/r/pewdiepie mod shuts the whole thing down after one too many friendly PMs from the Bro Army.

54  2017-02-26 by Cleverly_Clearly




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Wait what happened I'm out of the loop

Balance of probability points towards another girl in her early teens talking about what she did when "babysitting" for him.

Wait, that was a real thing and not just something a writer for Maron made up?

This is old

Who is the mod? ping him.

Who would've thought that Pewdie fans would act immature on the internet?

Act immature? I thought they were... (the House of Air reaction video was kinda cool tho)

Try going for a jog! That might help you get all that built-up madness out of your system.

YouGoobers are stupid in general, and losers who pay any attention to them are bigger losers than them.

Who is the mod? I want to tell him to kill himself.

It's been closed for ages.

(the mod did add additional text explaining why the subreddit is closed, it only said "closed forever" before).

I asked the mod about it 6 months ago.

"Because the community was awful, no one contributed except for spam and pornography. Too many users who were immature so it's closed." - /r/pewdiepie mod 6 months ago.

Not the best handling in the world by that mod, seems reasonable that someone else would be able to take over the subreddit imo.

Not the best handling in the world by that mod, seems reasonable that someone else would be able to take over the subreddit imo.

You're asking a long time fan of pewdiepie to be a reasonable person. They probably have a few screws loose.

Turns out that when Trump was talking about that thing in Sweden he was referring to PewDiePie