How can someone be so oppressed and sexist? /r/polyamory vegan homebrewers are upset that a cis male doesn't want other guys dicking down his girlfriend.

75  2017-02-22 by bigtool123


Jews did this


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ALL the comment threads are worth it. There is even one of them accusing him of misappropriating Kaitlyn Jenner's gender.

I thought it was clear that Caitlyn identifies as an apache helicopter

I am a heterosexual polyamorist. Wow. That feels amazing to say.

I am an unironic communist and this post makes me think "the left was a mistake"

Do you live at home? Have a job? I got banned on /r/LateStageCapitalism recently for posting an article that concluded the vast majority of communist protestors still live with their mom.

Must've hit a little too close to home, thus putting their mother in danger. Shame on you.

I'm at work :/

of course i have a job.

i indoctrinate children for a living

Ah, /r/srd mod.

Oh please, not all of them are pedophiles.

My job is turning them gay, whats your specialty?

fully automated luxury gay space communism

Get that shit-tier meme out of here boi

i'll stop posting it when global capitalism finally collapses under its own weight and we usher in the end of history and the liberation of all workers

It's not a totally implausible finding but the sourcing looks super shady. A secret BfV study that only Bild (like The Sun but worse) has access to? But we can't see anything about the methodology, sampling, definitions, etc? And it seems to be talking only about people arrested at protests, and there's no comparison to the 21-24 male demographic group generally, etc etc. Pretty worthless report IMO.

hoho what an epic troll 😏

posting an article that concluded the vast majority of communist protestors still live with their mom.

Lol, saved for future use.

Source is shitty

Either way it'll cause some butthurt.

In fairness that article is from Bild, which is basically the German equivilent of the Sun or Daily Mail. Its always getting criticised for not sourcing shit properly and has been very conservative/anti-communist historically. LSC is run by 14 year old tankies though so fuck em.

I'm a Marxist and I got banned from latestagecapitalism because I said their policy of banning people for using the word "bitch" was liberal bullshit

Bro what the fuck how are you losing track of the plot? The guy is saying "I can fuck multiple girls, but those girls better not fuck multiple guys". He isn't leftist, he's a player who calls it polyamory and then got offended when he got called out for his shit.

Imagine getting "called out" by cuckolds. lol

You are very close to a breakthrough. I believe in you, hooper.

I'm also an unironic communist who had the same reaction.

No, I can personally confirm as a non-straight trans poly person that the sentiment you've seen directed at you here does not compare at all to the bigotry I've experienced because I'm not-straight and/or trans (and by the way, 'queer' is a slur, it's not yours to reclaim, and your saying it so freely as a straight man does not endear you to us).


/u/Spockface with the serious kinkshaming there bruv.

Sounds like yer just a whiny cunt.

Ew. Just...ew, that's all I can really say. I'm with two guys, one of them is even straight, and he feels nothing like that at all. He'll even go to bed early so my other boyfriend and I can have some solo time. This isn't an alt so I don't want to get too into it but, long story short, we're an LDR and he'll be down for threesomes when we meetup in real life one day but he prefers to not do the whole over Skype thing in a group because he's decided it's kind of odd to have his best friend's (yes, as an added bonus, they're best friends in real life) dick in the corner of his screen.


Internet relationship lol


he'll be down for threesomes when we meetup in real life one day

Oh, honey

lol cuck

lol skype in 2017

Also we think you probably hate the jews and pour milk in before the cereal

I demand this guy answer for this incredibly bad post years ago.

The guy just needs good dicking. Nothing breaks toxic masculinity like prostate orgasm caused by fellow alpha's mighty schlong.

Also letting their girlfriend watch that sexy man/man action, which is something all men really need to do for their girlfriends unless they want to be misogynists.

Yes!!! As a woman who loves gay porn I totally agree.

You know what kind of girls like gay porn?

Fat girls.

Did anime lie to me?

Well, that depends. Did you look at who was buying the anime?


Oh no.

I'm not far tho. Unless you're pro ana.


^ This guy has the experience.

Feminism in men is achieved this way, one wave at one anal orgasm at time.

I'm currently on 6th.

Thanks for confirming my suspicions of male feminists.


We don't really need to know how many liters of semen you have licked out of your girl's asshole.

your girl

Implying ownership is extremely problematic


What's an OPP?

"one penis policy"

Somebody needs to get a little Naughty By Nature in their lives.

Yep, had to listen to that as soon as I saw it.


I was gonna say, "One Penis Policy" is exactly the opposite of what OPP really means.

(That and Ontario Provincial Police)

That sub read him the house down, under the cement.

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Stale vegan polyamory.

think of it as dumpster diving

I don't even know whose side to take here. It's like a mosh pit of faggotry with everyone trying to crowd surf.

It's a mosh pit full of invalids.

The OPP fag is definitely the worst of the bunch, your path is clear.

Most fags I know are def not OPP lol.

You're thinking about gayfags.


I really enjoyed the sperging from u/shortergirl. Good times for all!


Teach me your godly ways so that I may become a Harem king with a giant gathering of Waifu's who will never leave me.

anime has taught me that to be a Harem King requires: being completely generic and forgettable as a person; somehow never actually getting any despite constantly having it thrown at you; and possibly being unaware of what pussy even is, as all of your sexual escapades centre on looking at and/or touching boobies and nothing more

anime was a mistake

Damn... That requires an immense amount of discipline.

I must train more.


He sounds like a total cuck... wait.

You joke, but I imagine he's precisely the kind of person who would rage out if he were actually called a cuck to his face.

Well, yeah, because unlike everyone else in that thread, he isn't an actual cuckold.

I don't get why some people can't admit they aren't poly, they just want to fuck a lot of chicks. Seems easier than playing these mental gymnastics.

The newer section of society frowns upon a man sleeping around with women unless women also do it. Most people seek validation from society.

I mean, I personally don't mind if women sleep around, I wish more people did it, safely. Now, if I was in a relationship with someone, then I would not like it if they were sleeping around while they are in a relationship with me.

I guess I am just monogamous that way.

Yeah but the point is he sleeps around with multiple women, but he doesn't want them sleeping around with other guys (women are ok tho).

It's hypocritical as fuck.

"I like to put my penis into women. I also let menput their penis into me. Only so I won't be hypocritical!" <---- this is you, you are a gay

Christ you're retarded

And you are a literal cuckold. :-D

yeah if you base your opinion on a misinterpretation of what I said.

Snort bleach you dumbass waste of breath.

hahahaha, a literal cuck. It is amazing. People furiously defending their identity as second-hand jizz-snarfers. 2017 is the best.

some of us are capable of fucking a girl and not falling so in love that we demand a hypocritical relationship out of them.

It's called not being an insecure bitch. Try it sometime.

You are busy falling in love with your girlfriend's bull, ahahahahahaha

only someone as desperate as you would see a girlfriend-boyfriend relationship in the situation described here.

Call your mom man, you need to talk to some real people.

Oh, you definitely aren't a boyfriend. You are just the cuck in the corner.

As long as you don't take an already existing relationship and then demand to sleep with more women while she can't do the same with men then hypocrisy is irrelevant.

Lots of things people desire in relationships are technically hypocritical, not every issue has to be a power struggle to reach perfect equality

there's a reason the sub was so triggered by the guy.

poly usually is what you call it if a girl wants to sleep around with many guys.

Valuable opinion coming from a guy whose username is "progressive fragility"

thanks franny :)

I don't think that guy wants to be a polyamorist, he wants a Harem.

He should consider converting to Mormonism or Islamism

How does he fuck anyone if he explains all that shit to them beforehand like he claims

Well he tells them all that, which bores them to sleep. Then he can have his way with them. If there is another guy around it ruins it cause somone is still awake to object.

Ahh, that explains how he manages to get 5 at once.

Indeed. He figured out that if women all go to the bathroom together, they'll also all get sleepy together in the face of a boring AF conversation.

That definitely belonged in r/drama. While nearly everyone in the threads were naming and shaming him, I saw nothing wrong with what he stated. He and his partners have that arrangement and they're all consenting adults. That's how he identifies. So what? Fuck overly sensitive pansies.

Um, obviously, it is homophobic and transphobic.

Phobic, how? He knows what he wants and if women are okay with that, power to them all.

I don't make the rules. I just enforce them.

🙄 oh, lordy

The lengths one has to go to in order to not be a bigot these days. It is getting to be too much.

I have swallowed so much of my wife's boyfriend's semen. I'm afraid to tell her I'm not actually gay.

Holy shit, I guess if he had taken a dick they would have welcomed him?

What's wrong with keeping a Harem? Arabs do it all the time.

You just answered yourself.


2D harems best harems