Fatlogic in TIL creates long arguments

29  2017-02-22 by aonome


Jews did this


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  2. Obesity is a gene - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  3. "It's not fat peoples' fault" - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  4. Thread sorted by controversial - archive.org, megalodon.jp, ceddit.com, archive.is*

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Omg, you have to like, keep up exercise and good eating habits even after you've lost the weight!?!?

Must be genetics.

That said, peeps on reddit can be downright meanspirited about the whole issue. If people acknowledge that they're unhealthy and don't go around abdicating responsibility than whatever. It's none of my business.

If people acknowledge that they're unhealthy and don't go around abdicating responsibility than whatever.

Please. There was SRD drama like last week where people were literally shaking about having to take responsibility.

Sounds like they need to get help then.

or less caffine. sometimes its the small things that can really have an impact on your physical health and its understandable that big triggers like a reddit comment could set that off

/u/shith_lard. In retrospect, what did you expect was going to happen when you led with your jaw?

I expected people to read the study I linked and have a rational argument based on it?

that study has nothing to do with starvation mode. it is a measure of leptin after weight loss.

yes and what do leptin and ghrelin do?

To put it simply, when a fat person loses weight the body thinks it's starving and tries to maintain the obese state. It's a constant struggle that can be seen as an addiction, except it's like telling an an alcoholic that he needs exactly 1 pint of beer a day to survive.

Leptin does not tell the body it's starving.

No leptin inhibits hunger. I briefly glanced through your article, and it does comfirm that leptin level fell after weight loss. I do recall a study that said supplementing leptin caused weight loss, but it was only temporary.

here's a follow-up study that discusses leptin. it is by no means related to "starvation mode".


I responded to you somewhere else, but let's keep the convo below the link. Not clear on what you mean by leptin is not related to "starvation mode," not to mention that the term seems to be controversial. Can you clarify on that?

Maybe it was a poor choice of words on your part to bring up starvation, but the myth of "starvation mode" is that there is a point at which your body will think it's starving and somehow magically increase the caloric intake of what you're eating so that you gain weight, even if still eating at a deficit.

Leptin proteins are interesting, but we are still a long, long ways off from determining whether or not they are the culprit behind failure at maintenance. It's looking like they may be a factor, but still probably not as much of a factor as psychological and social attitudes toward eating. There is some limited studies that suggest that leptin therapy can help people with a maintenance weight. At worst, leptin makes food cravings slightly worse, but would not be a similar response to starvation.


I wasn't too familiar with the term "starvation mode" so I wasn't aware of negative connotations associated with the word "starving." Now I have to wonder if the conversation would have been more productive had I used a different word.

In any case, endocrinology is a fascinating subject that I don't hope to encounter again. We shouldn't forget though that leptin isn't the only factor contributing to this. As I mentioned there are other numerous factors such as ghrelin, GRP and things I definitely better understood as an undergraduate. To put into perspective, nicotine addiction is also associated with a minimal change in our brain, but nicotine "craving" is well known to most of us. I would argue the same for food for obese individuals, but I am in no way specialized enough to offer my opinion.

My original intent was to offer some understanding and scientific insight and understanding, (I was in no way condoning poor lifestyle choices) but it seems like I was distracted by less than tasteful comments.

That being said, I'm happy that I got to exchange studies with one person at least.

Yeah, that's what I meant by leading with your jaw! Those magic words will summon a reddit shitstorm. And, yes, things can go off of the rails pretty quickly.

I think there is evidence that leptin is related to cravings. So while leptin replacement therapy helps reduce cravings, it is still a psychological/social condition in how an individual responds to cravings. For example, I do a cut every spring and I can absolutely feel the lower leptin levels by craving the worst possible foods. Usually meatball calzones. So it's certainly a factor.

I do recall, long term leptin therapy was not very successful as the body responds to extra leptin by building up resistance in similar way type 2 diabetics do with insulin. Can't argue with the psycho/social conditioning though!

Ugh you guys...what subreddit am I in


Ahhh....There we go :)

A meatball calzone sounds delicious.

The best way to make fat people lose weight is to just wait for a while, eventually they will drown after they slip in the shower and decompose and then they will weigh very little!

fat floats though.

It's hard to float when it's impossible to fully fill your lungs because a small animal worth of flesh sits atop them constantly

I was wondering why the Dutch are just tall and not fat. I thought all the water would make them tall AND fat, but it turns out that the fat ones just choke on their own fat and die.

Ok which one of you illiterate fucks actually read the study I linked?

We know why your name has "lard" in it now.

oh wow got me.

I like you. Stick around, biggie.

Oh I used to play ffxiv. I think I quit right before Alexander, And those extreme primals were WAY too much for me.

Discovering the method by which something happens doesn't somehow mean that thing always happens or is definitely going to happen. Fat people searching out "studies" to justify their behavior is just like the tobacco industry funding studies to find tobacco isn't harmful. We aren't surprised the studies exist, we can see the fat people all around us, it isn't going to stop us from not being fat asses.

absence of proof is not a proof of absence /bong rip

Aren't the not fat people proof enough?

oh god your flag...

Stick around, man,

I genuinely have nothing else to do today.

We all can tell.

I got an idea, how about I eat an entire chocolate cake and NOT go for a jog?

Then you gain weight

I thought everyone else had anti-fat genes.

Crazy how the world works, right

more like how I don't WORK, amirite. guise?

Are you baiting for neg karma or

You mean my flaming thread that's on its way to Valhalla?

Both this and that thread

Oh that one started off as a sincere input, then people started upvoting the other guy who was obviously wrong. So I flipped and nuked everything. I regret nothing.

Just...let it burn I guess

can't think of a better way to spend tonight.

You have the vast Internet at your fingertips, you don't need to be self destructive

yeah I'm also looking at cat pictures.

Wait, you edited your first comment to me. You didn't edit grammar. Son, I'm disappoint.

Came off as too harsh and it distracted from my main point

I can change it back if you want

naw mang it's cool.

Is an entire cake your normal pre-workout?

I chase after the stripper that pops out as a workout. then I eat the stripper.


I just posted your drama:


And it looks like it's already been posted in this thread, which really screwed over my post. I blame you for that.

So tell me, after all that, why the hell would I actually read whatever crap you linked?

You've already done enough.

Apologize to me and I'll read it.

I'll have you know bringing up my illiteracy is in very poor taste.

Obesity is a genetically inherited disease and it doesn't really have any relationship to actual weight. Many obese people develop eating disorders (to the point of death), and while they may appear to be stick thin, that doesn't mean they don't have obesity.

Hahaha are you fucking retarded? u/darknessvisible

Fat, the invisible killer.

/u/darknessvisible can you please explain or provide visual proof for how you can both be an obese land whale while at the same time being a skinny spooky skeletal?

Not too long ago I had to switch to a keto diet, my doc recommended it for a few things. The first thing I thought of was these kinds of arguments, and I wanted to fucking die.

these days I look like a skeleton because I just don't/can't eat, but that doesn't change the fact that I am obese.


He's very spooky