Blinded by vengeance, Youtuber goes FULL Aryan - Ghazelles. assemble!

52  2017-02-25 by LemonScore


Cool story, bro


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As laughable as it is to believe that I might actually endorse these people, to anyone unsure on my standpoint regarding hate-based groups: No, I don’t support these people in any way.

"But he only doesn't support them! He doesn't condemn them! He's just as bad as them!"


Anything pewdiepie gets he deserves. Seen his fanboys are trying to smear JK Rowling as a nazi?

Don't see any parallels here at all do you. I wish you were all dead.

Isn't she literally wearing a nazi outfit in that video? /u/childofcomplexity, please explain.

That'll never stick, /u/ChildOfComplexity , since Rowling is far too retarded to be a nazi.

/u/ChildOfComplexity fight me nerd

for some reason many 20-something-year-old Swedish men (including some I know) are A-OK with ridiculing Jews.

I wonder if that has something to do with all the muslims coming in 🤔

Jews and Muslims are both universally PoC so have no real reason to hate each other beyond the post-colonial ideas implanted in them.

Carl's "credibility" comes from his uncanny ability to make emotional appeals to white guys using strawmen and other obviously fallacious reasoning (as well as outright misinformation/lies) and make it sound "smart" enough so that his audience can reassure themselves that their reactionary attitudes are coming from emotion but "reason"

/u/thehudgeful Hate to break it to you, but 1000% kids from minority groups like Pewdiepie's dumb youtube videos rather then reading you joyless obese white dangerhairs all the time talking about faux social justice issues and why sexy video game people are bad.

Sargon's going to have more followers now. I NEED 100CCS OF HBOMBERGUY, STAT

/u/949000Aero Now, I'm not a sperg who watchs lets play, but I do know that Hbomber guy is a old SA member who used to make fun of tranny's all day in old google video lp's. Also, you know what's pretty funny? For as much as your ghazi talks about priviliage...

Seems like you guys have no problem wasting countless dollars on a retarded sperg who shouts political white noise you love to hear. Might wanna check a mirror.

Voidburger, TieTuesday, SmiteSA, ChipCheezum, Shesellssheshells.

Hey /u/Leskimopie nice list you dumb ape! Void "Gas the kikes" burger? You mean how like once again all fucking minorities hate her? Remember when this muslim lady posted this to her?

Then all you dumb idiots kept saying "SHE MUST BE ALT-RIGHT AND WHITE!" then in response she posted this?

I guess what I am trying to say is, once again, the entire ghazi sub should suicide, imo.


Start the mayocide and end your life.


Look man, I'm trying to make the world a better place. Help me out here.

You just don't like differing opinions!

Oof, right in the irony!

no u

lol. It makes me lol when doodbrows say Ghazi is a circlejerk because people disagree over who's more progressive there all the time.

Oppression Olympics. If it looks like you're starting to lose the debate just call your opponent a nazi or declare yourself a black disabled tranny. It's what most of their conversation boils down to over there.

Carl's "credibility" comes from his uncanny ability to make emotional appeals to white guys using strawmen and other obviously fallacious reasoning (as well as outright misinformation/lies) and make it sound "smart" enough so that his audience can reassure themselves that their reactionary attitudes are coming from emotion but "reason"

Cite for me:

  • One (1) thing he said that you believe is "a strawman", and why you believe it to be so

  • One (1) other example of "obviously fallacious reasoning", and explain what fallacy is committed and how

  • One (1) example of "outright misinformation", along with an explanation of what you think is misleading about it and why

  • One (1) example of an "outright lie", and proof that it is such

  • An objective test that can be used to determine whether or not a given "attitude" is "reactionary", and explain why anyone should care


Ok, so why would anyone with two brain cells give half a fuck about your opinion on literally anything, if you aren't willing to back up what you say?

Because just look at all your criteria my man, you want me to formulate "An objective test that can be used to determine whether or not a given "attitude" is "reactionary", and explain why anyone should care" just for some random person on the internet? Who has the time for all that? It ain't me!

Lol he's just asking for a clear definition of reactionary, you mongoloid. Obviously words are too hard for you though. That's fine. We didn't really expect much from you in the first place.

Okay, let's try something simpler. Why do you think his audience has "reactionary attitudes"? Show me on the doll where they touched you.

Still not worth my time sry

I don't think you've been on the internet long enough, friend. Anyone will believe anything /u/thehudgeful says as long as it slightly lines up with what they already believe.

There is no need for "discussion" or "critical thinking". I've read so many threads on GamerGhazi of people saying "Lol this guy is wrong" without ever actually explaining why, and yet everyone still agrees.

It's the highest form of circle-jerking, and frankly, it's beautiful. /r/Drama should try to be more like /r/GamerGhazi, except less white.

I don't think you've been on /r/Drama long enough if you don't recognize my schtick. :/

I browse here enough to see/know the regulars, but tbh I don't recognize you at all.

Sorry bb

who is carl?

In this context, I presumed it referred to Sargon of Akkad.

user reports:
1: white people nonsense


I thought it was more like manthreading tbqh

lmao that was really spergy.

hey, /u/neon_needles delete this nephew

I've accepted my fate to remain the most autistic lady in the land.

Void "Jews aren't white" Burger

I honestly looked for some hbomb tranny comments, but I couldn't find any. A link or even a search term I could use would be appreciated.

And tbh I considered supporting him on patreon... Til I saw that figure. He makes as much as I do, to make silly YouTube videos! I'll still watch them but I feel 0 obligation to pay to do so.

Voidburger is the Fucking worst. She recently got all the SA lpers to leave SA because she got banned for calling lowtax a bad parent for letting shmorky near his kids. I don't know why they all sided with her. Maybe it's because she's Fucking based chip

I love how Hbomberguy uses a much more attractive and inaccurate drawing of himself on patreon rather than showing that he is infact a limp wristed numale fag

Discount David Spade

>Sargon's going to have more followers now. I NEED 100CCS OF HBOMBERGUY, STAT

>I want youtube personality I like to totally own X

Ghazi is trash. Hbomberguy is trash.

Sargon's going to have more followers now. I NEED 100CCS OF HBOMBERGUY, STAT

that bleach blond faggot? ayy lmao.

Did Pewdiepie ever concern himself with the harassment of women in video games? And did he speak out at all during Gamergate's most active harassment back in 2014?

And he even had an inkling of what went on, then he knowingly chose to ally himself with someone who's terrorizing women in the games industry and culture.

How can any enthusiast of video games and who cares about games ever condone or support this?


Fuck me, they are so earnest about this shit

why are adult video game enthusiasts always mentally ill?

The true irony of Ghazi is they'll post stuff like that, but laugh at They targeted gamers. The cognitive dissonance is strong!

these people live in an alternate reality where the harassment actually happened.

enthusiast of video games

Is this what those spergs call gamers now so they can still pretend they are morally superior

directly associates with Sargon of Akkad.

wew lad

Oh my lord this is a gold mine! Fucking great find OP this is hilarious!

As a Danish guy I have noticed that Swedes blacks are usually very considerable people that don't make jokes loot and shoot at the expense of minorities and vulnerable people.

But for some reason many 20-something-year-old Swedish black men (including some I know) are A-OK with ridiculing Jews.

Replace the words and you got a fun game of stormfront or SJW.

Also gamergate was secretly huge fans of him this entire time.

Oh they wus, wus they?

He's gone full Aryan. Fuck him.

Yes because all it takes to be Aryan is making response videos to a lying hit piece.

but instead laughing with a neo nazi website. They're buddy-buddy, right there, in the video.

Using an image from a website is literally buddy buddy. I know forming friendships for leftists is near impossible but this is not how the buddy system works

Hey don't bring rats into this, they are very smart animals who don't deserve your slander. :)

Forced wholesome cringe.

I want a public apology from all the liberals

Such enitltment

At this point it's irrelevant if he's racist or not (even though he clearly is)

Lol yes it is, it's the whole point of the drama!

you changed too many words for your point to work

you'd think that the people who would die cry for their ideology would have a bit more tact than to push some dingbat with 50M preteen subscribers directly into the hands of their sworn enemies.

/u/gamerghazi are the type that really don't know how to be successful at anything, that's why they always have to ask the patriarchy to give them equal outcomes.

man that sub is some sort of shit show. they really are trying to rationalize him being a fucking nazi. i would love to round up all the losers, put them on an island, and bomb them into the center of the earth.

/u/hackiavelli out of curiosity are you overweight or obese?

Lol, the guy links to FilmCritHulk to explain why jokes are bad. It figures these guys get their moral guidance who spends his days spouting faux-intellectual drivel, but "ironically" in ALL CAPS so it's funny.

Guys I really have to pee right now. I'm literally shaking.

because they're indoctrinated in college

Lol I hate that guy. Good to see there are fellow haters

Pewdiepie once again makes a dumb argument, ghazi freaks out over obvious bait, news at 11.

Wait, do they really think that Sargon is altright? Like, really? I mean, from what I've heard actual alt-righters hate him and he hates the altright.

anyone even a millimeter to the left of me is alt-right, the ghazelle's guide to political discussion

You don't have to look very far to find out what kind of people Sargon and Kraut & Tea are and why it's very problematic to give them positive publicity.


There's that word again.

>Himmler-style glasses and 'fashy' Hitler Youth haircut

Circular glasses and a common haircut. Thanks, Vox.

Does anyone know how much that thread cost the WSJ?