Is it okay to call the wife of a man who insults women a hooker? Feminists have trouble settling the question.

63  2017-02-21 by bigtool123


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Jacob Bernstein

Always the Jews...

You could say he got...


It has always been the Jews.

Not thicc enough tbh

perfect amount of thicc


Like anyone here has a job.

I like that pixelated tits apparently require a NSFW warning, but the "Jews did this" gif, that the bot randomly posts, doesn't. What sort of jobs do you guys have? Does Breitbart pay you well?

Pixelated? Are you a fucking Jap?

'rendered with visible pixels, low-resolution'.

236 × 401 isn't exactly HD.

we are all pixelated online bruv

thank you, Jaden Smith.

How Can Drama Be Real If Our Autism Isn't Real

We are ALL pixelated on this blessed day

She's got such nice opinions.


Why would any professional call a woman who is not a sex worker a hooker?

That's like basic sexual harassment 101 shit. I don't understand why it's news that some feminist lady called them out for that shit. Also why the reporter still has a job.

Oh wait he's from the New York Times, how respectable.

Why would any professional call a woman who is not a sex worker a hooker?

I mean, she didn't marry Donald for his winning personality. What do you call it?

a gold digger is a sex hobbyist at best

You mean capitalist.

even worse

You're just jealous that you haven't found a way to print money with your genitals yet.

please dont remind me of that incident, ive been through a lot of reconstructive surgery but the mental scars never heal

I mean, she didn't marry Donald for his winning personality. What do you call it?

She may well have and been a gold digger at the same time. Money/Power/Fame are sexually attractive to females. Its not crazy to think that its all part of a whole package there.

It is though

What is?

I'm an ok looking guy in good shape and lets pretend I'm not married but back on the dating market.

If I drive up in a Nova and tell a woman I work at Arby's.

If I drive up in a new car and tell her I'm a doctor.

Which one of "me", provided I do noting different, has the best chance of getting laid that night and having a long term relationship with that woman?

Now here is the rub part, status etc is all part of the female attraction scale when looking for a LTR. Yes some women are pure gold diggers and actively are seeking such, but it really applies to almost all when they are considering a potential mate.

Basically being rich famous and powerful simply makes panties wet, literally, in a lot of women. Trump had all three.

ok looking guy in good shape

I can stop you right there buddy.

not mentioning social skills or charm

He is not fanatsy inducing or appealing in by any stretch of any standards. His $$$ on the other hand...thats quite different than actual sexual arousal or attraction, fyi.

Way to absolutely dodge the question.

The question is completely irrelevant, because obviously stability and money is a positive thing, but nothing about that hypothetical is a defense of trump somehow being actually attractive.

Are you seriously going to tell me that Donald and Melania is literally the first couple you've seen where you don't understand the attraction?

Uhhh no it's pretty obvious what the attraction is dude, and it has nothing to do with trumps "winning personality"

Sure, but my point is that it's hardly the only example of that.

Unless youre trying to imply Melania only had suitors abaolutely identical to trump but not rich? I dont know still makes no sense.

Honestly, if it wasn't for divorce laws, what would be wrong with golddiggers anyway? Liking someone for their accomplishments ($$$) isn't any worse than liking them for their appearance or whatever.

I mean, I fully expect that if I end up a .01%er I'm going to have a way better wife than if I end up a 10%er.

It's shallow and mercenary. There's nothing "wrong" with it, exactly (but I don't think there's anything wrong with sex work) but marrying somebody for their looks or their money is more transactional than marrying somebody because you enjoy their company and are personally compatible.

than marrying somebody because you enjoy their company and are personally compatible.

Which is all just conjecture at this point anyway.

Thank goodness we have you hear to explain to us why people we don't know do the things they do.

Life is much easier this way...

If I can't call women hookers once I become a professional I'm dropping out of school to sell weed.

How much for 5 grams?

I'm dropping out of school to sell weed.

Dude we know that's going to be the end result anyway, why are you dropping cash on school?

I was kidding, I wouldn't really sell weed.

I'd sell coke like an adult.

That's really the better plan.

I think they were alluding in a crude way to the rumors and stories (that were retracted after lawsuits were filed) that she worked as a high class sex worker when she was modeling.

Why would any professional call a woman who is not a sex worker a hooker?


I don't understand why it's news that some feminist lady called them out for that. Look the sky is blue.

How do you not understand? Were you expecting other feminists to do something different?

Also why the reporter still has a job.

Because current news.

I'm not sure what rock you live under but the word hooker is practically reserved for non-hookers judging by everyday use.

I'm not sure what rock you live under but most would think the word hooker is practically reserved for non-hookers judging by everyday use.

Ratajkowski opposing slut shaming is like Milo opposing pedo shaming.

don't you dare make fun of my waifu.

Ratajkowski is an outspoken feminist


I was like "who is this even"

She has tits and says "lol look at my tits also I'm a feminist you guys XD" while getting said tits out so everyone can jerk off to her tits. She's a 69th wave feminist.

I mean, they're very nice tits. I've enjoyed looking at her tits several times. I just didn't realise at the time that I was engaging in one-handed feminism.

They look like cartoon eyes though


Why is their website so shit? Just really awfully designed.

It's wrong to call her a hooker, but that doesn't mean you have to defend the bitch.

Wrong to call her a bitch, dick.

Ratajkowski has cracking norks and lets me see them, so I support her.