Vote Waster Spergs Out Defending Gary "Aleppo?" Johnson

17  2017-02-24 by squarefaces


I know now I'll never have any flair again and I've come to terms with that.


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Inb4 30+comments about how Gary Johnson is worse than putting a pedophile who boarded Jeffery Epstein's plane into the white house.


Covering both Bill and Donald with this; underrated comment. 5/5 on yelp.

I know, right? Like this guy doesn't even like get the point if this subreddit, man.


discussing serious politics on a drama/shitposting/autism sub

As a fellow Al Leppo voter, telandrias should have voted to let Donald Trump open his asshole and penetrate it with his YUUUUUUGE Trump steak. It's the only way we can stop the (((cucks))) from succeeding and foiling our plans for Mayocide to deal with the cumskin problem. SAD!

To be fair, I live in a deep red state so there was nothing worth losing.

But anyone screaming out "A VOTE FOR CANDIDATE C IS A VOTE FOR (candidate you don't like)" "Vote for (candidate you don't like)!!" is pretty much why America stopped being great.

That's been around since the election of 1824 at the minimum, when everyone realized America's voting system is retarded and Andrew Jackson got mad enough that he founded the world's oldest still extant political party so he wouldn't get robbed again. Turns out when you add popular voting to a system designed for sober Enlightenment Ubermenschen to select the best candidate while getting blowjobs from Jefferson's slaves, everything sucks and you get a two-party system.

everything sucks and you get a two-party system.

And the two party system gave us two candidates with 50% or greater disapproval ratings to head off.

Hardly worth voting for, and expanding the power of two parties who will keep the system broke until we get ranked voting.

dae weed is for degenerate liberal niggers?

Nice try, noodles

I mean, literally anyone who has me on discord knows that this account is me.

who has me on discord

cash me on discud how bow da

maybe in a few hours, I'm at the library right now.

I have a friend who was at the library and saw someone get arrested for child porn.

git banned lul

I didn't know you kids were still upset that your favorite newscasters couldn't explain what Aleppo was and looked so dumb on live TV.

Gary "there's an Aleppo in my pants and you're invited" Johnson