trump said something stupid upvotes to the left

39  2017-02-23 by supergauntlet


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downvoted and reported you cucked SRDine

Seeing a circle broker acknowledging circle-broke's circle jerk is making me uncomfortable.

Circlebroke is literally just reddit: the counterjerking

What about CB2?

like that but even less effort

what about /r/drama?

fuck if I know, this place changes political affiliation more than a highschooler that just discovered Marx

So you're saying it's good?

good is relative

Same concept just remove effort and insert rage.

I never knew being a POTUS can still have so much time on his hand.

A man after this subreddit's own heart

He would be a great mod here. Under his leadership, this mod can become self-sufficient with the drama production.

This is elder abuse :(