69  2017-02-22 by ThatOtherPromise


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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92% is worse than any country on that map

Hate to say it, but this chump's right. 92% is far more than the average listed there.

Who are you calling "chump," you fucking sperg?

Shhhh, no more words bby, the doves are about to cry.

Eat my ass

german average: 23%.

german antifa average: 92%

Why are you not jerking against the antifa?

are you some sort of commie rie?

i was mostly making fun of yuropoors with that comment

>equating germanu with the rest of yurop


>eurocucks having any sort of pride

toppest kek

Said the burger with president trump

You're just jelly because we could literally elect a shit-flinging baboon and every country in Europe would still be our bitch.

Yeah, such a bitch like UK who won't even receive him in parliament..... that's not humiliating at aaalll

That's just bitches being bitches. If we seriously said jump there isn't a nation in Europe that wouldn't have to answer with "how high?"

keep telling yourself that, you brave pedeophile

brave pedeophile

Implying anyone in /r/Drama has sex.

Britain is as independent of us as Scotland is independent of Britain.



That's Mister President to you, fuckboi.

retarded tinyhands tampertrumpet is what i call him, pedeophile

Tiny hands are a favorite of globalist cucks!

the pedeophiles needs children with small hands to get their sick rocks off

Yeah, that's why globalists are involved with so many "children's charities". It explains a lot.

no, its you pedeophiles im talking about, PEDEOPHILES

Oh, centipedes. I get it.

It's not pride being Yuro, it's pride not being you.

"MOMMMMMMMMMM!! Where is my bandanna? Yes I'll be back by 11."

I mean isnt this the case with most European millennials?

Nah, i got exiled by my family

What are you? A slav?


What was the offense for exiling?

I left Islam.

They also think i'm possessed

Possessed by what?

A Djinn


Like Prince of Persia? Do you have time traveling abilities?

i wish

What would you do first?

Well he has joined the 21st century, so yes?

Is that an arabic term for extra chromosomes?

No, that's called a كروموسوم الساحر

Chromosome Magician. I like it, I'm going to start using that now.

>google translate >"chromosome magician"

fucking lol

Oh shit.

Did they try and read Quran on you?


Turns out i have schizophrenia, and the anti-psychotics work a lot better than Surahs.


My cousin became a Christian and the whole family cut her out. I didn't, because she was like my older sister and her religion didn't change who she was. But it was horrible seeing her deal with everything alone and without her family. I no longer speak with her family, you can't do that and claim you're a decent human.

I hope you have some good people around you now.

Yeah, i get along fine. It could've been a lot worse, given the circumstances.

Ha I thought you were joking in the other thread. Sorry for trying to correct you on the meaning of schizoid.

np m8

I'm actually mostly schizoid, the positie symptoms are relatively mild in my case.

That sounds cool af tbh fam

I left Islam.




Yeah living with your parents well into your 20s doesn't have the same stigma as it does in the US

only southerners

shocked that young people live with their parents in the current economy?

current economy

nigga c'mon 90%?

you think people who got nothing to lose and lash out with violence are the kinds that have good enough financial circumstances to move out of their parents' house?


so 90% makes sense right?

it seemed like you were blaming the economy, not the loser antifa

How are symptoms of increased unemployment not the fault of the economy? Or is "economic anxiety" just a right wing meme?

being unemployed doesn't turn you into antifa, being an idiot does.

I feel like you're kind of missing the bigger picture here.

i get what you're saying but antifa isn't a symptom, they've always been around

Of course they were, but they're definitely growing in number. And at some point you have to ask what's happening to fuel radical politics in every ideological strain. It's weird that there was so much talk pre- and post-election about how right wingers were motivated by a bad economy to "burn it all down" but left wingers literally burning it all down are presumed to come from something else.

i think you're assuming i hold a view that i don't

right wingers definitely don't

That's probably where we disagree. I think mocking "economic anxiety" was a dumb liberal meme that ignores that real people are having the economy fail them and are desperate. There are real economic problems in the west and real results are going to be felt from the people affected once they have nothing left to lose, no matter their ideologies. I don't have to agree with the reaction to say "yeah I expect a new generation being told they'll likely never afford their own housing won't take it that well"

how about both? few younger people are moving out of their parents' house in general these days.

but you said...

shocked that young people live with their parents in the current economy?

Fucking losers

It's pretty uncommon in Germany actually.

Get a job, retard.

i have one

I'm supposed to take a tabloid study seriously? What is this?

It sounds abour right though


Feels not reals

This but unironically

Typical fake news from the altright. Yknow global warming is a Chinese conspiracy etc. Facts don't matter anymore!

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Global warming is not a Chinese conspiracy. It is a leftist conspiracy.

No, you should only listen to leftist academics. Good boy.

The study was carried out with data from Germany, and published in the German tabloid BILD


The result does kind of sound right though. People with nothing to lose are probably way more likely to become violent protesters on either side.

How is that wew tho?

BILD is a tabloid, it'd be like if the National Inquirer did a study that found 92% of bigfoots lived in Maine.

that would be retarded, though. everyone knows montana is america's bigfoot hotbed

If I'm going to be the first to capture him, you need to stop fucking giving out his address.

PNW, you dunce.

I watch Finding Bigfoot pretty religiously and basically all of rural america is squatch country

Good studies get published in peer-reviewed journals (or at least open-access journals) not tabloid newspapers.

Plus, Bild's reputation is not in a good place right now. Just in the past week they have been challenged for publishing a story about "Arab sex mobs" that was fake news. Not even fake news where they exaggerated and blew actual events out of proportion, but rather nothing happened at all. A complete fabrication, and Frankfurt police called them out.

lol snopes is so bad with anything remotely political

theyre like FALSE DEBUNKED NO SEX MOBS but then right under that they clarify

In 2016, large numbers of robberies and sexual assaults were reported during New Year’s festivities throughout Germany, particularly in Cologne. Germany’s federal police found that at least 1,200 women were assaulted across the country, igniting a debate about immigration after many of the suspects were reported to be of North African origin.

but totally not a "sex mob" its DEBUNKED because of the terminology

This refers to a specific alleged incident which did not happen.

whyd they clarify with the bottom paragraph that specifically describes what happened on that date then

"yeah like a thousand people got raped by africans but it wasnt a sex mob so youre wrong"

snopes in a nutshell

I'm curious if you are illiterate, or just on drugs.

BILD ran a story saying that there was a Muslim rape gang in Frankfurt on New Years eve.

The Frankfurt police were surprised, an released a statement saying that it was the first they had heard of this - no reports were called in and no victims or witnesses came forward.

BILD checked their sources and found out that their witnesses had lied about being in town that night.

BILD retracted the story and apologized.

Snopes wrote a summary, and included as background an acknowledgement that there were new years eve Muslim rape gangs in cities other than Frankfurt

yeah ok cool im wrong on that one because i didnt put enough effort into finding an example, im willing to admit that

but snopes is still trash and you can cite anything theyve written since the election as proof

You're going off the fucking deep end. Just because fucking neo-Nazis disagree with the media doesn't reflexively make the media wrong, dude.

eh my point about snopes still stands, just look at anything theyve said about trump

Just because neo-Nazis disagree with the media doesn't reflexively make the media wrong, dude.

and just because the media calls people theyre at odds with neo nazis doesnt actually make that true either

Bow to reality once in a while.

which is what exactly, whats your take on this

That was 2015/2016, the recent story was about 2016/2017. But yeah, Snopes really is awful for politics. (Or if the "bios" of their authors are anything to go by, for anything that's not Internet degeneracy.)

is it? i remember they denied it happening 2015/16 too

did you see the wikileaks thing that came out that said sweden has been lying about this shit out of embarassment

Those happened in different cities though...

Nothing happened in Frankfurt, and the """witnesses""" that BILD used were not even in the location that they claimed. No victims came forward. Nothing was reported to the police. Nothing happened in Frankfurt.

The fact that snopes bothered to give the context of other cities should make you happy because it supports your narrative.

Leftist studies get published in peer-reviewed journals not tabloid newspapers.

Well that's just, like, your gay opinion man

Yeah, rightist studies get published in tabloid newspapers. Nice self-own.

Admitting that Marxists have taken over academia. Social science is therefore fraudulent.

No, they haven't, what the fuck are you talking about?

Yeah, I'm torn between this coming from BILD and fucking Heat St, and it actually sounding correct.

What do

It also got published in the Daily Mail recently, lol

That feeling you are experiencing is MAGA being born, friend.

nobody with anything important to do thinks "resisting" trump is a worthwhile effort basically

Btw, BILD wrote it was a study by the German domestic security agency, but somehow they're the only ones with access to it.

Good catch. Will have to wait and see if/when the official study is released. Science reporting - especially in tabloids - is often shoddy at best, so seeing the full study will be important.

Quick, someone post this article in r/anarchism!

So... rioters were far more likely to be in a poor enough economic conditions that they couldn't afford housing?

So... rioters were far more likely to be in a poor enough economic conditions that they couldn't afford housing middle/upper class white kids who refuse to do anything productive with their lives?

Corrected for accuracy.

Imagine being an able-bodied white man and still fail, lol

The study was carried out with data from Germany, and published in the German tabloid BILD

So this is like not being able to afford a few hundred MTurkers to produce the same result?

When they say ‘Anti-Fascist’ do they mean Anti-Fascist or Anti-Trump/Anti-Democracy

Same thing, really.

Being Anti-Democracy is Pro-Fascism.

I vote democratically - for fascism!

Reddit in a nutshell

I don't like the implication that living alone makes me a fascist.