAd?

How do you go through life being this autistic?

Holy fuck did you just punch down on an autistic person?

a rule of comedy is to punch up instead of down

Louis CK is far away from being the best comedian right now, though I dont deny he used to be really funny.

Attempts to control and moralize comedy are pathetic, you need a certarin nihilistic "fuck everything" vibe to appreciate certain types of comedy, and even more so to be a really good comedian.

Doug Stanhope, Bill Burr, Chapelle back at the day, they all "punched down". True is that their offensive jokes are a bit more sophisticated, but in the end of the day they were extremely offensive but still hilarious.

You must not like the comedy gold that is Top Gear.

/u/mantonization how does it feel to be a living meme? Or is it just extreme autism?


Are you quoting yourself here? Because if you're talking about PDP you're an ignorant ass who can't read.


Hey man I could care less if you make fun of him, dude. All I'm saying is at least make fun of him for something real, because otherwise you look like a moron.