Pro-Trump most secular country in the middle east gets r/The_Donald treatment just because they're in the middle east and talked to some faggot from Canada.

11  2017-02-22 by WorldStarCroCop


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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does the alt right hate Hezbollah for being Muslim, or like them for hating Jews?

why not both

No, Hezbollah are the good terrorists who together with secular Assad and Iran fight against the bad terrorists.

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the_doofus is a great example for why women shouldn't drink heavily during pregnancy

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I have to admit, their bots give me keks

which bot gets you to stop posting forever?

The one that makes me bantz at your level fam

Syria was the most secular middle eastern country before the rest of the world tried to impose an islamic state on them through supporting rebels. If Assad goes down, there won't be any chance left of having a secular Syria.

before the rest of the world US and Saudis


Syria was the most secular middle eastern country

Hahahaha no. That would be Jordan.

Hey I went to highschool with Jordan

What makes you think that? I think lebanon might have been more secular than Syria, but Syria was quite close to being as secular.

Except for their huge amount of religious extremists due to Assad's lax attitude towards jihadists during the invasion of Iraq.

"secular " Assad used the fact that minority groups would be fucked in arse if the sunni's got into power. So the minority groups have no choice other than support Assad or get fucked by Muslims.

Like the Sunnies have tried before to overthrow the Syrian gov before. So Assad pretty much stacked the gov with non-sunnies which pretty much secular in not to many sunnies.

Yeah, it was the only way to not have minority groups stay alive, or they would have a genocide on them, like the sunni rebels have been conducting in areas the came into power of. Although there were sunni minorities as well, as sunni kurds, sufis, and so on.

So the minority groups have no choice other than support Assad or get fucked by Muslims.

and what's the situation now, after enlightened SJWs from the west decided to support Islamist rebels?

Well with western support for the rebels makes it bit hard to rely on the west. Most of the middle eastern countries support the rebels can't rely on them either.

So form that only sane option would be throwing the dice with being pro-government.

not drama. Is retarded. post freely.

Not drama, yes, but agenda posts like this bring out the salty fucks like you whining about it which is entertaining.

If those bots spent time searching job websites maybe, just maybe most of those bitter men would find a job and fulfill the destiny of a superior race.

But seriously, it’s always like this… people who have zero contribution to the progress of a given group they nominally belong to are the ones who will always and without exception un-ironically project all their insecurities and anxieties about said progress onto some other group perceived not to be blessed with the progress just so they get that imaginary fleeting feeling of superiority and get through another day.

All the while, deep down in their hearts, they actually detest and reject the progress of their own group because they cannot, for whatever reason, succeed in it and want to be like the minority they perceive to be socially or politically underdeveloped.

I'm gonna vote if I want to, how is a bot gonna tell me what to do? I don't care if you are a bot, I'll kick your ass.

Ah yes, because as we all know Trump would NEVER make deals with these stupid Muslims! No siree!

First of all, wearing a hijab isn't mandatory in Lebanon like it is in Iran. Lebanon is also religiously diverse and it's 50% Muslim, 40% Christian. When I visited Lebanon, most young girls and women there didn't wear the hijab. It was mainly old women.