Now that the first meme war is over, it's turn for trannies vs lesbian on /r/GenderCritical : a retarded slapfight of doxxing and stalking, and enough cringe to cause collateral damages [for retards : the main drama is in the article linked in this post]

21  2017-02-21 by BannedFromImzy


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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TERFs are such an undermined resource on here. I would assume TERFs generate enough drama in a week to power this sub for a full year.

Why is big Drama trying to hide the potential gains that can be found in high efficiency TERF drama? What's their hidden agenda? Who's getting paid off here?

TERF hate everyone except cis lesbians. And they better not be bi! Or be too tolerant of trannies.

To be fair tho, MTFS who are attracted to women are retards who should be killed and murdered.

Except, like, really hot ones like Bailey Jay. So, I guess, like 1/1000 MTFS need to be purged. Next will be furries, then communists, then atheists, and finally anime. Once it is all gone, our Internet will be free and my autistic rage quelled.

To be fair tho, MTFS who are attracted to women are retards who should be killed and murdered.

Are you kidding? They're the smart ones. Women will never see them coming. They are fighting to gain access to female spaces, this way they'll have a huge advantage compared to trying to get pussy as males. How easier it must be to take a woman home when she thinks you're just another woman. And then the dick comes into play when the doors are locked.

But I only know of two of these transgender lesbians : Chris-Chan and /u/LIATG, so I'm not familiar with all their tactics though.

its surprisingly easy to bed even a terf if you get srs. by the time they realize youre an autogynophiliac male spy its too late

Before she realizes, she's in the pit in your basement, putting the lotion on her skin.

It should be a logan's run kinda deal. If you're an MTF, you get to stay on the mainland until 30 while you still can kinda fool people if they squint their eyes a bit.

After 30, they should ship you off to shemale island, an artificial island (just like its inhabitant's vaginas) where transwomen over 30 can live for upkeep (cleaning, other commune stuff) but they only get to fuck other transwomen over 30.

I don't think they'd even dislike that. It's the best solution for everyone.

I'm going to email Donald Trump about this, it's the future we deserve, really.

Once it is all gone, our Internet will be free and my autistic rage quelled.

Do not lie, you will always be filled with impotent autistic rage


I post their stuff once in a while for giggles

You think they could be breaking down traditional sexist gender roles by not being catty petty as fuck bitches.

Nah that's just an illusion cooked up by the patriarchy to make you believe TERFs are just jealous most trannies are better adjusted women than themselves.

catty petty as fuck bitches

Is that why there are so many TERFs on girlchan?

You do realize that this comment is going to end up on the stalker sub with something like, "White TERF celebrates gatekeeping, laughs at driving trans POC to suicide." :P.

White TERF celebrates gatekeeping, laughs at driving trans POC to suicide.

All of this can be easily explained by penis envy.