Ghazi's argue about Japanese racism

52  2017-02-24 by OiBoiFloyd


Cool story, bro


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Someone should tell the Prime Minister of Japan that some autist in GamerGhazi is really disappointed in their immigration policy. I bet that'd chance his mind real quick.

I'm sure the Japanese are watching news reports of race riots and immigrant crime in the west with envy.

It is actually mind-boggling given their rapidly aging population.

This is not a sub that caters to any agenda (besides the end of all cumskins).

Get out. You will not find discussion here, only autism.

Lol, it clearly caters to agendas. Half the users I press reveal some sort of agenda.

Full disclosure: Im part of the wine and pizza lobby

What's pairing would your recommend with Hawaiian?

Good question, I would go with a tart citrus-forward pinot grigio to complement the pineapple and contrast the richness of the cheese

pinot grigio

Fuck you already.

What would your pairing be? A sauvignon blanc? Thats the only other acceptable choice. Otherwise youre worthless

A reisling? Thats the only other acceptable choice.

That's the only acceptable choice.

I actually cant stand rieslings really. Im a terrible wine and pizza lobbyist/agenda poster, sorry

okay but what kind of kids go with that


me too thanks

Japan has always been pretty racist.

Am I wrong?


The fuck is that even getting at?

Is it even really possible to marginalize white Europeans, in Japan or anywhere else?

And with one wave of the wand, /u/Pflytrap erased Zimbabwe from existence.

I imagine this feat ought to earn them a coveted spot in the next class at the People's University for Wizarding (formerly "Hogwarts").

Erasing Zimbabwe from existence should be the goal of any right-thinking person. I salute you, /u/Pflytrap.

Seriously, thank you /u/Pflytrap from wiping those subhuman Zimbabwean scum out of existence

Those damn Zimbabweans prevented the Great Tutsi Empire. I hope Paul Kagame takes everything they have.

even for ghazi /u/pflytrap is mind-numbingly retarded. or maybe they're a nazi and think europeans are superman or something?

A Person of Color or god forbid a Woman of Color trying to marginalize a white man is like a gnat trying to attack a lion. Everyone knows this and no one knows it more than Ghazi.


You appear to be shadowbanned friend. I'd suggest contacting the admins to appeal.


The average Ghazi user is so retarded that I can't tell whether /u/bizarrediamond is a troll or native

They really need to install a carbon monoxide detector in /r/GamerGhazi.

And then disable it.

They really need to pump carbon monoxide into /r/GamerGhazi and tape up the windows.

"Japan is like 98% ethnically homogenous so casting diversity can't really be the priority that it can and should be in America."

I wonder if they'd apply the same logic to racially homogeneous countries in Europe.

Because /u/sporklasagna is racist, of course.

I wonder if they'd apply the same logic to racially homogeneous countries in Europe.

Given the screaming shitfit they threw over the (very polish) game Witcher 2 having the audacity to not include a technicolour dreamcoat of diversity, I'd

Medieval Poland, no less.

TBH medieval Poland was less homogenous than Poland now.


It's more about finding the actors that speak the language. Due to past imperialism there's a ton of ethnic groups that speak European languages.

I distinctly recall outrage about the Witcher 3 not having enough black people in it from that sub, even though it's literally the same logic.

There's a guy who goes by @designislaw on tumblr, he's full ghazi on every issue, gone home is the most important game ever, bioshock infinite is racist because it says black people can do bad things.

Even he went "what the fuck is wrong with you, Witcher has the best representation of Polish culture ever, this is amazing and extremely important, not everything is about race, stop"

Its because a lot of gazookers are AmeriKKKan and don't understand that Poles are pretty fucking marginalized in western Europe.

This was probably not your intent but for me yellow washing sounded really like reverse racism or a co-opted word akin to creep shaming. I don't think you can appropriate Western culture. Power relations between races would not allow it to happen.

/u/nimaitre, please commit seppuku.

No matter what they do, Japanese will always be inferior to White people, as dictated by the power relation between races.

-/u/nimaitre, alt right preacher.

I need my daimyo's permission to do that. Wait I don't have one. Tough luck.

no drama in the thread tho

Yeah, I agree. /r/Drama is really blowing this out of proportion just because it's GamerGhazi.

Try starting some in there and see how long you last.

I am inclined to give more leeway to Koreans for being racist.

Ghazi in a nutshell.

China on the other hand is not homogeneous at all. Min, Manchu, Mongols, Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and Tibetans live side by side with the ethnic Han people.

Kek, well over 90% of China is Han and their policies regarding citizenship are an alt right dream.

It bothers me so much that liberals think white countries are the only ones with a racism problem. It happens literally everywhere in the world.

They are morons with zero concept of what exists outside of their bubble. What do you expect?

the only morally correct racism is racism against liberals tbh

Chinks are pretty racist.

I have lived in the US and now live in China, the level of racism in China - especially towards non-whites - is on a completely different level.

They don't care about what happens in non-white countries though. They only really care about looking good in front of other mayoskins, which means doing activism supporting mayocide in the West

Which in turn is the best argument to start up the camps for the snowskins

Whites need a holocaust. Thats how Jews got their homeland where they get to mow down browns all day long without nary a peep from the media.

America is literally the least racist country on the planet. Even other diverse countries England and Australia are more racist

Hey man, you are pretty dumb.

It happens literally everywhere in the world.

You mean countries put their race first before others? Really makes you think.

implying its a problem

That's because China likes to shove a bunch of groups speaking different languages under the "Han" banner. In reality there are significant differences between people in Pei-ching, Fu-chou, Ch‘ang-an, and Kuang-chou.

No one is confusing China for France. It doesn't change anything I said about immigration and citizenship either.

Also people living inside China as a minority do have a problem especially the Western part that was annexed.

Anime was a mistake. Ghazi was a mistake. Both need to be wiped the fuck out as soon as the mayocide is done.

We can also point out how it was the failure of the US to set up better policies for them while they had an opportunity.

W H I T E M A N ' S B U R D E N


Retard, look who posted that.

Not only them but most East Asian nations like China and South Korea are homogenous as well even if they are on the top of developed countries and leaders of globalization. I myself fine it very un-progressive.

Obvious troll is obvious. /u/bizzarediamond why are you so shitty at hiding your tells?

What kind of a dickhead doesn't realize that the Japs are hardcore racist? It's one of the things they're pretty famous for. That and tentacle porn.

I know when I'm against racism, xenophobia, racism and misogyny I choose to admire Japan as a culture!

I didn't think it was possible for culture beyond white neckbeards to be into racism, xenophobia, sexual harassment and misogyny.

wtf I hate Japan now

Japan is like 98% ethnically homogenous so casting diversity can't really be the priority that it can and should be in America.

Japan for the Japanese, right Ghazi?

I can't imagine why a nation with low birth rate and falling population can still reject immigration. It's not exactly a good thing in my opinion.

why are these people so desperate to ruin the culture and ethnic makeup of countries, will they never be content until every country is a brown shitty mess