The Whimsical Lies and Autistic Adventures of /u/BashFash17

38  2017-02-23 by pigeondoubletake


Now with added Cancer!


  1. This Post -,,,*

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I was taught by my drill sergeants that the AR15 had one purpose and one purpose only: to kill large numbers of enemy soldiers using automatic fire.

Oh lawd.

All Cadets at West Point are active duty according to Army Regulations.

I was awarded the National Defense Service Medal for my time at West Point, which basically solidifies the fact that I served honorably on active duty, which is the definition of a veteran.

God fucking damn it everyone who uses this site is a Kiddo

As an Army veteran, I would hope that the people in my chain of command had some level of sanity and understanding of reality. Unfortunately, you can never expect anything sane or reasonable with Trump as commander in chief.

Defending West Point from Trump.

I was slightly upset for a second but it's so obvious now

He's effortposting pretty hard though. It's possible that he's trolling but it seems like every class in basic training has 'that guy' who's super into it on day one then gets chaptered out for being a little bitch. He fits that profile to a tee.

He is a damn good troll.

So far he's spent $8 gilding himself. I'm thinking less troll, more severely mentally ill.

Nearly everyone in the military knows at least one guy that is all gung-ho about what a badass they are and then get washed out in two weeks because they're giant pussies. Well, these people go back to the civilian world and then talk up how badass they are, because the closest they ever got to having their shit together was in the military. Outside of it, they have nothing.

/u/bashfash17 links to his own comments and uses an alt account to attempt to boost his credibility by gilding himself. He also likes to claim to be a veteran even though he has been called out as a fraud every time.


/u/bashfash17 posted this:

If I'm a troll, why am I (as of 1:32 in the morning, while the r/the_donald downvote brigade is still asleep) being heavily upvoted? If I were a troll, shouldn't I be heavily downvoted here on r/politics?

/u/reddishreddit17 posted this:

If I'm such a troll, then why am I being highly upvoted on r/politics? Trolls get downvoted on r/poilitics to -100, but I'm being highly upvoted, which proves that I'm not a troll.

In one of his posts he 'cites' his alternate account, and then uses the fact that it was gilded as proof that it was a "correct opinion". Note that he bought the gold for himself from his other account.

You do know that 89 percent of r/politics users have a college degree, and 42 percent of them have phd's or medical degrees, right? I would be carefully calling somebody with a phd stupid.


If you want a real treat, just look through the posts of /u/BashFash17 and /u/reddishreddit17. It's hilarious that they start a good chunk of their posts the same way: "As an Army veteran" and "As a US Marine" respectively.

Your first link is messed up.

Works fine for me, I believe Ceddit's security certificate expired so if your browser tells you it's unsecured, tell it to go there anyway.

Unless you're referring to the "even more good shit" part, in which case:

Yeah I was referring to ceddit. Thought it was a typo.

I highly doubt /u/BashFash17 has gone through puberty yet

BashFash17 has already become a star of /r/ShitPoliticsSays

But I have doubts about that being a serious account.

For our rifle qualification test, we were supposed to kill 40 simulated enemies in less than a minute using our AR15.

Lucky sumbitch. My rifle qual was at simulated 200 meters against a paper target for score. I woulda loved to do some Men in Black style Rambo shit

When the hell were you in the military, 1932? I've never heard of anything being used but pop up green Ivans.

We had to qualify in the 'stan on paper and one year I did paper here in the states because the range was fucked up.

Oh, I get you.

TBF it was the navy and on the back of a destroyer

You guys do rifle qual on a destroyer? That's insanity. I've gotten to tour one before in Gitmo, everything about it was tiny as hell. It's crazy how they just wouldn't postpone it until you're on land again. Actually what am I talking about, that's exactly the kind of stupidity I've come to expect from the military.

You did paper in basic?

No basic. Indoc at the academy. Standing and prone on 200m simulated paper targets

40 targets in under a minute, shooting from the hip at full auto?

This guy's not just a veteran - he's a straight to VHS action star!