Fur flies over neo-nazi furry group Furry Raiders as a con staff member steps up to defend their antics at last year's con.

120  2017-02-25 by snallygaster

Last year's fiasco, where the Furry Raiders buy out an inordinate amount of rooms in the main hotel of Rocky Mountain Fur Con.

The drama continues as social media manager of Rocky Mountain Fur Con defends the Furry Raiders and their leader, Foxler.


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  2. Last year's fiasco - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is*

  3. The drama continues - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Bot is on point.

You know, I wouldn't be here if I didn't like to laugh at mentally disturbed freaks, but everything has a limit.

Just remember these idiots would be considered "degenerates" and put against the wall if their dumbass political beliefs every came to fruition.

Or my political beliefs came to fruition ;)

That's why you're not in charge of anything

Are you going again this year, snally?

Someday I'll go to a con. Some day...

With a pump-action shotgun, I assume?

user reports:
1: Content is prohibited if it Encourages or incites violence Threatens, harasses, or bullies

Lol. Furries are not people, silly goose.

user reports:
1: somehow a worst poster than booc who is a cuck
1: Fursecution
1: mansplaining


user reports:
1: fuck you idiot die yourself

Apparently I am too much of an idiot to work it all out; you will have to show me how :^)

Sweet Jesus.

Someone gave the autists coffee before nap time.




Meaning either: furry+persecution or furry+execution.

I'm hoping it's the second option.


Easy there fuckuredditor

I'd accompany you!

Let's do it πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

How the hell do you find this shit, snally?

Similar interests.

I reached out to Foxler in an unofficial capacity and got to know him. During the very long conversation we had, I realized that I will believe any goddamn stupid thing I'm told. For example, Kahuki simply tripped while babysitting, and his sex offender charges are simply police fursecution

Sex offender? Fursecution? WTF?

I can't believe that a group of dudes who bugger each other while dressed as cartoon animals would ever attract this kind of unsavory character.


I'm kinda giddy at the idea that this word exists but also depressed that this word exists. Is there a word for that?

Morbid fascination?

Also fursecution.

oh jeez

This is gold:

Myth: Foxler is a white-supremacist Neo-Nazi
Fact: Foxler is not even 100% White. His heritage is German and Thai. One of the requirements of being a white supremacist is that you have to be white.

Myth: Foxler and the Furry Raiders are Anti-LGBT
Fact: Most of the members of the Furry Raiders are LGBT. Foxler is himself gay and mated to a gay man.

Myth: Foxler and the Furry Raiders are Racist
Fact: The membership of the group is of multiple races and ethnic backgrounds. As said before, Foxler’s heritage is German/Thai and he is mated to a black man.

One of the requirements of being a white supremacist is that you have to be white.

I musta missed when they changed the White Power bylaws

"White power!" says the chinaman.

is this a meme

Actually funny enough, the kkk has been more inclusive recently and has let in other races, just as long as they admit that whitey is the superior race.

Mayocide couldn't come quick enough

Just because you are fucking a black dude doesn't mean you aren't racist....

See: Milo Yianoppolosaurus.

Has Milo ever done or said anything racist? He's said a bunch of other shit on trannies, but he rarely talks about race, outside of 'white men are under attack in universities.'

attempting to stop the mayocide is racist

His whole "I chose to become gay to piss off daddy and go cruising for big black cock for maximum effect" is definitely in the area.

He was raised by a single mother, wasn't he?

No clue. Don't care. But he did run his "I chose to be gay to annoy people" argument.

Leave this place you tankie fuck

Excuse me?

Start the mayocide and kys

Mayocide now

Disturbing, disgusting, morally unjustifiable even, but not unexpected.

ComedicSans, are we fast approaching a time when it will be "offensive" to joke about New Zealanders fucking sheep because it will marginalize actual sheep shaggers?

I don't want to live in that world, man.

The Mayocide approaches, brother. Embrace it.

It's just frustrating because I know you. I don't know you personally but I know everything about you. You believe you are a good memories but have no real expertise or anything concrete to show for it. You don't really challenge yourself and you're not really memeing or going outside of your meme zone. In the age of the internet this is easier than ever and at this point the short bursts of affirmation that memeing on the internet gives you are an addiction, the only tether of causality between your identity constructed around "being a Meme Master" or "Warlock" or any of the other faggy things you 'tardos name each other, and the material rewards or respect that this should bring. Most importantly, subconsciously you realize that you are not really a memer, you just memed enough to get by in a system that encourages stupidity and lethargy. In any real kind of memeing or scatological environment you would wilt. But that's not the worst thing, you secretly know that the people around you (friends, family, acquaintances) don't really think you can meme, they are just conflict averse and they do not construct their identity around "memerey" so don't really care. That's what I'm here for. I'm an actually Master Memer with real expertise in an memotomic field and I'm telling you that you're stupid. Your whole identity is a lie, and while you already know this at some level, which is of course the real impetus behind posting sarcastically on the internet among people you don't respect, the ego is not so easily broken. Your condition is the pseudo-memery experience under decaying memeory and it is only harming you. You will never be an /r/adviceanimals mod or bring your daughter back from the dead, (trust me, I know.) but most people are capable of being of moderate memocity given enough humility and self-awareness. I'm doing this for your own good. Until you realize that you are not actually MM material you will never succeed at being mediocre and will instead remain in a state of delusion, self-hatred, and isolation from the truth all around you. You will realize this eventually, but if you realize it now instead of at your lowest point you may yet be saved.

Meme out,

<3 /u/pigeondoubletake

Sweet Jesus, I have not seen that pasta before. Where is it from?

/r/badphilosophy. Of course it is.

It's /u/smokeupalltheweed8 too, moderator of several communist/ autism awareness subs.

It is glorious.

hahahaha smokeuptheweed

infamous tankie

Was waiting for the yearly furry con drama. Thank god this time it dosen't involving throwing used diapers or wearing them.

A furry con aint a furry con until someone shits in the main lobby


Oh no it's this time of year again. Drama gold mine aside. Those baby furs are sick degenerates b

furry fandom and neo-nazism go together like peanut butter and crack cocaine

As in... one hell of a drug?


i'm gonna go eat somebody's parents

We knew all about the drama, and we even had staff members who are a part of the group.

I knew furies are stupid but seriously you don't employ white supremacists who run off business for a convention. Not a smart business.

Do these degenerates not realize how many furries died in Hitler's camps?

Like 30 of em, bc there weren't that many furries before Disney's Robin Hood

load up those trains




I would like to consider myself a pretty tolerant and progressive guy, but this is just too much. These people are just too weird.

It feels like if you are going to be a degenerate furry, alt furry is the only way to go.

penchant furries have to perpetuate drama

Imagine a fat, furry, tranny. The drama potential could go critical mass.

I used to work at the Hyatt in the Denver tech center furries fucking love that place idk why

I feel like this finishes a bingo card somewhere

Oh god, why is one of the furries usernames "rodox_video"? obscure boards of canada music is the last thing i thought they'd ruin for me but here we are. welcome to hell

neonazi furry

so, do they like want to exterminate all non-mammals?

Gas the lizard people, race war now

Species war?

Only a furry would notice such a detail. Seize him!

I'm not though ://

A fuckton of furries are boycotting RMFC as a result. We'll see if it has any effect.

Good for them, this is getting ridiculous and the social media manager really bungled it. The community should disown Foxler imo.

Apparently he's a pedo as well



Double the degeneracy for the price of one post.

I'm not though ://

I'm not though :/