rdrama.jpg x-post from /r/SRSfunny

272  2017-02-24 by APE_CHRIST


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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The sub is called SRSfunny, but it isn't funny.

SRS and Funny. Kind of cancel each other out.

is only shitpost why you heff to be mad

You can't be funny if you're an sjw. They're literally people with no ability to have fun.

Unless of course you think that several layers of teen angst and insipid snark is a recipe for comedy genius

Hey! That describes this place!

Yes, but we are self aware enough to make it funny. Same reason why /pol/ and the alt right are able to be funny but srs and sjw fail every time

we are self aware enough to make it funny.


See? You were self-aware right there and it was funny.

See? You were self-aware right there and it was funny.



See? You were self-aware right there and it was funny.


See? You were self-aware right there and it was funny.


See? You were self-aware right there and it was funny.


See? You were self-aware right there and it was funny.

Same reason why /pol/ and the alt right are able to be funny

Milo getting b& from the clubhouse for wanting to fuck little kids is pretty funny...

more funny that it backfired tbh you seen the george takei and bill maher stuff yet

the american left loves to throw stones in glass houses for whatever reason, remember fake news lol

Are you having a stroke?

nah im saying bill maher and geroge takei are being smeared as pedos now and its funny

rules apply to everyone

So you are having a stroke. Okay.

lol at trying this hard not to understand something cmon now

i know how you feel about this but you have to admit the american left starting a pedo accusing trend is pretty fucking dumb

half of the anti trump celebs are doing it so people forget about their own scandals and its going to bite them in the ass

a) the American left did not have to do shit, Milo outed himself as a paedophile, and his employer fired him for it.

b) Why the fuck would I care what the American left thinks? I am not American.

a) the American left did not have to do shit, Milo outed himself as a paedophile, and his employer fired him for it.

nah people in the media that absolutely hate him have been sitting on that for a while, waiting until he got a larger platform

because they were so threatened by him making fun of them and their ideas that they needed to find a way to shut him down

regardless of the content of the video you have to understand that these guys have been desperate to fuck him over since 2014

b) Why the fuck would I care what the American left thinks? I am not American.

not saying you are m8 im saying its funny because hollywood is full of pedophiles and these idiots just got everyone talking about it

its like when they got all smug with the "fake news" idea, and now everyone calls cnn fake news and theyre all banned from the white house lol

Lol. You are somehow even more retarded than Milo and his self-professed love of 13-year-old boys.

feel free to tell me how im wrong, or ill just have to assume these posts are just butthurt because you know im right

like i usually do in here

imagine being ignorant and gullible enough to believe the news media in 2017 lol

people in the media that absolutely hate him have been sitting on that for a while

these guys have been desperate to fuck him over since 2014

Pick one.

no theyve been desperate to fuck him since then but havent had the means to do it properly until now

if they did this earlier not enough people would have known who he was and it would have fallen flat

they waitied deliberately until he had a national platform for maximum damage

How the fuck is the Reagan Battalion the "American Left"?

the people who uninvited him are incidental, they were just trying to save face

The CPAC uninvited him, the group that publicized the video were the Reagan Battalion.

i can call myself the "dnc champion" if i like but it doesnt really mean shit if i call them all pedophiles straight after

its clearly an anti trump twitter account

That's the point I'm trying to get across, not everyone who is Anti-Trump is on the left.

what do you mean john mccain

so do you think milo is a pedo?

nah i dont think any of them are actual pedos as opposed to idiots that put their foot in their mouth constantly

but whats good for the goose is good for the gander and people need to see how their stupid ass ideas can be used against them and things they like

fucking hilarious. never understood why altrighters wanted to suck his dick so badly. Nothing he says is particularly interesting, just another dime-a-dozen "telling it like it is" faggot.

He just attracts kids what can I say

what about leftypols

leftypol is the srs of chans its a pale imitation

i mean youll barely even see a meme with the merchant in it i dont know wtf they think theyre doing

what are you talking about? they use the merchant CONSTANTLY. he's just a capitalist instead of a jew there bc left-pol has no room for identity politics like the real deal

pale imitation is fair though i guess

i must not have seen enough then lol it always came across that way

their merchant is Porky instead of Schmüyle

racism gives it that zing


crippling depression lol!

~posts spongebob pictures~

What are the diagnostic criteria for being a sjw? I'm worries I might be one but nothing's showing up in the DSM.

Combination of delusional disorder not otherwise specified and histrionic personality disorder

Hmm so difficult to self diagnose then. Is there a convenient online test of some sort?

the liberal feminist




Radical Feminist

Wanting to kill whitey isn't feminism.


the red piller

What the shit


Such a wasted opportunity tbh. The questions and answers should work the way there are only two outcomes -- liberal and feminist/nazi. Like, "do you think it's OK for white and black people to intermarry", cultural appropriation etc.

Do you post on /r/Drama unironically?


Do you make FSWs mad? Well then you're a SJW. It's like cats and dogs, that way.

It's called "Borderline personality disorder"

bpd and narcissism basically

do you get enjoyment out of doing something worthwhile, or only when you boast to other people about it so you can lord it over them?

Unless you think I want to commit suicide memes on the internet mixed with cat pics is the high point of culture. That always gets them laughing in between the cutting and pills.

some days i wish they all would at the same time.

good ol alt-right mayocide

That woman should be fatter and uglier.

It's a trap. There are no girls in twox.


A gay couple also has two X chromosomes.

There is nothing gay in pounding a boipussy.

Idk. Aren't traps normally younger?

get out

yeah wtf is good content doing there

Just like regular /r/funny

I dunno man, this particular meme is pretty amusing.

Women with penises are funny, get over it.

Are any subs with the word "funny" in them funny?

Also, this is funny. Sorry bout your tendies.

No it's really not funny. If you think it is, then you might have brain damage

O no

its the best they can do give them a break they have problems

Those in glass houses m8

i love my fan club

🔫🔫 delet this

Explains why they despise the fact that this place has a sense of humour. Not a paticularly good one, but enough for this badly formatted spergout.

no anime

Phew, I'm safe.

And alone. Forever.

It's there at autism.

That's only because we're at the bottom of the pit at the base of the slope.


Why does SRS have to be so ableist? wtf??

Two things SRS is big on is ableism and white people judging the authenticity of minorities.

The original doesn't have /r/drama or autism on it

I warned you about the stairs bro

That's a slope fam

That's racist.


It's a differently abled elevation method and you should respect its choice.

It identifies as stairs.

Smash the geometricy!


It keeps happening

The furthest stage that I reached is "ironic nazi memes"...

Forgive me for posting here! I am not worthy!

A stunning picture of what the sub could be, after the glory of the SRDinocide.

Needs hover text with joke about coefficient of friction to remind the audience that despite the lack of a high school diploma, yes, we get it -- you read xkcd.

Where's the white genocide campaign?

If there's one thing worse than Nazis, it's people not taking micoaggressions seriously enough on Reddit.

Six million% accurate

This image is totally an improper misrepresentation of what goes on here at r/drama.

This is what it's really like!

Well this sub is pure cancer tbh. Not sure why I'm still subbed.

Fucking racist.


Nazi scum






I love you




Oh honey, did you think you could use the c-slur outside of /pol/?

:3 :3 :3 :3 :3

They're really mad that most dramanauts are shills for Hill, huh.

Lock her up tho fam

Seriously, lock her up.

How does it feel to be desperately clinging to the end of the train, barely holding on to a semblance of relevance?

Tl;Dr shit comment, low effort, sad!

"The Main Obstacle To A Stable And Just World Order Is The United States." ~ George Soros

George Soros and globalism are the biggest threat to freedom, democracy and the United States of America.

Leftism is fascism.

Globalism is fascism.

Anti globalism didn't work out pre world war two, and it won't now. You're on the wrong side of history, and you're too uneducated to realize it.

Surely you know all about Robert mercer too right? You don't just vomit up soros garbage without having a well rounded view, right? Delusional.



Neither of those are true, but you remind me of how edgy I was in middle school. Try harder, please. Maybe repeat some soros shit you heard somewhere?

Free speech is hate speech, comrade.

Hahahaha you edited the entire body of that comment, and it's not even funny! You replaced awful retarded garbage with a hilariously bad joke. Holy shit man, this is too good. People like you just can't be made up.

Sick reference bro you're so well read, and clearly very educated


Oh, sorry, I meant the comment above marked as edited, that's a completely different comment than the one to which I replied. Why change it? Why specifically?

Hang on, let me consult my change logs.

"There is no other country that can take the place of the United States in the foreseeable future. If the United States fails to provide the right kind of leadership our civilization may destroy itself. That is the unpleasant reality that confronts us." - George Soros

The defining characteristics of Fascism include a nationalist ethis and staunch opposition to liberal or communist ideas

You've gone full mong

/uncaptai.priapiasm is that you

Big if true

Strange, I feel more like it was a climb up to reach these giddy heights.

Yeah, it's actually quite hard to be thoroughly brown without looking like a terrorist. But as we say in German, "wahre Bräune kommt von innen".

my major issue with this is it seems to imply that video games aren't worse than holocaust denialism, which is just patently untrue

WTF are you talking about? The holocaust was a bunch of pro-Zionism propaganda

my point exactly

Also the holodomor never happened

I loved that GoT episode

oh yeah! my favorite part is when he's all "hold the grain! hold the grain!" and all the peasants are starving

Bloody hell.

Remember, Hitler only killed white people.

/>Jews, Slavs, Germans


if it burns in the sun it burns in the ovens

This should be stickied.

Wouldn't be SRS if they didn't paint us all with a broad brush.


wtf i hate hills now

Atni ramp

Pro trump

RACIST!!! Strange, I feel more like it was a bunch of pro-Zionism propaganda. my point exactly.

/u/Neo-man you fucking cunt.

This sub makes fun of trumptards all the time tho, we just do it on the basis of people being dumb, not people being Republicans.

There is no difference between being dumb, and being a Republican tbqhwyf

This but unironically

Bullshit. I'm like two and a half of those things.

the funniest part of any of this is how consistently people misinterpret everything this sub does

theyre scared theyre going to turn into a nazi instantly if they try to figure out whats going on before they post

no mayocide? disgusting

You know for people who claim to represent those who are underprivileged they sure seem to hate people with autism.

I don't get it. Most everyone here makes fun of all that shit.

Why are the sjws so against gamers and why do they call people nerds when the right term is geeks. Aren't sjws supposed to be socially aware?

So the only way to get to become an /r/Drama user is repeated head trauma? Explains a lot.

This is good

Wtf? Why is videogames above all this? They should be at the bottom right beside us.