"PewDiePie red pilled my son" - we need to speed up the Mayocide plans, fellas.

35  2017-02-27 by IAmAN00bie




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Lazy basterd needs to stop slacking off or some copycat will steal his job.

wait a minute

i think he finds it difficult if they're right wing. poor guy

Nah it's mostly that I just switched jobs and have like literally no fucking free time anymore and those precious minutes are mostly devoted to things more fun than plebbit.

But eh it's probably fair to say it's much harder for me to gleefully and easily mock the right at the moment - not because I'm right-wing or think the right doesn't deserve plenty of it - but because it's fucking embarrassing that my fellow lefities / Dems actually managed to fucking lose this fucking hard.

Like jesus fuck how fucking incompetent is the Democratic party to lose to a fucking oompa loompah while losing the house, the Senate, tons of governorships, and tons of state legislature positions. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Well at least their new DNC Chair will be a change what with how he literally had lobbiests lobbying for him and is 100 corporate/establishment Democrat.


Brb killing myself

you think this is bad, just wait till the dem primaries for congress, after all the people that left the dems realize they dont have the numbers and will just not vote on election day.

imagine trump with enough power to make constitutional ammendments

while losing the house, the Senate, tons of governorships, and tons of state legislature positions.

I mean it didn't happen overnight. you would think the 2010 mid terms would have been a wake up call.

plus i think a big part of it is the culture too. Dem and liberals have a mindset that says "jury duty ewww" and pretty heavily rely on engagement of minorities in order to win.

conservatives actually have a sense of pride or duty or honor to think "i get to serve on a jury (AKA get a free day off work to sit around on my cell phone and my employeer can't do shit about it or else i can sue him and get an easy win and even more money) fuck yes!"

so of course they would vote any chance they get. In fact a study showed even when it came to little things like filling out the survey at the bottom of the recipt. it was mainly conservatives that did that shit.

Hehe, you said duty... 😏

I mean it didn't happen overnight. you would think the 2010 mid terms would have been a wake up call

That's def true. It's also part of the reason I was ready to believe Trump had a reasonable path to victory very early in the general.

plus i think a big part of it is the culture too. Dem and liberals have a mindset that says "jury duty ewww"

Ehhhhhhh feel like that's bullshit / negligible

I'm way too lazy to look for data on the subject so feel free to link to some.

Hehe, you said duty... 😏

I think anyone who hears "Jury duty" and doesn't think "How can I get out of it" is either:

A. Being chosen for the trial of some celebrity and can make some money out of this.

B. Bored.

C. Criminally stupid.

His content has really improved during the past over a year or so. Back when he was making all those Amnesia videos I remember thinking "yeah this guy is cancer" and then just kind of forgot about him, until a while ago when someone linked me one of his newer videos and I was like "what the hell, Pewdiepie makes good content now"

so much autism in so few words

"yeah this guy is cancer"

Racist alert

Fuck off SRD, you guys are reddit cancer.

Hes just diet coke filthy frank now. Pewdipie was never good.

(((NOFX))) lmaooooooooo

That is hilarious

Fat mike is the definition of antipc though

Also because of the internet: people can move into echo chambers and have their views reinforced and radicalized.

Seeing this comment on /u/conspiracy tickles me.

/u/? You mean /r/*

Don't contradict me!


Stop assuming our genders, shitlord.

Shared in this post is a ' touching ' father and son moment where his little boy has embraced the fedora and the two of them sit at the dining table

"Son, you've swallowed the red pill, I'm proud of you"

The two of them bond over chicken tendies, discussing the god delusion while sucking on their vape pens.

*A lot of assumptions being made about me being his father, just wanted to note that I am his mother.

they'll probably bone. It's okay in trumpmerica

The hilarious thing was trying to take down pewdiepie who I have no idea how got so popular, you have 50 million very young subscribers learning just how fucked up the MSM is. This is honestly happening.

Not all of those subs are watching his videos anymore. His recent videos average maybe 3 millions views.

to be fair, he's been the most popular guy on youtube for like 5 years, he was so fucking famous he got to guest star on South Park and had an episode about him. They don't have episodes entirely about you unless you are hot shit. like its pretty odd to think you can take down a guy that gets more views than your entire site

Youtubercide should be prioritized, albeit only marginally, over mayocide. Lots of overlap anyway.