SJW's circlejerk in /r/justneckbeardthings, dissenters downvoted to hell

24  2017-02-25 by 18aidanme


Here's the thing. You said a "trilby is a fedora."


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big if tru


Is it callled justneckbeardthings because the comments are neckbeards? So many leftys are whiteknight creeps. LEAVE ZOE ALONE!

Probably the only people invested enough in the concept of the neckbeard to subscribe to /r/justneckbeardthings are those who are kinda neckbeardy themselves and really insecure about it.

It's like when I make fun of my faggot friend for being gay, I only do it because I want to suck his dick and secretly hate myself for having those desires.

Hahaha, you're suck a fag. Heh. Eh.


It's fatpeoplehate for liberals.

I mean some SJWs unironically call for white genocide.

That literally never happens

Clearly they've never been to /r/drama

Or to any college in the US or UK.

im in the uk. hmu with the nearest white genocide group?

Also UK, where is my closest mayocide group? I need to know

Its your duty to start one

Too much effort



Colleges are practically the Hitler Youth of the 21st century

life would be a lot better if there were unironic white genocide groups on college campuses.

then trump's election would make a little more sense

I did not say there are groups dedicated to it, I am saying that there are people calling for it.


Or tumblr.



That's a lot of buttangry in a thread about basically nothing.

Yeah don't you hate those goddamn feminazis? They're such cucks lmao! /s

What a Fucking AIDS dump of a sub. How much of a drooling retard do you have to be to make a comment like this. It's Fucking nothing. The only thing this comment does is drain my will to live

no ur comment cause your gay

The guy who wrote that clearly hasn't a clue what a cuck is.

women can be cucks, it is known

do you know what a cuck is?

It's like a Chaucer thing right

A cuck in general terms comes from the word cuckold, meaning a man who let's his wife sleep with other men. A cuck is that, but in more of the general idea of letting women get away with anything, basically putting the whole gender on a pedestal.

That's how I've come to understand though. If it's wrong, let me know.

one of the earliest versions of the trope involves a guy who ends up getting a red hot poker up his ass

The feminists are afraid of me...I have seen their true face. The streets are extended safe-spaces and the safe-spaces are full of trigger warnings and when the echo-chambers finally flood with mansplaining, all the progressives will drown. The accumulated filth of all their political correctness and call-outs will foam up about their waists and all the PoC and genderqueers will look up and shout “Check your privilege!"... and I'll look down and whisper “No."

They seem to be talking an awful lot about some video where the Amazing Atheist shoved a banana up his ass, yet not one of them has posted any proof. Any info on this?

It definitely happened, I've seen it myself, if you go on a pornsite you could probably find it pretty quickly.

I'll do that later. Regardless, it doesn't really mean anything. It has no bearing on his arguments and all it does is show that all these guys can so is mock some dude, rather than fight his arguments.

Given the lefty, SJW-style politics of the subreddit, I kind of wonder how many people there have talked about how kinkshaming is evil before but then rush to insult the Amazing Atheist based on his (admittedly weird and disgusting) banana thing.

These are the same dipshits who cried foul over The Fappening, but when its /ourguy/ getting his n00ds doxed suddenly its hilaaaaaarious

At least the Fappening resulted in some geniune happiness! Bananagate was just gross

the banana didn't even go all the way in IIRC, it just kind of mushed up against his backdoor

fucking bananagaters, if there was no penetration then there is no story!



I just found this /r/justlegbeardthings. It's an active sub too.

Self-hating is the defining characteristic of neckbeards. No wonder they're drawn to that sub.

Any place with /u/aerik there is guaranteed to be a toxic shithole.

Ah, a literal circlebroke post. Good job.

Rubin is fedora tier?

hey i think he's pretty fair

You know that thing called the Bechdel test? It's used to determine if women are written to be more than just an object for the male characters in the movie. The test is if there are two or more women, do they talk about anything besides the male characters of the film? If not, they're not really female "characters" but more of objects in the story.

Does u/hyasbawlz know about the "Bechdel Test Test"?

If you take the "Bechdel Test" seriously it's a very reliable indicator you might have fetal alcohol syndrome.

It's not meant to be an academic or scientific test. It's an offhand to determine how well female characters are being written. Some people will include named female characters only. The whole point is it answers the question: do the female characters care about anything other than men? If not, then it's shitty, and possibly sexist, writing. So my point is that, if Sargon can't make it through a single video without bashing "social justice", "s-jews" or "feminism", he's a terrible fucking writer- or philosopher- or talking head- or whatever the fuck retards on YouTube call themselves.

Sorry for triggering you.