Alex "Gay Frogs" Jones does an AMA in /r/the_donald, featuring: Vampires, Satan, Interdimensional creatures, and the Clintons. This time without using an np link

48  2017-02-23 by ChipChippersonAMA


Now with added Cancer!


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Holy Jesus. What is that?


A bitmoji

Am I missing something? I didn't see him actually answer any questions. Everytime someone asks one some random pops up and answers it.

Alex, Reddit clowns are mocking Trump's 6 year old granddaughter on the front page right now. Call them out please!

Where? I don't really go to the front page? Tried to take a quick look but couldn't find anything.

A Tiny Trump thread. A user is saying Don Jr's daughter will be Trump's next wife.

This one intrigued me and so I looked for the post. Is it this one? Couldn't find any comment making fun of the granddaughter in the manner described.

"Don Jr's daughter will be Trump's next wife."

there you go, I said it

If you go pretty far down on the thread, you see a few removed posts that seem to have been the posts mocking his granddaughter that they talk about. No idea why someone is personally asking Alex Jones to brigade someone over comments that got removed quickly.

His responses are literally retarded and sound like the delusional ramblings of a schizophrenic

Best AMA ever.

And some people actually thought they were insightful or something.

As a moderate trump supporter I have to say Alex jones is fucking insane

I just can't get over how Mr never trust the government is now in lock step with the current administration

His reasoning from what I've heard is that because Trump is being blocked a lot he's technically not part of the government yet. I don't really blame Alex for it, he's more of a businessman than a dedicated conspiracy investigator. For what it's worth Trump seems to have an amazing ability to get people to follow him through thick and thin.

The saddest part is where he shills his flouride-free crap in all of his comments. Support the info wars! I need m0ar tendies!

Insane, but entertaining, at least to me. There's something endearing about him launching into tirades about inter-dimensional psychic vampires at the drop of a hat.

What the fuck is going on? Is that a parody? Do there actually exist people like that? I'm losing faith that I never even had just reading that thread.

He said the same on Joe Rogan interview about ppl psychic vampires and all that jazz. Honestly, it didn't sound like he actually believed in the more fantastical elements beyond "global elite are working together"

Mod Alex Jones?