13  2017-02-23 by dramanazi




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that video was real fucked up tho

oh absolutely. fuck cops; i hope that dude gets arrested and sent to gen pop.

but fuck the retards who are too lazy to read the rules and just assume it's a russian cop conspiracy.

also, fuck you riemann. i hate you.

also, fuck you riemann. i hate you.

me too thanks

Fuck you, I love you.

The way the story goes is that the cop saw the kid doing something illegal, and called on duty cops and detained him. When the cop thought he was going to get jumped he pulled out the gun.

If that's true then whatever.

If he really is just pulling guns on kids then at least do it on white ones sheesh.

fuck cops

said the edgy teen

These attacks will only become more common in Drumpf's America unfortunately

this but unironically

Full video is even more fucked. As soon as a black person (child, in this case) is involved, the guns come out. Never change America.

black person


As soon as the black kid steps to make his cautious attempt at defending and of course posturing in front all his peers, that's when the gun comes out.

cautious attempt at defending

Is what we are calling assault now

no, we call it trying to prevent a kidnapping

Yes tackling someone is trying to prevent a kidnapping.

He was clearly kidnapping that kid not upset they were walking all over his property every day like the news reported.

Section 198.5 does let California residents use deadly force when they have a “reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or great bodily injury to self, family, or a member of their household”

A man has a right to protect his lawn.

Clearly the Kiddo was in the wrong since they arrested him.

One was booked on suspicion of battery and making criminal threats, and the other on suspicion of assault and battery.

The kid’s name is Christian Dorscht and he has been released from jail. His stepfather is a cop

The only reason the Kid was released is because his step-daddy is a Cop

nah youre right, that cop was completely rational and professional in how he handled that situation. a paragon in the local community, really. he should recieve some sort of medal, indeed.

how fucking american in the head can you get

nah youre right, that cop was completely rational and professional in how he handled that situation.

I never said this you retard.

Want to explain how assaulting someone for a reason you invented makes it any less of assault?

You should stop showing off how ignorant your Bourgeois lifestyle makes you of the issues.

You aren't even upset that the kid was released because his daddy is a Cop because it doesn't fit your crazy narrative.

grown man who is a cop tries to manhandle a tiny kid, trips over bushes, pulls out gun (takes about 3 secs, what a competent man), FIRES IT, all because he stepped on his lawn

you : gud jerb ! MURICA FIRST MAGAMAGA !!

You understand I never said this isn't fucked up right? Your projecting fantasies from your deformed mind onto me.

Like I literally said he did this because they walked on his lawn. Why would that make you think I think it's okay.

REEEEIng and downvoting won't make you any less of an upset dipshit.

no u

Castle Doctornie doesn't apply to dragging kids around on your lawn, you'd have to completely unaware of Laws like you've proven yourself to be

Kidnapping makes Assault not be Assault even if he was arrested for Assault aftewards.

To think I was serious like you did.

are you having a stroke ?

no u



How could that cop miss? It was point blank and he was holding the kid.