0 2017-02-23 by Time_to_Drink
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-02-23
Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
n/a Joan_Wayne_Gacy 2017-02-23
Because of this I wasforced by the ringleaders for PizzaGate to re-invite Milo to this subreddit as a moderator.
I had to do it.
I know most of the "people" that matriculate our subreddit are children, but just hold your assholes extra tight when around him
n/a Time_to_Drink 2017-02-23
My ass is hungry for him, baby
n/a Jukk 2017-02-23
Maybe the vagina-sealing glue-stick can also be applied on assholes...
Maybe it has already? Certainly explains some of the things that come out of folks mouths round these parts...
That would explain a lot, yes.
Full comments sorted by most woke
n/a Mircabre 2017-02-23
> But I guess homicidal ideation is better, and more common amongst Trump supporters
I voted Hillary actually
Such butthurted downvoting when the whole point of the post to show how silly EnoughTrumpSpam has become
n/a nmx179 2017-02-23
the whole point of the post to show how silly EnoughTrumpSpam has become
That's why you're getting downvoted, this sub is Circlebroke now.
Also, Milo, remember not to lewd children
n/a Dial_A_Dragon 2017-02-23
My God. What an absolute shithole of a sub.
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-02-23
Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
n/a Joan_Wayne_Gacy 2017-02-23
Because of this I wasforced by the ringleaders for PizzaGate to re-invite Milo to this subreddit as a moderator.
I had to do it.
I know most of the "people" that matriculate our subreddit are children, but just hold your assholes extra tight when around him
n/a Time_to_Drink 2017-02-23
My ass is hungry for him, baby
n/a Jukk 2017-02-23
Maybe the vagina-sealing glue-stick can also be applied on assholes...
n/a Time_to_Drink 2017-02-23
Maybe it has already? Certainly explains some of the things that come out of folks mouths round these parts...
n/a Jukk 2017-02-23
That would explain a lot, yes.
n/a Time_to_Drink 2017-02-23
Full comments sorted by most woke
n/a Mircabre 2017-02-23
> But I guess homicidal ideation is better, and more common amongst Trump supporters
I voted Hillary actually
n/a Time_to_Drink 2017-02-23
Such butthurted downvoting when the whole point of the post to show how silly EnoughTrumpSpam has become
n/a nmx179 2017-02-23
That's why you're getting downvoted, this sub is Circlebroke now.
n/a Mircabre 2017-02-23
Also, Milo, remember not to lewd children
n/a Dial_A_Dragon 2017-02-23
My God. What an absolute shithole of a sub.