Fat guy on /r/holdmyfries fails at throwing a girl into a pool, probably sends her to the hospital instead. Top comment is about how it was her fault.

34  2017-02-20 by BannedFromImzy


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Jesus that looked like it hurt.

I don't think it was either of their fault. I think the dude severely misjudged how far he could throw her and his timing of doing so and because of that, she only had a split second to get ready before he picked her up and threw her again (hence why she wrapped her legs around him again.)

Jesus that looked like it hurt.

The only way it didn't hurt is if there is spinal cord damage.

I don't think it was either of their fault.

It was definitely his fault. After she's been hanging on to his neck, he then goes to surprise-throw her in the pool. Unsurprisingly she reflexively grabs on to him and it all goes wrong. Really easy to see coming.

Yeah, but I could see how he could misjudge that. It was dumb on his part to go for the surprise throw, but I think he also thought he was closer to the pool than he was and also wasn't certain she'd continue holding onto him after that.

Like I said, I think if it were brought to court, it's obvious they'd rule in her favor.

Even if she hadn't been foolishly gripping him with all her limbs I reluctant-to-be-thrown terror, she would have ended tagging the back of her calves on the concrete, or at the least her Achilles' tendon.

Proper form for pool party hijinks like this is a push from behind, which produces the shocked indignation and/or laughing. Then the pushee offers their arm to help pull the pushed out of the water only to be pulled in themselves. Cue laughing splashfights and some cheesy pop music, etc.

This guy in the gif just hadn't watched enough movies to know how real life works smdh.

This guy in the gif just hadn't watched enough movies to know how real life works smdh.

Tbh this is the most correct answer.

ree white knight

Oh my lord I had forgotten how...great?..,that movie was.

terror? Looked a lot more like irritation to me

tbh I couldn't see her face very well.

we're all doing a lot of assuming here, it's made for some lively discussions

Don't throw people into a pool if they weigh more than 100lb. You have to push them.

Words to live by.

If he got closer and was willing to risk going in with her she'd have missed.

But no, he put his pride before her pert buttocks and look how it turned out.

hence why she wrapped her legs around him again.

i feel like if i was in this situation i'd be like the guy who offered the busty woman $1000 to bite her boobs

What makes those obese men think that they're allowed to touch girls?

bring back bullying tbh

He was just gifting some mayocide

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shit like this prolly happens daily. who cares, people fuck up, people get hurt because they fuck up. next year no one will remember and next week no one on reddit will remember

make that tomorrow for reddit, maybe even after lunch break and the new links roll in

This kid I went to highschool with somehow got paralyzed when being pushed into a pool. I googled and the same thing happened to a British lady http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3567610/Paralyzed-bride-reveals-hasn-t-spoken-best-friend-pushed-pool-YEAR-severing-ties-woman-used-defend.html

Remember no woman is ever in the right on reddit.....unless it is a porn star saying "size dont matter".

Weird, seems more like on reddit women are goddesses who can do no wrong and #killallmen

See, the difference is my narrow worldview from my circlejerk is right while your narrow worldview from your circlejerk is wrong

Maybe on twox and relationship advice.

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That's a bit disingenuous there OP. First point, that is a humor sub, and my comment was flippant and intended as humor. Second, if you find yourself getting thrown into a pool, it's in your best interest to let go. The video clearly demonstrates that point.

Shaddap you fat hating nazi.

LOL wut?

You posted on a hate sub. That makes you evil.

Is it? Am I just a self hating fat guy? I thought I was just having a laugh because it's funny to watch people fall down, but even more funny when they are fat. I used to bounce on a pogo stick because it was hilarious to see my big ass bouncing around.

So you're fat and a fat hater? Technically everyone hates you.

Tell me something I don't know.

Humour sub lol

How would you describe it?

Well it'd have to be funny first.

You don't find any posts in that sub funny or do you mean just that particular post?

I'm not saying I don't find any of the posts on the sub funny. I'm saying none of the posts on the sub are funny.

"Lol look at this fatty. Not like us enlightened skeleton and skinnyfats".

The first part is accurate enough, but the second part doesn't fit.

I'm pretty hefty and I get a good laugh from it. Does everything have to be a battle for who can be the most offended?

"Does everything have to be a battle for who can be the most offended?"

Yes, yes it does.

Oh, well, then my mistake. I thought this was America.

my comment was flippant

Mate, there's three edits. The third of which being longer than the rest of the comment combined lmao

When I went to bed it was just the first line and the lowest comment in the post. Then this morning my inbox had had a shitload of replies. So the edits are what I added as I was going through and reading all the retarded shit.

y do u care?

Ultimately? I don't, but while I have some time to kill it's fun to chat it up online and read what everyone has to say. I like to see what other people think, and maybe they have something interesting to say or bring some new perspective to a subject I hadn't thought of.

He also argues his point like a mofo throughout the thread lol.

So vexed

nothing so dramatic, though I do realize the sub I'm in

What about all your other comments where you argued with everyone about why it was her fault and why it is ok to throw people into pools?

I'm obviously a dichotomy.

Good Lord, don't fucking throw people. Simple problem solved right there. Unless you are standing at the top rope and there is a table below you, because that would change everything.

But what if there's a gay, and we're on top of a tall building? He probably won't jump by himself.

Tell them there is a live recording of RPDR on the street.

What race?

I don't discriminate which gays deserve to be thrown from tall buildings.


kill all fats

and white women

but mostly fats.