Guy searching for MH370 wreckage on the coast of Washington gets his dreams shattered...

81  2017-02-24 by snallygaster


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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everyone knows the bogdanov twins have simply relocated the plane to their extradimensional superscience laboratory

i mean, how else do you explain that their names are completely wiped from the flight manifests, and literally no witnesses can recall their presence?

/u/485075 don't bother searching, that plane never even touched the ocean :\

/u/485075 if you want to find out the truth this might help you get started.

Wow that was "interesting"

oh no i think i just took a bogpill whats happening to my face

Holy fuck i just finished going through all that. You guys think they had anything to do with MH17 too?

What the fuck is wrong with those two?

Also are you talking about the CNN theory?

CNN is MSM, and 100% not going to ruin their cushy position by speaking out about the bog pill.

what's wrong with them? very little. they represent a new order, a perfect western ideal of yin and yang. they saved europe, and they will save us all soon after. the passengers of MH370 are an acceptable loss in light of that.

black holes are a MSM disinfo campaign


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The lady in that clip said a small black hole would suck up the entire universe.

How does she explain the super massive black hole at the center of our galaxy?

What the fuck is wrong with those two?

So Here's The Rundown

  • In contact with aliens

  • Rumoured to possess psychic abilities

  • Said to be violent and intimidating in private

  • Own castles and banks all over the world

  • Rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs

  • Own several nuclear plants

  • Learned fluent French in less than 48 hours

  • Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them

  • Own basically every DNA & genetic research facility on Earth

  • First designer babies will be Bogdanoff babies

  • Rule France with an iron but fair fist

  • Scientists pointed a telescopic array at the source of the 'bog bang' that created our universe

  • This is what they heard:

  • Kept the electric car down for decades so they could release their own car based on string theory to the market

  • Currently at war with Elon Musk because of this

  • Sabotaged his spacex rocket because they will fund the first (the first official one - they've already been to mars many times) manned flight to mars in their own initiative in a few years

  • Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)

  • The big red phone in the Kremlin is a direct line to the Bogdanoff manor

  • The last person who missed a call was Mikhail Gorbachov. He resigned and fled the country in fear and the Bogdanoffs destroyed the Soviet Union in a fit of rage

  • Own nanobot facilities everywhere in the galaxy

  • Own Nanobot R&D labs around the world

  • If you're reading this right now, you most likely have BogdabotsTM flowing through your body

  • Both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51

  • Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff

  • The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society

  • In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings

Man this meme was way too forced on 4chan the past few months, but I gotta say it's growing on me.

If they have all this power, why do they look like Jocelyn Wildenstein?

This is what they heard:


Still more reasonable than Alex Jones

bogdabots inside us

Look. 485075, can I put this? OK, if you're here on a wind-up jolly trolly, then well done. Top effort, good work. And even though here has little by way of homegrown produce to nourish those in need of delicious lulz, I hope you got some tasty snack out of it. However, if it weren't by the jolly job, one must conclude you've only been and gone and come right off whatever trolley you were on at the time - but with sufficient momentum to crash land here.

Wind-up jolly trolly, lol. Worth it for this comment alone.


/u/mikoyanchik, I hope some cockles of your heart are warmed by the fact that us /r/drama degenerates found your comment hilarious!

Aw shucks.

Wow so much more from that chain of comments go deleted too, I can see my own posts though and I sorta remember what the other guy said so I'll try to recreate it here:

485075 -13 points 1 day ago I'm in Washington state actually, I know there have been some other parts found like that flaperon and a flap track canoe, but so far I haven't found anything conclusive myself. Just some metal pieces with Japanese writing and a running shoe with what I think may possibly be bones inside.

Otherguy: Wow you must be retarded if you can find MH370 wreckage in Washington. Ocean currents don't work that way.

485705: Oh gee mister who pissed in your cereal? At least I'm trying to help and I know there were a lot of others who were here too, what have you done to try and solve a mystery. And I don't know why you're so sure that wreckage could never show up here because like I said I have found some things, I understand the the Japanese writing could be from the 2004 Tsunami but explain the shoe? Where would that be from? The ocean is big obviously I understand but just like how radiation from Fukishima was to make it here so will (and likely already has) wreckage from the plane. The ocean is big yes, but it's not that big.

Otherguy: "try and solve a mystery" What are you Scooby Doo? Actually your knowledge of Ocean Currents is probably similar to that of the average Great Dane.

485075: Are you going to provide an actual argument or proceed with the attacks ad hominem?

How about reporting the conversation accurately, instead of trying to make yourself look good by paraphrasing/misattributing/omitting etc? Yours, (one of several) The Otherguy

Mod /u/mikoyanchik for coining the phrase "Wind up jolley trolley"



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cowsay "suck my ass"

I'm glad to know it was consensual!!!


They all crashed in a nigger farm an gettin fucked up the ass.

Le edge master. So can you tell me what the fuck you're going on about? Saying nigger all the time isn't as edgy as your friends in the 9th grade think.

Thanks, it may be a long shot, but I'm always keeping my mind open. What's keeping me going lately is knowing that these are New Balance shoes, I know they make those in Malaysia.

Or, you know, they sell them everywhere in America? I mean, it's the alt-right's shoe of choice so it's gotta be all American.

It's an American company that even has some manufacturing here for christs sake

/u/485075, what makes you think the shoe came from the flight?

I gave it to the police right away, well they said it was "just some twigs" inside and that "someone was pulling my leg". Well I thought it looked like a bone, so I asked it be sent to Kuala Lumpur anyway

fuck now i'm imagining malaysian authorities pulling some twigs and debris out of an old soggy NB shoe from a concerned american lmao

I thought we agreed to lay off the users with obvious mental disabilities.
