Dykes in the WNBA bully straight women with several bonus anectdotal evidence.

22  2017-02-22 by WorldStarCroCop


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r/nba immediately locks thread despite all of the top comments being reasonable: https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/5vfuyn/candice_wiggins_quit_wnba_because_of_reverse/


Michael, have you ever met a lesbian in real life?

You need to go into the politics and current events board there, it's half /r/politics and half SRS.


Read my post again, it's exactly what I'd say

Oh I didn't realize you were referencing realgm and thought you were talking about reddit. Yeah I got banned like 9 years ago for suggesting that banning guns was a bad idea because then only Gilbert Arenases and not Dirk Nowitizkis will have guns

I still remember the name of the biggest lolcow there and I haven't had a RealGM account since like 2010ish: Professor Frink.

only Gilbert Arenases and not Dirk Nowitizkis will have guns


What's the difference?

/r/nba locked their thread about this story in like, an hour of it being posted.

Obviously it belongs in the thriving /r/wnba subreddit.

913 subscribers

Yes, I'm here for the bonus anecdotal evidence. If anyone doesn't want to play along at home the woman is a crazy homophobe.

hat a large amount of girls in the WNBA would fall somewhere outside the realm of "straight" wouldn't necessarily surprise me because a large amount of people in our larger society do

Less than 4% isn't a large amount. Before I can make an opinion on this, can anyone more autistic than me find her appearance on the 700 club and say what the topic of conversation was?



It's pretty much your standard born-again witnessing stuff. Nothing terribly exciting, tbh.

Everything about this is gay