/r/aznidentity becoming woke to the mayocide: "Their (white men) best course of action is to kill themselves" - "I can only dream of hunting them down"

50  2017-02-25 by going_for_a_wank


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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/u/nightfall117 don't let your dreams be dreams!

soon :)

No! Mayocide now!

Damn straight!


What the fuck happened to you Asians? You used to be cool man with your Cung Foo and nunchucks and katanas and shit. Now, look at you - you let us white guys fuck your women, we push you around, give you wedgies. You're totally cuckified!

Dune, put down the Xbox controller, close your laptop, watch some Bruce Lee, grab some nunchucks and get the job done! Judo chop that Irish motherfucker who's hitting on your sister! Flip that mayo fuck face who asks you to work overtime! Some white guy cuts you off in traffic? Don't put up with that shit! Grab your katana and carve him a new asshole. Remind those red neck Yankee mayo fuck heads how your dads and grand dads kicked Americas ass in Vietnam!

Hunting them down would require that they turn off the computer and leave the bedroom. Not going to happen.

Fuck you idiot archiving is just mega np.

Next time I'll archive an np link just for you bb

I love how hard you whites try. You obsess over our sub 24/7 then finally celebrate when you find something trolly. How's it like to be the biggest autist ever?

Not sure if you are aware of this, but /r/drama is 100% serious about seeing the mayocide through to the bitter end. Just search "mayocide" in the searchbar and you will find a wealth of posts here. Some of our great leaders have been advocating mayocide for years and publishing their musings, such as this literary masterpiece:

Like all people, the white race originated in Afrika. As humanities first great cities grew, it became increasingly difficult to deal with habitual thieves, rapists, pedophiles and homosexuals in the population. These offenders were genetically predisposed to their deviant behaviors and exile was the only way to safeguard the populations of the cities. Gradually these inherently depraved individuals were driven ever northward, away from civilization.

Eventually they were driven across the Mediterranean into Europe. Here they settled, their naturally black skin atrophying to a sickly pale color to adapt to the lack of nourishing sunlight. These savages did not build great civilizations, they did not develop science and art as their fathers in Afrika had. Instead, their genetic predilection to violence and the harshness of the European climate brought them to a state of perpetual warfare. As a result, they became great warriors and built powerful new ways to wage war. By contrast the dark skinned people's of the world became great artists, scientists and philosophers- always maintaining their deep spiritual connection to the Earth. People's of color worshiped life, the Europeans worshiped death.

We know what happened next, the Europeans spread out like a plague, raping, destroying, consuming, pillaging everywhere they went. The non whites' cultural superiority was no match for the perfected, savage onslaught on the whites. And so this is where we are today. The tribe of rapists, pedophiles and criminals that all whites are defended from have infested the planet. While it may sound harsh, the only viable option for the preservation of the species is the aggressive termination of this malignant tumor wherever it takes root. And this is why the global extermination of whites isn't just right- it is a moral imperative.

How's it like to be the biggest autist ever?

How about you tell me

Maybe that's a little extreme, I don't want a newcomer to get the wrong impression here. While there are absolutely vocal mayocide supporters here, most of us only support mayocide ironically or hyperbolically. Most of us support less drastic solutions to the white question, such as sending them to labor camps or deporting them to Madagascar. We'd lose a lot of entertainment if we were to fully exterminate the Northern Hemispheric Snuggie Ape.

See, you're part of the real problem that plaques the world. International cuckification.

Needs more Yakkub in the story

You keep that up and the mayocide will be expanded to include you lot as well

I always knew the 'Asians are smart' thing was just a meme.

I love how hard you whites try. You obsess over our sub 24/7

If it makes you feel better, I forgot that /r/smalldickproblems was even a sub until someone posted your drama here again.

Whites people make racist jokes: "OMG I'M SUCH A VICTIM, ALL WHITE PEOPLE ARE LITERALLY OUT TO GET ME :'(((((("

Asian people advocate for racially motivated mass homicide: "wow xD why are you so offended it's just a prank bro"

Yeah, we're the autists, bud. At least we're the ones who aren't screeching about our feeeeeeeeemales dating other races despite the fact that the vast majority of them still date members of their own race.

You love black people though right?

Tell your sister I said hi :)

mfw not white tho

I know you are but what am I.

What? Currently, there's no point. Why? Because how many whites can you kill? 10? 20? 50? Or maybe 100 with some sort of b0mb? 200 by being a serial killer?

You see, this is why I have no respect for these people. One little obstacle like not being able to kill enough white people and they give up. Wimps! Honestly, what the fuck has happened to people. How did the world become so cuckified?

Did Hitler give up when he couldn't kill enough Jews? Hell no! He pulled himself up by the bootstraps and did what he needed to do.

Did Attila the Hun just give up when he couldn't kill enough people? Did Stalin? Did Pol Pot? Did Caligula? Hell no!

Fucking cucks. No wonder they let us fuck their women all the time.

200 by being a serial killer?

Do these people know what a serial killer is?

Only nerd psycho White Cucks like you would be are how many kills an average serial killer gets

It's not hard to guess order of magnitude bby.

Didn't we just do this, like this morning? I posted this, we laughed, they cried, good times? No?

O well, I wish all these yellow fags talking mayocide would put their yen where their mouths are. It's been ~70 years since we got to turn an entire city of chapstick-dicks into ash, It may be about that time again. I was hoping we'd be making the largest glass bowl ever in the middle east, but I'm not picky, I just want to see some shrooms!!!

No, he's talking about suicide, which only the victim can do onto themselves and be responsible for, not homicide.

that's still homicide retard. I thought the Yellow Man was supposed to be smart

Pretty amazing that sub isn't banned yet

It's the "hate-speech" of every other sub that's been banned but they're way more insane and vengeful

Napoleon syndrome without glorious European heritage is a recipe for disaster.

/u/nightfall117, get help.

kys cumstain

No, you got it backwards, white men are the cumskins and asian women are the cumstains

using English is white supremacy so I'll refuse to parse that

I speak multiple languages. The only reason I speak english is because you whites are too stupid to learn a 2nd language. We have to communicate with apes somehow.

Actually I'm Asian too, just not someone who wants to be subsidised and screeches about oppression.

White trash like you can only hope to be Asian.

Want to prove it? PM me 2 pictures of you holding your username.

I'm not legitimising your retardation. Now get a job.