The incels are on to us.

14  2017-02-26 by shitpost953


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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THat place is so fucking autistic it's contagious. Do not browse that place ever regardless of reason.

Hit the gym, don't be afraid to hit on women, you're not incels you're just lazy.

Or externalized ugliness.

I have seen some powerfully ugly people with kids.

That's because those people aren't assholes who cry about being virgins and women being assholes for not fucking them.

that's because of liquor

Fuck the gym, hit women.

Weird. I'm banned from that sub and I don't even remember why. I at least kinda remember what my other 40 bans were for...

Yep, Little jerkoffs just banned me. Go out of your way and try to help people with their problems with and that's how they thank you? Ungrateful fucking wankers...


-- /r/incels posters

They're so angry because they don't get any ass. I would be upset too if I had brush burns from masturbating too much.

Did you recommend suicide? I'm having flashbacks, and that may be why I was banned.

In hindsight, I should have. I simply said it sounds like someone needs to get laid, and maybe he should try sex. Appears that suggestion is so unfathomable for these hairy palmed rejects, they consider it hate speech. At least we don't have to worry about them mating.

Well there is that one who was grooming his 12 year old niece so he could rape her or something. There was another one that made a self congratulatory post on how he managed to rape a passed out chick at a party or some shit.

Consensual procreation though? Not gonna happen.

No they didn't. Don't lie.

Little jerkoffs just banned me. Go out of your way and try to help people with their problems with and that's how they thank you? Ungrateful fucking wankers...

RRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Do they think they're samurai or something? They're "avenging" people now? Why do all of them want to kill themselves? I peeked around in that sub a few times before but I just noticed every one of those cowardly fucks keeps on talking about suicide. Because they can't get pussy. How about dating people in your own league instead of killing yourselves because their imaginary real-life waifus won't fuck them?

There have been a few attempts at making a subreddit with less strict moderation than here, but the moderation here is about the least strict it can be before a subreddit will be banned.


Incels justify the mayocide