Civil war in /r/the_donald when Trump's right handjob announces potential crackdown on smokin dope. Users divided, cucks united, and ammo for Ghazi provided.

78  2017-02-24 by CaliggyJack


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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You're doing a decent job of trolling there

I don't understand why you would think that.

Sounds like you're just dirty liberal, sjw, scum who want massive globalism. I bet your a paid shill for Podesta and his PizzaPedoPosse.

Prove me wrong.

Congrats, you and your family have won a free cheese pizza at Podestas Pedo Pizza Palace!

Anyone who's not a fucking loser will just do what we did before it was legal.

It's almost worth it just because of all the fucking trash smoking pot at bus stops and in front of stores i'm trying to buy sewing supplies at. (Why is this)

Enforcing the law is good. The law may be bad. Enforcing the law may force change to the law to make it not bad anymore. Whatever your politics remember, Enforcing the law is never bad.

/u/BraveNewThought, why do you bother?

What do you mean?

Living. Why do you bother living.

Being right is addictive.

You mispelled "Retarded".

Nope but I'll give you pass because English probably isn't your first language.

You can come here but you must come legally.

Aww, you're so nice.


Did you just assume my genitals?

Whatever your politics remember, Enforcing the law is never bad.

So if there was a law passed to kill any mentally retarded people on sight, would you immediately kill yourself because you love the law so much?

And Trump thought we'd get tired of winning? HA.

I sometimes feel like the people who posts on the_donald are just following a scripts. Like some kind of telemarketeer.

Assuming people like u/BraveNewThought can effectively read is a big stretch. They are like a broken children's toy, their retard neurons just misfire and repeat talking points - "Meme Magic MAGA 4D Chess Cuckservatives Libtard Winning!"

8 years.

There is no going back. Nationalism is the new really cry of the Republican party. The nation state will become supreme again and traitors will be dealt with.

I'm so happy.

Happy that your new internet safe space is getting more attention than your old one? You went from posting cringey gamergate shit

This tactic was used against gamers when we were being labelled as misogynists. We were told that if we weren't misogynists then we should know that the article was not about us, but the truth was that the label was being used to introduce a chill on speech which was not "progressive".

To posting other shit even td drones don't upvote. Whatever convinces you to get off the Cheryl stained basement futon in the morning though, I guess. I'm not big on encouraging losers to kill themselves, cause usually there is a way out for their scenario, but in this case there definitely isn't. Just kys.

The nation state will become supreme again

Yeah, that's why the head of Exxon Mobile is in charge of our foreign relations. You guys are honestly just dumb as fuck. You couldn't even get fucking nationalism right.

They're not dumb, really. They're scared to death of admitting they've put more thought into what MAGA means than the man they voted for, though.

That sounds pretty goddamn dumb to me.

/u/AlaricTheSloth pretty much said that

Possible 4D chess at work. Get the media outrage machine to condemn this action, then flip his position

Must be nice to be so stupid that when the idiot you voted for does something so retarded that even you can tell, you just say "oh he's doing something really smart that we can't see".

37D chess! They truly believe he is doing the opposite of what they think is right to point out the hipocrasy and cause everyone to change their mind... as if he weren't, you know, the president, and capable of making this change without having to use tricks and the (((media)))

He could literally start executing Jews and they'd talk about how Hitler comparisons were wrong because he was 3D chess-ing to make people see how anti-semitism was bad.

Or you'd be a totally delusional dickbag like u/the_g0yim_know and start talking about how Hitler wasn't that bad and only 250k people (who were mostly criminals) died in the "Holocaust"

They are. It's called "being brainwashed."

You sound like you're in love with big government

And you sound like a fag and your shits all retarded.

you're grumpy this morning

Ouch my balls!

lol it's from Idiocracy.

ah i recognized the "ow my balls" hah

That's because your shit's all retarded.

Also he talks all faggy.

I did that intentionally to throw you a bone.

You should try laughing more often.

Oh I wasn't offended by your post, I did laugh. At the time I was also impressed by the aggressiveness with which you were starting your day!

A day without aggression is like a day without sunshine.

Better for your hangover?

Hangovers are a sign of alcohol abuse.

That doesn't make it funny.

You're grumpy this morning.

I've been up for almost five hours and I still haven't seen any bussy

You need better friends, bro.

Quite the opposite. Bad laws remain laws because they aren't being enforced.

Quick example. Laws against homosexuality. Existed in many countries for decades after anyone would consider enforcing them. If they had been enforced to the letter of the law they would have been repealed far, far sooner. Repealing the law earlier likely would have removed the stigma sooner too.

If America had a law specifying the segregation of people by race, there would be no better way to force the repeal of that law than to try to enforce it.

Strict enforcement of laws means LESS laws, not more. It also avoids laws which can't be enforced and intended to "change culture", which is an abuse of the legislative process.

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It makes sense these retards would think a trumpette is a liberal since everyone not in favor of the gulags is a liberal/fascist

Either that or they're using the definition of liberals used in political philosophy. Making you a dumbass

You're either a communist or a Liberal. Unless you're one of the 12 remaining Absolute Monarchists left on the planet or something.

Just because youre scared of the icky homosexuals doesn't mean you aren't a Liberal.

You're either a communist or a Liberal.

That's almost as retarded as communism.

You're either a capitalist or a communist. It's not that difficult of a concept. (Unless you're one of the 12 remaining Absolute Monarchists, which I'm guessing maybe you are since you're slighted I didn't consider you in my comparison)

It's not difficult, just wrong.

Name a third economic platform other than Socialism or Communism.

Careful, he might be an ancap, in which case he'll say neo-feudalism.

>socialism as legitimate economic platform

ho ho ho

america Why am I not surprised...


You're clearly a shithead but this exchange has been fun. And I do mean that, no /s implied.

And I'm deeply offended that you assumed I'm USian.

I didn't assume, you just happened to have the flair. And to be fair, the kind of pure ideology you seem to believe in is more prevalent in the US than in the rest of world.

ctrl+f legitimate

Weird. The only hit for "legitimate" comes from your own post.

Are we at the Trumpian "post post" stage where you just make shit up?

It's not difficult, just wrong.

It's not difficult, just wrong.

It's not difficult, just wrong.

I support anarcho-primativism. Where does that put me.

Did you know that gommunism killed 300 billion people?

Case in point.

Me too thanks

Yeah these nazis out here pretending that the holodomor or khmer Rouge happened.

God forbid people use language as used by the overwhelmingly vast majority of the population, then we might... be able to communicate effectively with each other, or something.

And that would be terrible.

I totally agree with. I have no issue with people using a term in a way that isn't perhaps accurate if it facilitates communication.

What I am not okay with is when people that actually use the term correctly are being called dumbasses by brainless reactionaries.

I think the dumbasses are the ones clinging to the ideological detritus left behind by the empire that lost Cold War.


Let's get those anti-sodomy laws off the books daddy (◕‿◕✿)

FEWER laws.

God you folks are a sad bunch.

God, you folks are a sad bunch.

Grammar matters.

It is quite ironic when a literal nazi loses to grammar nazis.

Yeah I "lost". Liberalism really is a mental disorder.

Yeah I "lost". Liberalism really is a mental disorder.

"Yeah" is an interjection and therefore should be separated with a comma. How can you claim to know how to run a society when you can't keep your own grammar in order?

Yeah keep replying.

Also, a silent acknowledgment of being a literal nazi. Just as expected.

I'm worst than a nazi. I'm coming for communists.

Do you take most of your talking points from bumperstickers in the truck stops where you ply your cut rate blowjobs?

Mostly I just read them off your mother's ass while I'm pounding her hole.

Where the fuck are you from that you thought women having retarded redneck slogans on their genitals is a thing that happens? Or did you just dig deep into your semi literate mind to gather what few morsels of meaning you could from my words and then add "your mom" to the end of it?

There's not many liberals here. Most of us are communists/anarchists

As if the distinction between mental disorder and mentally retarded was necessary.

Ever notice how conservatives throughout history always end up stabbed/shot/gassed?

Ever notice how Communism ALWAYS fails and leaves all but a tiny elite totally impoverished?

Communism is Fascism with a side of economic ruination.

I'd be surprised at someone being this bad at politics, but I remember you're from /r/the_dingus

Enjoy being a loser your entire life.

Capitalcucks get out

Good one.

Says the donald poster

Ha ha the butthurt is real.

This sub is the faggiest place since Bohemian Grove.

Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.


gamergator t_d poster

Lol please kys

Getting laws repealed possibly sooner by strictly enforcing them sucks a lot, because people get hurt then.

If they had been enforced to the letter of the law they would have been repealed far, far sooner. Repealing the law earlier likely would have removed the stigma sooner too.

Do you have any evidence that this is true? It seems more like these things follow a progression, from enforcement to lax enforcement to no enforcement to repeal, tracking roughly wiht public acceptance of homosexuality.

I know of a really perfect example of why simply not enforcing laws is dangerous (apart from the fact is anti democratic because the decision to not enforce is not made by elected representatives) but can't use it because it's too specific and would reveal elements of my identity.

In short and general terms I know of a law somewhere which isn't being enforced. Most everyone agrees it should be removed but it's tied to the constitution and difficult to repeal. Nobody really cares because there is no appetite to enforce. There are people however arriving into that country which will eventually look to use and enforce that law. Enforcement of this law would be deeply damaging to that countries society.

Enforcement of that law today would see it repealed. That may not be the case in another 20 years.

I know of a really perfect example of why simply not enforcing laws is dangerous (apart from the fact is anti democratic because the decision to not enforce is not made by elected representatives) but can't use it because it's too specific and would reveal elements of my identity.

Are you talking about an age of consent law? I'm pretty sure you're talking about an age of consent law. It's always about the age of consent laws with you libertarians, and the way you phrased your comment, sure, it would reveal "elements of your identity" such as being on the sex offender registry, lol.

More seriously though, yeah, sure, having those non-enforced laws sucks in a lot of ways, for example in a sufficiently corrupt state it's really useful for that state and its individual enforcers, as comrade Stalin famously said, "find me a man and a law to prosecute him will be found also".

But you're coming at it from a wrong direction, you want few laws and all absolutely enforced because you don't like the complexity and don't understand that sometimes you have to use a complex tool to deal with a complex situation. So you say obviously true things like that a good way of repealing a bullshit law is to break it and have it overturned in the Supreme Court or something, but before that you said much more retarded bullshit like that if the police strictly enforced anti-homosexual laws it would be better. Not if some flaming faggot with a lot of money for attorneys sort of forces them to use it and gets it overturned, but that a bunch of gay poors are thrown in jail until the people maybe notice and think that it's a bad thing and idk write to their senators or something. That is retarded.

Nope. Not age of consent laws. I never mentioned the supreme Court or never said that was a good way to overturn a law. Use of the courts to change laws is anti democratic.

What you say is retarded is called the rule of law and it is a pillar of western liberal societies. It's a sad reflection of how degenerate the left has become that the rule of law is "retarded" in your eyes.

Nope. Not age of consent laws.

I don't believe you. It's always age of consent with you guys.

I never mentioned the supreme Court or never said that was a good way to overturn a law. Use of the courts to change laws is anti democratic.

Huh, so who should be able to change laws?

What you say is retarded is called the rule of law and it is a pillar of western liberal societies. It's a sad reflection of how degenerate the left has become that the rule of law is "retarded" in your eyes.

That's an imaginary pillar that never existed in anything in any way resembling reality.

You're like an autistic child who built a fountain in Minecraft inside his head and now complains that real fountains are a far cry from his imagined perfection.

Not age of consent laws but it tickles me that you're so certain. The danger is increasing an muslim population though.

The legislature. Retard.

The rule of law is an accepted pillar of not utterly shit societies.

I worry about you being left alone tbh. Like, are you able to cross the street yourself?

But is he in love with the COCO?


I am not a libertarian, but this level of statism is terrifying.

tbh either enforce law or take it away. Having a middle ground kinda defeats the purpose of having a law.

It depends, decriminalization of weed in nether lands works ok?

Anyways, when you see an unjust law your reaction probably shouldn't be, LET'S ENFORCE IT WITH AN IRON HAND UNTIL THE VERY LAST SECOND IT'S IN EFFECT. That sort of destroys the purpose of some things.

it's stupid to waste tax dollars on a plant

enforcing laws just because is asinine

No, having laws just because is asinine. Especially when they're the kinds of laws that just sit around ignored until someone like Mr. Trump decides he needs to lash out.

Both are asinine. The law being stupid doesn't make enforcing it less stupid.

Enforcing it allows it to go in front of court or gets legislators to change it through attention. Selective enforcement is bullshit.

Yeah, but the courts and the legislature aren't going to be doing shit about this law for the foreseeable future. There isn't really any constitutional case that doesn't throwout all federal drug laws and the house and senate are Republican.

And what if the general population is strongly against it? The arrests would bring attention to it.

Yeah, it's the lack of pot arrests that are holding back legalization. We are probably only a couple million more arrests away from freedom.

There is just no fucking way you are getting a Republican house to legalize it.

And what if the general population is strongly against it?

Then Republicans just gerrymander the shit out of population.

That is a serious problem, but that is one that only affects one house in Congress. It doesn't explain Senators, Presidents, or Governors.

gerrymandering will never die

I can still hope.

Most likely will be removal of the system and just give urban centers all of the poltical powers

It gets enforced in all the states that haven't explicitly legalized marijuana.

Seems pretty reasonable to me tbh.

So either we should lock everyone up for, say, downloading torrents or just make it legal? You think either one of those extremes would represent an improvement over the status quo?

Should we be retarded or should we be autistic?

Do you even know the current situation of the status quo for piracy? In extreme cases you get prison time but for the most time is just paying a fine.

Republicans are all about states rights until they are in power.

>he things enforcing bad laws is inherently good cause reasons

It can be a spotlight. Groups regularly violate laws to challenge them. It can work, but only if it gets enforced. Otherwise these laws never go away.

"Trump vs /r/trees" will be our generation's "Brown vs Board of Education" mark my words

The is Law good, but this law is bad, but enforcing the law is good but ILLOGICAL ILLOGICAL


I voted for Gary Johnson so this shit wouldn't happen.

You threw your vote, congrats

I threw it towards the only person that mattered.

If Hillary voters actually looked at the platform, they could have voted for Johnson and we wouldn't have cheeto benito shitposting on twitter every night.

Plus, "people don't vote for third parties because third parties can't win because people don't vote for third parties" is a shitty argument and you just hate democracy.

>Implying political system of US of A has anything to do with democracy

wew lad


we wouldn't have cheeto benito shitposting on twitter every night.

c'mon, even you don't believe this.

Implying political system of US of A has anything to do with democracy

It does, shitstain. We vote for candidates no matter how much you shit in your camper in the woods and complain about living in fashistan because you can't get your laptop to connect to the internet (because your internet button is depressed) and you have to log in to the library to shitpost.

c'mon, even you don't believe this.

If all Hillary voters voted for Johnson, Johnson would be president now. It's directly their fault.

Johnson would be president now.

What is Ajohnson?

I'd take a lighthearted joke any day of the week than Trump pissing into the wind on mainstream media every night complaining about how the media unfairly targeted a pedophile.

Besides after a year of campaigning that was the best you can come up with. "Lol he's finished" after Hillary called black kids superpredators and Drumpf declared mexicans rapist murderers.

I meant keeping Trump from twitter thing

Guy's twitter posts are a combination of half-baked conspriacy theories, alternative "facts' "muh leaks" and product endorsements. It's basically a late night infomercial disguised as actual programming like Girls gone Wild.

Yeah, and he would continue doing it even if he lost.

Sure, but without being the president of Amerikkka so not everyone who works for the government is forced to listen to his bullshit.

I'd rather have johnson who forgets his peppers than that imho.

Yeah if Hillary voters voted for someone who believes in privatized prisons and scrapping the EPA and half a dozen other agencies of government they'd be happy. Sure.

Libertarians BTFO

Hillary voters voted for someone who believes in privatized prisons and scrapping the EPA and half a dozen other agencies of government they'd be happy. Sure.

Hell you guys voted for scrapping social security and drone striking Muslims so I'm not sure where you want to get the moral superiority from.

Libertarians BTFO

Got four times as many votes than in 2012 because the dems and republicans stop caring about issues.

I'm not a democrat, but what I'm saying is that pretending that Gary Johnson stands for their issues is absurd and reductive.

The reason Johnson got the votes he did is because both candidates were terrible, not because anyone gave a shit about Gary "Aleppo" Johnson.

The reason Johnson got the votes he did is because both candidates were terrible

Literally my entire argument. I'm not a lolbitarian myself but Gary's tax plan leads the way for universal basic income and legalizing weed is the smart thing economically and socially.

Not to mention staying out of the middle east, considering that we spent 14 years in Iraq to accomplish nothing doesn't actually speak well of our abilities.

But this is oh so controversial is spawns a thirty comment flame war anytime someone mentions Johnson. #420blazeit

His tax plan is shitty. Any serious economist that looked at it (including some fairly non mainstream ones) laughed at it because it was a joke. Just like nearly every other policy of his when subjected to scrutiny.

Any serious economist that looked at it

repeating tired arguments against UBI

yeah because spending our way into oblivion while agreeing to tax cuts for the rich was recommended by every major party economist. It's not like economics mattered much to the D's and R's.

You're kidding yourself if you think he advocated for universal basic income.

I really have no idea what train of thought deluded you into thinking that but please reevaluate it.

You're kidding yourself if you think he advocated for universal basic income.

Johnson's tax plan involved cutting a check to every citizen by the federal government once a month. Sounds like UBI to me, in every way, even if the income is incredibly paltry. In reality it's just a tax break on essential goods needed for surivavl.

No. It was a massive cut to social services with a small consolation prize.

You don't cut social services then call it universal basic income.

No. It was a massive cut to social services with a small consolation prize.

Oh yeah simplifying the tax code is against human rights now.

Simplifying the tax code? You mean, cutting taxes and turning almost all of Healthcare, Infrastructure, Incarceration and Education management to privately run businesses? That surely runs well. If you want a case study, go look at what happened to Lebanon when their waste management system was turned over to private industry. It has literally gone to shit due to mismanagement, misappropriation of funds and little to no oversight.

Gary's plan could be construed as UBI but it involved a massive cut to social services and would have left tens of millions of American's without SSI/Medicare/Medicaid.

You mean, cutting taxes and turning almost all of Healthcare, Infrastructure, Incarceration and Education management to privately run businesses


It's not like the department of education has done anything in it's 30 year lifespan other than increase debt.

If you want a case study, go look at what happened to Lebanon when their waste management system

Oh no the federal shit disposal system is going offline!

Under a libertarian president much of it would've been attempted. For a US case study, luck at the incursion of private equity into our ambulance system and our nations fire departments. People have died because of their ineptitude and due to them being hell bent on the bottom line.

The DOE is far from perfect, but to say in its nearly 40 year history it has done nothing is shortsighted. IDEA and ESSA are two acts that if left up to the states our nations most vulnerable individuals would be left helpless. What if you had a mentally challenged child, and couldn't afford private education. Without IDEA ensuring your child's IEP was followed they'd be years and years behind their peers.

I also don't know about you, but I'm glad that I don't have a country where we can smell garbage on every corner while the executives drive around in Ferraris.

Under a libertarian president much of it would've been attempted.

Mostly just the IRS, the NSA, and the DOE like he said he would not a collapse of the medicare, social security systems like you claim.

PE firms feel it simply cost too much

My state is too lazy to actually provide basic services so it's the federal government's fault


Not every federal law requires an entire department to run however.

I wonder what you must've posted that caused you to delete nearly all of your post history.

Someone cares about my post history.

federal waste management

After the federal government cut the funding for federal waste removal, federal shit started clogging up the public sewers. Normally private citizens would have their waste handle through the city and state services, but they were banned from touching "federal shit" from unidentified sources beneath congress.

four times as many votes

0 x 0 =0

Only if after winning the election they had Trump murdered. Can't stop, won't stop that Twitter magic.

Or at least Milo'd his accoutn/

Even Johnson's VP pick preferred Hillary.

I fear for the country if Mr. Trump should be elected.

Of course you would try to spin that into an endorsement for Hillary because you don't believe in democracy.

“I’m here vouching for Mrs. Clinton, and I think it’s high time somebody did […] She deserves to have people vouch for her.”

- Bill Weld

Maybe reading is not your strong suit, so here is the video:

not quite endorsing Hillary Clinton

claims it's an endorsement

Oh and from Rachel Maddow who said if you vote third party, you don't care who is president.

So I guess reading is not your strong suit, because this was a discussion about whether "Johnson's VP pick preferred Hillary"

Yeah in a loaded question by Maddow who said third party voters "don't care".

"I respect the right of all voters to follow their conscience and cast their vote in the way that they decide is best"

There, I diplomatically sidestepped the question and I am just some guy on the internet - not a career politician like Bill Weld.

There, I diplomatically sidestepped the question

Great at least you're not Rachel Maddow saying 4 million Americans who actually got up to vote shouldn't have because they're too apathetic.

I looked at the platforms, wasn't interested in 0% tax rates and private prisons.

legalized weed leads to more inmates!

C'mon man.

Buddy, private prisons are why the war on drugs is still going, at least one of the reasons.

Libertarians do not understand reality on even a basic level, their entire worldview is just stupid.

Like, if you let corporations and private prisons run unchecked, what do you think happens?

private prisons

Private prisons are bad, me and Johnson agree with that. He wrote a giant blog post about why he did the things he did for seriouslies.

Anyways, the private prisons gave more to Dems and Reps than anyone else.

Man I just wanted a light-hearted discussion and you make me go look up facts and shit. You're so mean.

Private prisons are bad, me and Johnson agree with that. He wrote a giant blog post about why he did the things he did for seriouslies.

You realize he's wanted to expand them for a while right?

Built private prisons to replace out-of-state prisoners. (Aug 2012)

Private prisons cost $20 less/day than public control. (Aug 2012)


Anyways, the private prisons gave more to Dems and Reps than anyone else.

You realize Clinton and Obama tanked the private prison industry stocks, right?

Im'a going to post sources directly refuted in Johnson blog post


You realize Clinton and Obama tanked the private prison industry stocks, right?

Clinton promised she was against legalization in "every sense of the word".

Being this late to the argument

I'm seriously going to have to get more meme juice to keep up with you haters.

Clinton promised she was against legalization in "every sense of the word".

Answer my question.

Did Clinton and Obama tank private prison stocks?

They were outright going to make them illegal.


I'm linking you his actions. He did both of those things, are you contesting this?

Did Clinton and Obama tank private prison stocks?

Apparently no they didn't.

Maybe for a short time, a couple months I guess. But it totally "tanked" the company!!!!111

I'm linking you his actions. He did both of those things,

Lol all of which refuted in his blog post. You still didn't read the damn thing but I get it. Anytime someone is forced to do a bad thing they're a terrible candidate who deserves to burn unless they have a (R) or (D) next to their name.

Apparently no they didn't.

Yes, they did. The stocks went back up after Trump won. Nice try though, moron.

Lol all of which refuted in his blog post. You still didn't read the damn thing but I get it. Anytime someone is forced to do a bad thing they're a terrible candidate who deserves to burn unless they have a (R) or (D) next to their name.

He didn't refute anything, he literally did those things. He's a libertarian and not the good kind. The kind that thinks everything should be private, by nature, he supports private prisons.

I'll base my views on him on his actions, not his words.

The stocks went back up after Trump won.

Lol Trump won the presidency in March of 2009? In November of 2000? Sounds like nothing lasting was done.

He didn't refute anything, he literally did those things. He's a libertarian and not the good kind. The kind that thinks everything should be private, by nature, he supports private prisons.

He literally moved some prisoners in New Mexico into a private prison to save money. I never said it didn't happen. But it's a lie to say he unilaterally supports private prisons when his platform seeks to lower prison populations. That's where you're bullshitting.

I'll base my views on him on his actions, not his words.

So you support prison overcrowding and throwing taxpayer dollars into the sea? Moving prisoners out of their home state increases recidivism more than being a private prison but you demand it. Meanwhile you support candidates who are determined to throw more people in prison.

Lol Trump won the presidency in March of 2009? In November of 2000? Sounds like nothing lasting was done.

Are you intentionally retarded?

The stocks dropped this year after Clinton called for an end to private prisons and the DOJ had said they'd stop using them.

Then Trump won, and they went back up.

He literally moved some prisoners in New Mexico into a private prison to save money. I never said it didn't happen. But it's a lie to say he unilaterally supports private prisons when his platform seeks to lower prison populations. That's where you're bullshitting.

He has constantly pushed them and said they were cheaper.

So you support prison overcrowding and throwing taxpayer dollars into the sea? Moving prisoners out of their home state increases recidivism more than being a private prison but you demand it. Meanwhile you support candidates who are determined to throw more people in prison.

I support the removal of private prisons, and not via Johnson, because he's a libertarian that also wants a 0% tax rate and to privatize everything. If you voted for Johnson over weed when so much more was at stake, you're literally retarded.

Clinton called for an end to private prisons

Or you mean Obama? More piggybacking trying to steal his accomplishments eh?

He has constantly pushed them

He only did it once.

I support the removal of private prisons

Nah, you're just political grandstanding so you can pretend other candidate is somehow better.

you're literally retarded.

Ah because you don't have an argument you jump to petty insults. You're making this to easy on me buddy, you're going to have to troll harder.

Or you mean Obama? More piggybacking trying to steal his accomplishments eh?

They both did.

Ah because you don't have an argument you jump to petty insults. You're making this to easy on me buddy, you're going to have to troll harder.

Alright, I can tell I was wrong to engage you. I forgot libertarians are the OG retards and nearly as bad as Trumpers.

Clinton is better, you're literally retarded

I forgot libertarians

I'm not a libertarian. I voted for Gary Johnson on the tax plan, marijuana legalization, and middle east because of liberal reasons.

Gary Johnson thinks the Middle East is Ohio.

It's not on the western side of the map..... conspiracy!

Johnson never stood a snowball's chance in hell, at any point in the election. Voting for anybody who wasn't Clinton, or not voting at all was essentially another vote for Trump.

voting for people I don't like is bad

Wew lad keep telling me how democracy works. I live in a pretty deep colored state anyway, but this is a shitty argument.

Throwing implies some form of physical exertion on their part.

Gary "Isn't Aleppo that guy who sells me Gyros?" Johnson.

Like fucking anyone cared what Aleppo was before anyone spoke of that. We were content on shipping guns to ISIS there until Gary mentioned we should stay out of it.

While you may not have known (and that's OK) the guy running for President of Freedomland needs to know.

I wanted to like Gary Johnson but you can't run on a platform of "Joints for Everyone" and expect to be taken seriously.

needs to know

It became more of a problem after we funded a rebellion there and drone striked civilians.* I'm not sure how doing these two things over and over is going to make it more safe. Hell Iraq isn't even doing that great after 14 years of injecting freedom into it.

*literally Hillary's campaign promise to solve the Syria crisis

I wanted to like Gary Johnson but you can't run on a platform of "Joints for Everyone" and expect to be taken seriously.

He never suggested publicly funding weed for people that's an outright lie and you should be ashamed for your blatant propoganda.

It's called sarcasm and exaggeration.

But really though many people were aware of Syria before the election (its kind of a historically important nation). This wasn't some new situation that just crept up in the last 12 months.

And while you may be right about Hillary (or any other politician) it is irrelevant. If Johnson isn't even familiar with the nation its going to be difficult to take him seriously in regards to how to address said nation.

The fact that he wasn't familiar with Syria, an obvious hotbed of action, how likely is he to know about issues in much less publicized countries?

The general problem with Libertarian candidates is their amazing lack of knowledge about the world outside of the state they live in.

This wasn't some new situation that just crept up in the last 12 months.

No supplying arms to terrorists for years helped the situation immensely.

take him seriously

Like anyone had any plan to actually save Syria. They talked a lot about ISIS but the media made sure that everyone forgot the third letter of ISIS is actually Iraq and that we would need another 14 years in Iraq to even help the situation.

Hillary's plan was to arm more terrorists and drone strike more civilians. Hard to say that Johnson's plan was worse in retrospect.

The US is the largest exporter of arms in the universe.

That isn't going to change even if there was a President Johnson.

The US is the largest exporter of arms in the universe.

That isn't going to change even if there was a President (Big not LB) Johnson.

Under Johnson though, my taxes wouldn't go to pay for exporting the arms to terrorists. It would save me money and terrorists would have to actually buy them instead. But "muh gun subsidies" every time someone mentions we shouldn't be giving free shit to ISIS, Israel, Pakistan, or anybody really when we can't even care for our own citizens.

I know that's what Johnson may have wanted but it's not like a Republican congress would support him in spinning the war machine down.

he said "what's a leppo?"

Hard G gyros.

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Wow you are actually being serious.

I just don't see how he's worse than Trump or Clinton. You got a person who's bogged down in rape scandals, impropriety. made offensive statements to minorities, puts policy in direct competition with reality, advocates for war crimes and then Trump who isn't any better either.

Frankly I blame all of the people who voted for either of those two for this situation we're in. Jill and gary are bumbling fools sometimes but they aren't quite that bad.

He's better than Trump, debatable vs Clinton. But that's not actually what anyone is taking exception to, it's your retarded idea that it doesn't matter whether the candidate you vote for has a snowball's chance in hell of winning. Your ideological purity is not more important than actually doing things that might be effective.

actually doing things that might be effective.

Voting for Clinton is effective now

How many more years in Iraq until we win again?

It's effective in that there was a reasonable chance that my vote would actually have any effect at all other than stroking me ego. You can't say the same tbh.

Yeah you guys go on about how effective your votes need to be, but you pushed for Hillary vs. Trump in the general. Pretty much political suicide.

Oh, I see. You're retarded.

vote democratic for the last eight cycles running

expecting things to change

candidates just get literally worse

Yeah keep doing the same and expect different.

Wow you are still serious. Jill Stein huh?

Jill Stein never approved drone strikes on innocent muslims and then turned around to give weapons to not-as-innocent muslims.

Gary johnson would fail high school civics. Do libertarians idolize stupidity or something?

Funny thing is, in order to get deplorables to vote for him, Trump made sure he accounted for every deplorable request that would actually make people vote.

Fuck jobs, economy, healthcare, foreign policy, national debt, NASA, Russia and all other things that could be important – I want to fucken get high or OD, buy more assault weapons, shorter times to get ammo and openly express my misery by spewing hate all around.

Now, that dust has settled and things going back to normal, these people are waking up with the worst hangover they ever experienced.

There’s only one way out…

>tfw all it took to get le_cheetus to compare dolan to hitler was a pot crackdown

These dudes are literally retarded

the only thing that will get them more spun up is if he bans lewd hentai

If he bans anime I will actually vote for him next time around

I'll vote for him if he starts hunting down weebs

Seriously, any candidate who runs on a "Gas the Weebs" platform would get my vote.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

I am going with drama. CB by definition can't be funny.

but they are funny to bully

I heard some of the cb2 mods are cool though.

how fucking dare you

Nowhere near as cool as /r/Huma mods though.

RIP Huma.

I just want Huma to sit on my face.

Like, just how many pictures of my schvantz do I have to send to other women before she lets me sniff her farts?

I got he #2 "hot" post on /r/Huma right freakin now, brah!

Pssh nothing personal kid, but when the story of our whirlwind romance breaks, you can count your "hot" days fucking done.

Edit: you're now banned from /r/Huma.

Just like you're a boss powermod over at /r/Huma, I'm a powermod over at the very active sub /r/JewishCuisine

Unban me and I'll make sure that your grandmother's Lox recipes reap at least 100+ karma in my sub.

Well, they did just rescind the memo about privately run federal prisons, so they have to crack down on drug users to keep em full.

Can't let those capitalists lose money!

Potheads should be put down like stray animals. They are clearly not capable of human thought at any capacity beyond using reddit to complain.


Trying too hard Tbqh fam

Just wait until he goes after porn.

Wtf I hate state law now

Smoking weed is degenerate.

Its always annoying when the political narrative is controlled by the least important factors to society.

Pot heads, abortion, and homo's. I don't fucking care, kill your babies, get high and buttfuck, or not. End result is at best slightly positive since abortion kills more future leftists. Otherwise I don't give a fuck.

Cuckolds are united with their chastity belts.

Weed is shit. Get a real drug, losers.

This isn't about marijuana. This is about states rights. I am for legalization, but this is brilliant. With California wanting more independence, Connecticut ordering law enforcement to not enforce federal immigration law, he's turning the issue back around and it's fantastic. This is exactly the right play. This is a long ball play, so don't lose sight of that.

u/drewdiggy, you illustrate the centipede conundrum very neatly: You're far more intelligent than the man you follow, but refuse to see there's no 5D hopscotch, Trump isn't a far-seeing statesman, and there is no MAGA forthcoming. You helped a dog catch a car, and are now shocked the dog is licking its balls rather than driving.

I am a Trump supporter, to be sure. I am not a sycophant. If you don't think he's a long-term strategic thinker, then you're exactly where he wants you. Stay there, underestimate him, continue not looking at the forest and focus on the trees. That's exactly what a strategist wants you to do. Quite frankly, I wish people like you would start looking at longer-term, bigger picture strategy because, if and when you do, you will be forced to acknowledge what the average American is up against.

Of course it's weed of all things that make them finally question their meme magic

Cannabis enthusiasts aren't going to start a war.