Either someone is trolling, or a pedophile just confessed to a few felonies on reddit.

37  2017-02-20 by BannedFromImzy


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pedo on the interwebz

topic worth any discussion


All pedos are the same self justifying losers

self justifying

Some get their church to do the justifying part.

Well if they couldn't justify it don't you think they'd just kill themselves?

I'm a well adjusted, typical guy. I like watching netflix and listening to music. I like going out to clubs with my friends. I spend my holidays with my family. I go out for coffee with guys and girls I'm interested in. I have no problems being around my friends' children, or other young people in my family.

This part gave me a chill down my spine. This guy and people like him really are everywhere and could be friends, coworkers or acquaintances.

Thankfully, I'm an autistic, shut-in NEET who never has to deal with these people outside of the internet unlike the rest of society.

We need to purge them from society. A good old fashioned witch hunt would do it.

Helicopter ride

The problem is identifying them. That's why I think it's like witches. We need a test or something.

I've heard that pedos can't float. Could we try that?

I don't care if we kill a few innocent normies provided we get a few pedos.

... Normies?


Oh my god.


Shit now I gotta kill myself. BRB drinking bleach.

Wow degenerist. You act like there's only one kind of degenerate. In reality, degeneracy is a spectrum.

No, they do float. If they don't sink then we fish them out and gut them.

We have a special test for autists. Give them internet access for a few minutes and - oh look I already found one.

Autism is easy to diagnose. If you look like a sperg, either you have it, or you're pretending (which would be a very autistic thing to do anyway).

Which one are you?

My point is, both of those are autistic.

I have a great idea. Lets tell everyone pedophiles are "allowed" for a few months and have them hold pride parades for "empowerment" then we "Hundred Flowers Campaign" their asses.

That's what I'm doing at every "pride" parade. Taking names. Gay marriage is a great way to have names and adresses already listed in some government database, ready to use for whenever the far right comes into power. They're going to give them a parade where the floats are trains and it all ends in an oven.

Gay marriage is actually an alt-right psy-ops to get government lists of gays.

I hope so. William Luther Pierce probably had wet dreams about such a list of homosexuals. Would have made any "Day of the Rope" WAY easier.

My cat once downloaded CP on my PC when he rolled on my keyboard. I don't see what all the fuzz is about tbh.

Did your cat also sent those dick pics to that Perverted Justice undercover chat account?

That doesn't sound like something he would do, but i'll ask him.

Like you can trust a fucking cat

Why are all those degenerates praising and validating him. Pedo sympathizers are almost just as bad as pedos.

I'm hoping is an FBI undercover agent. That's how I can keep from getting mad.

Because "muh discussion".

That's the way these weekly pedo AMAs usually go. At least this time people were a little harder on him.

Ctrl+f BRAVE

Every fucking time


I don't think he stick to CP.

I'm an ER nurse and the only reason I say that is because very few things shock or disturb me. That being said, this is one of the most disturbing things I've ever read online. I really can't believe that people are asking him questions without seemingly being disturbed. The fact that he thinks viewing child pornography isn't harming a child is a delusion. He's involved in child abuse.

It's that sub. Some of the stuff people say there seriously blows my mind.

One of the mods, LadyIris, is a self admitted sadist and psychopath. And I don't think she's trolling either, I think she truly is into that stuff. She's asked how to "theoretically" get away with buying a pet just to torture it, and has openly admitted that she would torture and murder people if she could get away with it. Most of the sub's members are actually fairly well-adjusted, but of course you have to take the bad with the good.

It's so hard for me to wrap my mind around how someone can be like that. It makes me grateful that I am not.

Probably has to do with the fact that a lot of deviant behavior is now accepted by society.

Yes, everytime a new groups of weirdos wants "equal rights" they just have to copy-paste the whole "be on the right side of history" bullshit others use before them. In some cases they have to wait until the weirdness level reaches them.

That's why we start with homos, then trannies, and only now zoophiles and pedophiles (look at Salon making articles about how pedophiles are "just like us", like they did for fags and trannies before). If you started with the least acceptable ones, people wouldn't go for it.

This comment. Yikes.....

How did I offend you?

Not to be rude, but it sounds like you are lumping gays with peadophiles or are implying that gays are weird.

I spoke about public perception. Being openly gay a few decades ago would get you lynched/locked up, the same way being a pedophile today might. What I mean is that in terms of perception, different orientations have different levels of "weirdness".

In the same way you might see transphobic gay people, but I've never heard or a significant number of trans people not being accepting of homosexuals.

Some pedophiles use that argument themselves : homosexuality used to be illegal and shocking, now it's "normal", so pedophilia isn't so bad.

NAMBLA used to be considered part of the LGBT family, and marched with them in pride parades. But at least at some point some LGBT groups opposed them and wanted to distance themselves.

I don't blame people for having a fetish. It's not like anyone chooses their kinks. But whether or not you act on them is absolutely something you can control. Watching CP, torturing animals, etc. is unacceptable.

She's asked how to "theoretically" get away with buying a pet just to torture it

She's evidently a moron too, because most pet stores assume their average customer isn't buying an animal to intentionally inflict harm upon it, so there's not much in the way of background checks and the like.

Yeah, I saw the newborn one as well, these people are sick. But hats what happens when you live in a permissive society that accepts all sorts of deviant behavior. And I'm not talking about BDSM, I'm talking about shy like what ladyiris2 is talking about - infanticide. I mean the fact that someone would openly think this is ok is frightening.

You are aware this is morbidquestions, right?

And you are aware that he admitted to criminal behavior, right? Since your understating is lacking, let me educate you honey: viewing and downloading child pornography is a crime. Just because he's not involved in the act doesn't mean he isn't a criminal or an abuser. Society would be better with him off the streets because there would be one less "consumer" of this abuse off the streets. Now, I don't expect someone as uneducated as you to know this, but that's how the facts play out.

You sound like such a fool. As uneducated? Sure, I guess my graduate degrees mean nothing. I am quite aware of what is and is not a crime. But people should also have a voice. If he is not out molesting children, then he is keeping his urges under control. And if he deserves to be arrested, let the law handle it. That does not mean he should be silenced. Maybe you should educate yourself on having an open mind and learning something beyond your weak comfort zone.

I do, in fact, have higher education and also work in higher ed. Just because we do not see eye to eye on this topic is not a reason to insult my intelligence. I am perfectly aware of what is moral and accepted by society. I simply have my own preferences. You are ignorant if you believe everyone thinks the same away as you do. Just because something is against the law does not mean it deserves censorship.

I get it, you think you're some sort of edge queen. In fact, you are not ok.

Clearly you are projecting.

Clearly you're some sort of edge lord.

Clearly you don't understand how to actually engage in conversations on the internet without flinging petty jabs at people when they don't validate your opinions.

We get it, you're edgy. Happy now, sweetheart?

I'm not edgy, and am quite honest about anything I post relating to my desires. But if it makes you feel better to throw around that label, go for it.


I find her perfectly acceptable to interact with, and I am as normal a person as they come.

In fact, I hope we meet one day to have many fun adventures together.

Want to come?

In one of your posts you admitted to being a sociopath, that, by definition is not normal. So I could see why you would find another sick individual acceptable to interact with.

Well, I am normal by my standards. I also said I don't subscribe to other people's mundane defination of normality. Yes, I have many disorders, I quite value them all, they are my normality.

She is of like mind, and we have similiar interests. Maybe we can show you, personally, what some of those interests are?

You can taunt me all you want, I deal with morons like you daily. You are not normal by any sane society's definition of normal.

Despite you calling me a moron, I haven't seen you a utter a single statement that would have me believe your intellect can rival mine.

There is nothing "wrong" with us, however I can't say the same about you. Being held down by arbitrary morality, guilt, and worthless emotions, what a inconvenience that must be. But, I prefer you to be as you are, much more amusing to toy with you sensitive types.

You're a self-admitted sociopath, there is something wrong with you. Saying that there isn't, doesn't make it true. I get it, you're 13 and just finished watching Dexter in Netflix and tubing being a sociopath is the new in thing. Wow, so edgy.

Never saw a single episode of that show, doesn't score high enough in reveiws for me to give it the effort. Also, I will be 26 in a few weeks, so wrong again.

I never said I am a sociopath, I did say I have psychopathy. I said I was diagnosed with ASPD, and many other disorders.

You call me a moron, but honestly you seem to lack any ability to read.

I never said I am a sociopath,

You sure did!

Playful comments does not necessitate them as being a stated classification. If you take things out of context, and bring them into a discussion outside the scope of that comment, you should cite what you are referencing before hand.

People can't read your mind. You sure you are completely fine up there?

You sure you are completely fine up there?

Much better off than you are, that much is obvious.

Well you seem to be losing a written discussion to a "moronic" dyslexic person. So, clearly not.

But, you can tell yourself whatever you want, if it makes you feel better. Nothing you say will have any emotional bearing on me, the reverse though is not true.



Edge lord is now taken as a compliment.

Being lord of anything can never be a bad thing, but as her superior, I must take that title.

Now, off with you plebeian.

You're treading into /r/iamverysmart territory by bleating about your degrees. Higher ed doesn't mean you understand what you're talking about or that you're not a fool. Foolishness is about judgment, not intelligence.

And FFS, expressing offense at another person's offensive speech is not censorship. He has every right to say what he wants to say. He has no right to be protected from the incidental consequences of saying it.

If your position made any rational sense, then a burglar could go on the street corner and shout about how great burglary is, confess his crimes, and be immune from punishment for them.

That's nonsense, and you (should) know it.

The user wanted the mods to remove the post. We refused because we did not want censorship. There is nothing wrong with people reacting negatively to the topic. It was the fact that users contact admins trying to ban our sub that caused problems. Censoring the pedophile does no good, whether he watches CP or not.


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Absolutely. Your submissions seem to be more creative than the other stuff there. I want to dig into your head just a little bit. (Not literally though! I'll leave that type of stuff to you.)

Are these the type of thoughts that pop into your head when your mind is otherwise idle, like when you're lying in bed or taking a shower? Or is it a more active thought process like going to a restaurant and imagining the other patrons all have bloody stumps where their heads should be?

It's mostly an active thought process for me. Personally, I'm a sadist with a bit of a murder fetish, and that sparked my interest in a variety of morbid topics. I am always interested in why humans think and react to things the way they do. People often seem to have a difficult time detaching themselves from various subjects and actually looking at them logically. That's why I love /r/morbidquestions. It's a safe platform for discussing things that would get you banned in other subs. Many people are pretty open minded, but there are quite a few naysayers too.

Leaving aside the whole "getting your rocks off on taking another human life" thing, you and I have a bit in common, particularly a curiosity of the human condition and the belief that ideas are better served by being discussed out in the open.

I think anything else I have to add would be better suited for your sub, so I'll leave it at that.

it sounds like you would be interesting to talk to. You should post in our sub.

Gotta promise not to hunt me down and murder me!

It's mostly an active thought process for me. Personally, I'm a sadist with a bit of a murder fetish, and that sparked my interest in a variety of morbid topics. I am always interested in why humans think and react to things the way they do. People often seem to have a difficult time detaching themselves from various subjects and actually looking at them logically. That's why I love /r/morbidquestions. It's a safe platform for discussing things that would get you banned in other subs. Many people are pretty open minded, but there are quite a few naysayers too.

I'm a self-admitted sadist, but no where have I admitted to being a psychopath. That is a label some have tried to plant on me and I have even defended against it several times. Yes, I did kill a stray cat. The question about adopting a pet to kill was hypothetical, as are many other questions in the sub.

You drugged and killed a cat, that's the behavior of a psychopath.

Most people are actually slandering this guy thank fuck. I don't follow that sub, but I see it get linked every now and then. There's another sub that is just as bad that makes my blood curdle. That said, I'm a CNA and even though I'm young and green, I've seen some pretty nasty things not counting my life experience. Even though I'm pretty desensitized to a bunch of things because Internet, I felt pretty disgusting when I realized how normal this guy describes himself.

Except for the part where he supports an industry that creates the worst days for children everywhere.

This guys super boring tbh. I've seen these types on reddit and 4chan before. They're basically just normal people that are into cp because it's taboo. Yawn. Dudes not mentally ill at all.

Or he's in denial and exposes only the parts he think Reddit will be able to accept.

Haha was literally just there. This guy admits to watching CP as if there's nothing wrong with that.

If you don't watch rape videos, nobody's gonna make them.

I'm sorry but you are incorrect. That is not how that works. And if you can't accept that, then we will have to agree to disagree.

Supply and demand evades him once again.

I'm pretty sure some rapists tape their own rapes for themselves, and not out of demand. But that doesn't excuse the degenerates watching child porn.

I'm sure they do - probably just to get off to the idea that other people are just like them, watching and getting off on the same thing. "I'm not that bad, see, other people do it too!" kind of thing. I don't think that's the majority of CP though.

is he buying the videos?

if you think any porn business survives off of people actually paying for porn.... lol

so you're saying he doesn't give them any money?

Probably not, but watching them is enough. A lot of people don't pay for porn, but free watches increases demand in certain areas. It's almost like...views, and paid ads....no, it's gone. I almost had a thought.

so he's watching paid ads for CP?

Not necessarily, but any demand contributes to the production. Not all child porn is made for profit.

in the econimics sense "demand for X" doesn't just mean "someone likes something", it means

"someone likes something and is willing to pay for it and is able to pay for it."

if the pedo is either not willing to pay for it, or not able to pay for it, the pedo does not constitute demand.

So why is all the CP he watches for free made for? If no one watched it, it wouldn't be made and uploaded to the internet.

if nobody watched it, they wouldn't upload it. would they stop filming it? perverts have been filming their shit since long before there was any internet. would they stop doing it?

If they stop doing at least part of it, it's worth it.


but if morbidquestion-pedo over there can't get his fix on the dark web, is he going to try get his fix IRL instead?

No, in that guy case, he most likely wouldn't. As he's said, he's aware that child abuse is wrong, but he doesn't see watching CP as something bad, so that's why he does it. And, in the end, masturbating and having sex doesn't compare anyway, I doubt that being able to watch cp online will prevent you from abusing a child irl.

i also don't know what will prevent you from abusing a child irl, but there seems to be a lack of evidence-based research on the effects.

Probably Sarah Nybergs alt.



A pedo trans girl

Im noping out of this thread. Let me know when the pitchforks are ready