Overweight empowered feminist lolcalf /u/Not_Everything_Does posts to /r/TrollXChromosomes about how awful and racist and mean /r/Drama is! Users in /r/TrollXChromosomes dutifully Listen and Believe (tm).

77  2017-02-23 by DeepDickedHillybilly




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They targeted /r/drama.


We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.

We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.

We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.

Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.

Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?

These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? /r/drama aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.

/r/drama are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.

I was hoping this pasta would show up

Don't forget to brigade!

What was the original thread she's talking about?

This was her original comment that got her linked to drama

you had me until "cancer" EDIT: Keep the downvotes coming you racist fucks, it sustains my power levels :3

She attributed the use of the word "cancer" to racist sentiments.

Then she got drawn into this drama thread about her comment.

At some point, she does a weird fake laugh thing:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA back to /pol/ with ye. And nah, white people are more annoying really, kind of like Flies at a barbecue.

Absolute fucking cancer.

straight up ass cancer

Off note the lady in the gif is fucking fabulous

Better signal to everybody that I reject white standards of beauty.

She's OK.

Not a fan of the hair, personally


I especially like from that same post... "If only that determination was used for good instead.. "

Yeah, like looking for things that offend you, to police speech on the internet? Jeez, those folks are fighting the good fight!

It's hard to tell due to the fact that her facial expression suggests she's either blackout drunk or dead and being actuated by a series of strings and electric pulses.

This may be the first time I've seen virtue signalling used correctly

she actually is gorgeous tho

Teeth so big mouth don't close -90/10 would never stick my 40 inch dick into

You don't have to pretend here, its a safespace :)


Isn't fabulous drag queen slang?

I'm just hoping their combined chromosome powers will help /u/not_everything_does see that hating Buddhists is counter-productive.

How cute :3

Oh honey, what's it like being racist against Buddhists?

/u/not_everything_does is probably white AND cancer.

The ol 2 for 1 eh?

Are you the one who said that having cancer is racist?

Jean Valjean

You tryna Revolution?

Reported to the admins for brigading

Lol how silly, Mr. Bigpants. If the admins were to ban anyone, it'd be y'all and all the other Alt-Right shit slinging subs :3

Shit slinging is a racist term that refers to monkeys (aka people of colour) your racist comments have no place here.

D'awww, what a sweet thing to say!

Please be a racist whitey somewhere else.


This is why mayos need to be gassed. Go back to europe, cumskin.

Do you deny that your remark about shit slinging was racist?

Excuse me but a good amount of the people posters here are alt-left

you don't need to be alt-right to think you're retarded

nice flair

Buddhism is a religion of peace

Shit? Shit is brown and black people are brown. Are you implying black people are shit? RAAACIST!

Oh are we alt-right again this week? I had us marked as cuck SJW's up until Saturday. I'm such a mess lately.

I think the Jones ama has us solidly back to the regressive left libtard side now. Love when it happens all in one day

We should have a wheel that we can spin or something that helps us pick which brand of dipshits have the illusion of popularity for the day.

Always with the back and forth, amirite?


alt right

[Current Year]


If you haven't noticed, literally every lolcow brought her calls us an echo chamber of whatever their own antithesis is. Whether it be sjw for t_d, sexist racists for legbeards, circle schlicking fujoshi, gamergoobers, fucking white males, sub-human non whites, tall oppressors, X-voters, etc.

I nearly spit out my coffee when I read that this sub is Alt Right. Wasn't it just last week when this sub was making fun of /r/altright being shut down, and all of their subsequent crying, that they all came in and proclaimed everyone on /r/Drama, cucks, sheep, leftards, libtards, and every other "lefty" insult there is? Now everyone here is racist AltRight? I can't keep up. lol

And she's now posted here more than I have. So literally she's a more active member of this community than I am. Is there a scale on how racist someone is based on how active they are in this sub? Does just reading this sub make you a racist? /u/not_everthing_does as the arbiter of Reddit racism, I need to know: just how racist am I for being here?

thanks bb



Oh shit she's here!. Everyone pretend to be nazis

Ahem, gas the bikes race cars now!

am I doing this right?

What we must fight for is the purity of our fuel

You're not doing it right, but you'll get there. I see the potential in you!

Could you not shame users for being ugly thanks


no u

Locked! lol

A third award?? You're too good to me! Thanks guys!!!

THIRD? HOLY SHIT!!! Don't you now that third means 3 like the 3/5th compromise? You are such a fucking racist. Only racists say third.

Half Life 3 confirmed

Gordon FREE man

Gordon SLAVE man

Hey, you can be honest with me. We fell for the bait, right? There's no way you can just kinda be like this, right? You'll say you were just pretending to be an idiot and all these kids will move on, right?

Mehh....kinda. like 4/10 really.

I never said "cancer" was always racist, I simply said that in that context of both the article and the subreddit, it was safe to assume it was being used as a racist term. Then all the racists came out of the wood work, and I've just been having fun really :)

So yeah, like 4 parts real 6 parts lololool

You have yet to elucidate how you've made such an association.

The word cancer has a definition of "something evil or malignant that spreads destructively."

The use of this word in such a context is prevalent in the sporting world, and even occured within politics. This isn't some new term /pol/ made up.

The comment uses the word cancer to associate such behavior with detrimental societal effects due to the normalization factor.

All of which, when applied to black people in poor urban neighborhoods, makes it racist.

Now run along and cry more sweetheart, maybe then and only then you can deal with it :3

So the absolutism and unnecessary categorizations is somehow a rational observation? The intention of the word pertains to behavior, not race.

Another historically established word derived from medical settings is 'plague'. This is a word used with the exact same intention. Yet there wre numerous left-wing academics and internet tankies who use the word to describe an idea or behavior spreading rapidly with detrimental effects on society. Are they racist as well?

There are numerous political and sociological theories explaining how one person can influence the behavior of others. Further, these theories explain how continued behavior can influence what's considered 'normal' in society.

The context isn't "black person is cancerous". The context is "individual with behavior that's deemed unacceptable as per consensus reality is perhaps influencing others."


lol, now make like a good little shit and skuttle back off to /pol/ where you belong :3

Shake it off and come back later when you have good posts.

I don't know...I could do that...but then again, you're not my real dad, so kindly piss off :3

Your real dad will be right back, he's just going out for smokes.

Good smokes or bad smokes?

Pall Mall Reds, good or bad is in the eye of the beholder.

Nah that's bullshit, he'd be getting Marlboro Blacks ;)

That's what he tells one of his families.

I never even hinted at the "all lives matter" position. Nor do I browse /pol/, but it's cute that you insecurely regurgitate buzzwords as a deflection technique. The concept of creeping normality is discussed from many political perspectives. This isn't some right-wing notion - 20th-century leftists (e.g. Foucault) published similar works. You have similar works in political theories (Overtons' window), and sociology (Kelman's guideline on conformity).

What exactly is your counter-argument? For someone so adamant on defeating "ignorance", you really don't contribute to anything at all.

Aww how cute, it think's it knows philosophy!

Adorable, but nah, not everything is All Lives Matter :3

Now shoo, off to whatever shitty subreddit you'd prefer

I don't know much philosophy, you're right. But I'm willing to learn. What do you suggest I read? I gave you a few theories regarding normalization, so I'd appreciate if you could provide me some works regarding your ideologies.

Not everything is all lives matter

I agree

I'd appreciate if you could provide me some works regarding your ideologies.

We'd all like a lot of things, sweetie :)

So you have absolutely no argument?

Here, let me do it for you: The concept of normalization has no inherent guidelines, so individuals generally fall in line with whichever position is in power. To exemplify, one major criticism of the 'Broken Window Theory' regarding normalization/tolerance of crime is the implicit bias against those of lower socioeconomic statuses (as per professor Roberts' work "Foreword: Race, Vagueness..."). Unfortunately, this puts is in a stagnation as it provides no alternative. Do you have any suggestions?

So you have absolutely no argument?

Oh I never said that, my dear boy, merely that you're not worth the effort it would take to explain :3

You spent a day writing out 327 comments. Now assuming you took a minimum of 30 seconds in reading and typing - you spent 3 hours going back and forth. Of course, if you actually spent more time (e.g. 1.5 minutes on average) you'll be looking at something around 8.2 hours.

You certainly put effort, just not anything useful because you're a very insecure person.

just not anything useful

A-ah-ah! Just not anything useful to you :)

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

cute :3

Pls do me next.

Everyone says I am fugly normally :(

>she says it to everyone else but you

Savage lmao


y u do dis /u/Not_Everything_Does

You can't even get a fat chiffon from NY to call you cute. Should prolly suicide tbqh pham

nobody will ever love me it's true.

That's why I will become rich, make a base in a volcano and then nuke all you motherfuckers.

Don't let your dreams stay dreams :-)

CUTE >:3

I'm pretty sure that's the "religious" story of scientology

no u r

Nope, you're only useful to those racists you claim to hate so much. Like them, you equate cancer to mean young black men. Congrats on making the alt-right proud while taking anywhere from 3-8 hours to attempt to prove why you're above them lmfao.

Didn't you already tell me to get out of your city? And didn't I say no?

Well then toodles sweetheart, I believe /r/asablackman is calling you :)

You can get on reddit regardless of geographical location you fucking moron. Why are you still replying to me? :3 Weren't the "adults" talking? I'm still waiting for my vegan cookie. Chocolate chip please :3

Yes the adults were talking, but they always take time to entertain children's fantasies.

Now run along sweetie, /r/asablackman misses they're "black latino woman" dearly, and I don't think they'll be able to find another load of bullshit like you :3

I love that instead of formulating some kind of logical argument you just resort to insipid, not to mention RACIST (considering the history of white people infantilizing blacks which is what you're doing) remarks. I'm a mixed race black woman, not a redditor pretending I'm black so I'll pass on your invite to /r/asablackman but since you, like the Alt Right, interpret the word "cancer" to mean "young black people" I have a long list of subreddits that would be happy to read the racist shit an alcoholic white girl living in the East Village has to say lmao.

I'm a mixed race black woman

Oh sweetheart, don't you know there are no women on the internet? much less black women?

Now run along dearie, I've left some lovely vegan cookies out for you :3

Lmao that moment when you go full retard. Actually, I don't want to call you retarded because that would be offensive to people who have some kind of diagnosed cognitive impairment. Yours clearly still hasn't been diagnosed so I'll hope you get the help you need in the meantime. I know it must be hard to have your head so far up your own ass that anyone who disagrees with you is somehow a racist, but I urge you to reconsider reaching for that next bottle. You'll destroy even more neurons! :/ And we don't want that since you're an "adult" right sweetie? :3

Us minorities are strong independent people which is why we need you to speak for us right? LOL

I just wanted to confirm that you're as stupid as you make yourself out to be online. Now that I have, I'll be moving on, calling out real racism as it happens and continuing to call white "allies" out on their seemingly endless bullshit.

There's something wrong with you, bless your heart.


That awkward moment when you're the only one applying it to black people...

Holy fuck you're retarded

Aww, how sweet! Ignoring a genuine answer to instead keep being a racist shit. I love it when people prove me right :D

Gas yourself whitey

no u :D

You cumskins are retarded



You've dismissed literally every single attempt at a genuine answer to your posts. Literally nobody can engage you in discussion on this matter. Your mind is made up, and anyone who challenges you is either a "token minority" or a racist moron who gets more of your fake smiley faces and try-hard condescension.

What makes you even think I'd want to have a discussion with any of you racist shits?

My sweet little boy, you may need to grow up at some point :3

I wasn't talking about here, I was talking about in the original thread. We've already established that everyone here is racist to you. Including me, who hasn't even weighed in on the original topic lol. You literally have zero fuel to be calling me a racist.

I don't wanna grow up. :'(

Awww, too bad sweetheart. Not everyone is open to racist bullshit, and I guess you'll just have to find a way to live with that :(

Somehow part of context as well. Thank you bot!

Context? Like the context for African slavery in America was 1000 years of African slavery in Africa? Racist!

Lol at thinking anyone clicks anything you link.

But GIF? As in an image format on the internet? The internet where everyone is racist? Racist!

how cute :)

Cute? As in the way racists and sexists refer to black people and women they want to infantilize? Internalized misogyny and racist!

Hmm...now I'm actually impressed. Lets try "Daffodil".

I mean, I honestly have nothing on you in the department of contriving reasons to blanket label people racists.

However, impressed? Like black people are supposed to be impressed when white people say they aren't racist? Racist!

Nice, well done :3

Nice? Like how black women need to be nicer to everyone because of negative stereotypes? Racist!


Everything? Like everything white people do is racist? Racist!

That's a person, not a robot, you robot racist.

I'm actually more curious if you "get" drama yet after a few days of being exposed to this place or if you still think it's all alt-right racists

about 50/50 tbh.

My fucking god you people are a bunch of children. Do something better with your time, all of you

Swing and a miss

What the hell is that

That's your brain on communism

Untrue, the damage was mostly dealt to my frontal lobe.

Just like Lenin, huh?

More like trotsky fam

Yeah, but Lenin suffered from neurological syphilis which liquified his brain.

What is it with communists and severe brain damage?

I think Mao had lou gherigs disease. Isn't that strange to die of a disease named after a fucking capitalist

Meh, it's called ALS these days, which isn't really political. Wasn't Lou Gherig a sportsman anyway?

I've only seen retrospective diagnosis of him having syphilis, it doesn't look pretty reliable. Pretty sure his problem was that he never recovered from his assassination attempt.

Or the communism got to him

He was shot by another communist so you're right.

so is this the only gore gif you have or just the one that gets you off the most

I only use home video gore, so my choice is rather limited.

checks user history

Ok. I'll start posting "PERIOD SHITS!!!!!!!!!" to /r/TrollXChromosomes twice a day like you

Lol, is that meant to insult me?

Is your own posting history an insult to you?

No, which is why you pointing it out seems like a strange thing to do.

Good, sounds like we both are making valuable contributions to Reddit.

Yes, brigading and singling out a person because she hurt your feelings seems like a great use of your time

You mean what you're doing right now?

I don't see any posts trying to send people to another sub in my history, do you?

Am I posting things singling out users and subs trying to get people to go there, am I?

That's like... Anti-brigading.

In my mind it's on par with fanatical shitposting to a circlejerk sub full of fat forever-alone type feminists

Lol, oh no, he called us fat! And gasp feminists!

Well 1 outta 3 ain't bad. I am a feminist at least

What is this "we?" Are you speaking for all of TrollX or are you speaking for all of your head mates?

Well you did just refer to a sub I am a part of, so "we" is TrollX, yes.

So 1 outta 3... Are you honestly suggesting that TrollX doesn't contribute to half of the entire globes combined BMI?

Have you seen the selfie Friday's or whatever it's called?

Every non-celebrity feminist I've ever met ranged from really fat to morbidly obese

So fucking what? Why should the BMI of someone matter to you? It doesn't negate anything.

Because my belief is that feminism is a hatred of men driven by constant rejection by men. Rather than improve themselves or reflect on what they do, they angrily cite the mythical "patriarchy" or "toxic masculinity" to blame on their shortcomings.

Feminism is really the opposite side of the whole Men's Rights / MGTOW coin tbh

Lol. Well my belief is that you are a bit of a jerk. But even saying that, beliefs don't mean shit. It's just your opinion which is incredibly biased. Your experience with feminism is probably reading some circlejerk on Reddit where equally jaded men bitch about "feminism" being the reason they can't get a date, when it's clear it's just because they are assholes.

So what would you say to me when I tell you I happy married, very happy with my body image, not fat and yet still a feminist.

Legit question: how old are you?

Pinging resident far-right Swede mega-hottie and longtime AmISexy denizen /u/throwawaySanna to give her take: fat or not?

Aw man I thought you meant /u/YoureNotAGenius and I got a lil excited. Of course that crazy deleted account.

I had a confidential informant tell me Sanna was actually a 14 year old swedish boy role playing so tka ethat as you will

I had a confidential informant that told me "Bark, bark, grrr" - either that or it was a dog.

Fuck off asshole, she is fucking pregnant in that photo.

And if you are so good at history stalking, how did you miss my selfies? Or the dozens of references to my husband?

What the fuck are you talking about psycho? I posted your selfie.

Fuck off with your bullshit. Trying to shame people cause of age and every other reason. You're just a fuckin fat bully who's never gotten your own medicine back.

If she's pregnant in that picture, you should be hotter and a lot less chunky. What the fuck happened?

I only saw the first link, my bad.

And if you think that is fat, then you're an idiot. But in the end, who the fuck cares?! You are trying to devalue my opiniom by calling me fat as if somehow my opinion is worth less because of that. THAT is why we need feminism

You were trying to devalue someone's opinion because they are young. I'm certainly, from your picture, at least twice your age if not more. Does that mean you're half as right as me?

No, that's why you need exercise, not feminism.


Just wanted to say not everyone here is an asshole. That first pic of your mom feeding you as a baby is really cute BTW.

I really gree into my ears ehich was nice, but it was a shame the tail fell off. That thing was good for balance

Too bad about your mis spaced eyes and down syndrome face though.

It is my opinion, but my opinion has value. I'm empowered and I'm a person and my opinions are real

Let me ask you something: what gives you the right to invalidate my opinion? Who blessed you with the privilege of being dismissive to my life view?

True Feminism isn't about hating men. Women who hate men are the same as anyone else who hates someone for their gender: sexist.

I actually agree with that. That's not a sentiment I see much though.

Plus it depends on the brand of feminism you consider true. Like TERFS etc.

For me, true feminism is making women equal by making both sexes stronger and better, rather than bringing women up and men down.

If it was like that across the board I wouldn't have a problem. I don't think that's the prevailing attitude though.

You're right. Some people ruin things. But what shits me most is how those few have made feminism into an insult and Reddit happily goes along with it. Trying to belittle women for their looks and their BMI and calling them fat angry feminists only serves to 1) highlight what a massive asshole you are and 2) Create the very anger and resentment of men that these dude complain about.

If they wanted women to stop acting like it's a race to the top, maybe they should stop shitting on any woman who pokes her head up and shatters their circlejerk.

I am sick to fucking death of douchecanoes thinking it is OK to single out women, fat-shame them, call them ugly and belittle them into silence because they have the gall to say something they object to. Of course it goes both ways, but you don't see me hunting through histories for pictures of people's dead mothers and calling them ugly. That shit seems exclusive to assholes who claim feminists are the toxic people. (I'm not saying you said/did that btw)

Trying to belittle women for their looks and their BMI and calling them fat angry feminists

To me that's just throwing insults. Everyone gets shit about their looks and belittled. I don't see why it's gendered when anyone in the cross hairs gets the same thing.

but you don't see me hunting through histories for pictures of people's dead mothers and calling them ugly

No, but I see people with a more similar outlook to yourself doing it. Especially places like Twitter. The polarisation of politics at the moment should have demonstrated that both sides of most issues have arseholes. You just tend to notice the people you're more likely to disagree with doing it more. I'm sure I do.

I think the bigger issue with feminism would be the bad actors within it, since it's easier to push people away than draw them in. You'll always have anti feminists, but at the moment some feminists are making more. From what I see anyway.

"Just throwing insults" starts becoming pretty tiresome after a while when you have horrible people telling you you are fat (at a size 10 Australian) and ugly, and so was my mother and all of that amounts to my opinion being worthless. When you have dealt with that kind of attitude, it stops become "just insults" and starts become a pervading view of many men.

Well, if you're going to get in on the shitflinging don't post anything you're not comfortable having the piss ripped out of. Or have two accounts, one that just steers clear.

Without forcing real identities or heavily policing boards I don't know how you'd change it.

Fair point. I guess I take for granted just how shitty humans can be. I must just used to people on other subs who are actually decent

Did you forget the first comment you made in this thread? Can dish it but can't take it. How fucking surprising.


There's a link. Moron.

"I am sick to fucking death of douchecanoes thinking it is OK to single out women, fat-shame them, call them ugly and belittle them into silence because they have the gall to say something they object to"

That is fucking rich coming from a WOMAN and a FEMINIST maybe you should tell your fellow 'sisters' that. Cause 95% of the time IRL you hear these sorts of comments they're always from women ridiculing men, often because they know there will be no consequences. I'm surprised more men don't beat up women actually, considering how often women gets in mens faces and try and ridicule, insult and shame them. You even post in a sub with thousands of man hating comments, so I very much doubt you haven't been a worthless bitch to many men throughout your life time.

In short go fuck yourself you ugly cunt.

Bourgeois feminism is not feminism, sorry.

very happy with my body image

oh, yeah, she's overweight.

Because my belief is that feminism is a hatred of men driven by constant rejection by men.

Hot takes, getcha hot takes heeeeah!

Post BMI

Post more pics of your hot ass mother, please


Back to fapping to the first one, damn. No cummies for you

Hurt feelings are nothing to laugh at, you bully.

If you only knew what I got paid while shit posting...


Not bad.

No no...fat and ugly, you see. Clearly I am just a fat, ugly, unwanted Feminist, angry at the world and at men.

I think the other dude is actually just a salty Falcons fan


Meh not really.


Don't lie fam. We can still be friends.

I think the other dude is actually just a salty Falcons fan

That's not a nice thing to say to someone.

Harsh times call for harsh words, man.

By American standards... Sure. You aren't fat.

By US standards several species of whales aren't fat.

I dont think youre fat or ugly. A bit retarded maybe. But youre posting in r/drama thats a given

We're all a bit retarded on this blessed day.


Oh uuh, uhmm... greetings m'lady, please pay no notice to these scoundrels here!

Username checks out

You are the first person to ever make that joke.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Wow, it almost makes this thread sound interesting.

Obviously you didn't read. Maybe you need a video because of your attention span. I work in a kitchen (I am the chef/boss) and usually wear Walmart clothes. Nor did I say that's why I have luck from time to time. Being a competent chef who enjoys life requires many alpha characteristics. Mastering social interaction with waitresses, who are basically strippers doesn't hurt either. I tried being clear that it's their perception of my relative status and not my actual absolute status that they find attractive when they're being impulsive. What I didn't say is that despite being chubby and having a shit job is that I have perfect teeth, huge shoulders and arms, a pretty face and intense blue eyes. I am attractive despite 20 lbs of flub that doesn't stand out because of my build. Plus having a brain and no anxiety is stimulating to women. I "have potential". A lot of people on here think one has to be perfect to get action. Perfection is the enemy of greatness my friend. Women are fickle and the right frame at the right time works when you give zero fucks about the outcome. TRP even teaches that women seek alpha/beta traits at different times for different reasons. Pussy that falls in your lap is not looking for a rich husband. They want fun. I'm a blast because I don't supplicate to them and don't put out pseudo macho BS, and am naturally entertaining because I am also a stand up comedian. Bitches love a guy with a cool hobby that only reinforces a strong frame. Keep in mind being older and experienced, and being confident helps way more than abs and an immature bitchy mentality. Women don't get wet when they see you're trying. Nothing dries a bag out like your struggle. Remember you have to appear zen in your lifestyle. It reads like you conflate being beta bux for having pussy fall in your lap, which we all know is nonsense. Good luck son.

Oh hey bb how u doin? Did you see the thread about the vagina glue here? You could probably make a snappy little response gif for that with your little subreddit

Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

Stop kinkshaming me

Thanks to this I am now subbed to r/Drama. Also /u/ABillionYearsOld no hard feelings. I had a lot of fun in the last thread. It's not everyday I get to rehash the whole logical fallacies thing I learned back in high school.


Lo, and behold! Nobody cares.

Also I couldn't help but notice the up votes stopped coming in once I mentioned I voted for Trump. Oh well...

Yeah, it's almost like TrollX is a garbage subreddit or something lol.

I actually think it's not that bad. Some of the posts are pretty funny and I think it's better than TwoX which seems way too much like a support group than an actual community.

Every time I've interacted with someone who likes TrollX, they are like cancer is racist girl. Privileged, no context, white savior complex. It's an old story now.

Well I sometimes like to take shots at the subs I'm subscribed to because it's good to lighten up. Except r/CFB. It's the best sub ever and I will never badmouth it lest they have the Dark Lord Saban smite me.

College football is just professional football but less fun to watch.

There, now you have another reason to think I'm an idiot. Welcome to /r/Drama - don't downvote the lolcows. We like them.

Don't x-post any CFB drama here. They'll ban you =[



Sir you are acting hostile

/u/Not_Everything_Does you know that no one thinks negresses are actually attractive, so your pic only makes you look silly.

Jesus Christ, did they even stop the sophisterizing to think for a second when they clicked on this sub? Well, no fucking shit is "sheltered white girl" an ad hominem, /u/chiefchoncho48, that's kind of the only thing we do here.

Can I get a link to the drama? I'm not seeing enough of it.

Look at all those racists, my god.

no u

Can you call me a racist please? Thanks. :)

Well I for one don't think we have enough racist terms so I actually support making cancer a racist term.

/u/Not_Everything_Does I support your efforts to make more words that aren't racist now racist. Keep up the good work!