Actually the sub snaps in two ( part 2: electric boogaloo ). JonTron's Q&A End of the World Edition is literally the end of the world for triggered snowflakes in /r/gamegrumps

18  2017-02-26 by Wraith_GraveSpell




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I'm pretty sure history looks back on Gamergate as overall right.

Thankfully history will forget about Gamergate entirely

why do people still talk about it, its been 2 1/2 years now guys, time to stop.

Eh you see how much shit jontron gets over metapolitics in video games?

That's why gamergate will never die.

lol not if shit like this and this keeps happening.

Either the vidya game autists are irrelevant or they're changing the political landscape. People can't seem to decide which.

Actually it's about ethics in journalists saying retarded shit on twitter

This is really not something I can bring myself to care about, sorry.

Inb4 gamergate starts ww3

Attacking JonTron for being part of GamerGate.

Of all the things you could attack JonTron over (and there's a fair amount, he's a funny man but not a smart man), why attack him over something he was barely a part of?

The dude made one tweet back when it first started saying "why are you all fighting over Zoe Quinn she's not that important". It's not like he was fucking leading the charge.

How do people give this much of a shit about some comedians political beliefs when you have to search out beyond their core content to get exposed to them. It's fucking retarded...