Donald Trump eats his steak well done with ketchup while Twitter reeeeeeees and shits a prime rib sized turd in pure rage.

38  2017-02-28 by TheButtholeOfBravery


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but really, I don't use ketchup at all. Nasty stuff

wow what a cuck lol

Decent ketchup can be fine on some foods. Fries. Bacon sandwiches. Not a fucking steak. I am outraged.

Fries is the extent to which ketchup is good. It's really because the salt, onion, and sugar gives it a good bitterness.

If you want the taste of sweet, briny tomatoes on your burger, I recommend you make and use tomato jam.

No, I'm adamant that ketchup has a place in a bacon sandwich. Some people go with brown sauce and that's fine, but ketchup is just as valid a condiment in that situation.

I suspect more amerifats (like myself) don't know what "brown sauce" is.

For those not in the know, its prettly close to what we call "steak sauce." But it isn't like A1, its... tangier?

It's definitely tangy. But not too tangy.

Maybe this is where he got the taste for licking Putin's boots?

I heard he put one of those shaped frosting nozzles on the bottle so it makes a little red star with the ketchup.

I've railed against trump for lots of things over the last few months, but I've never bought into the whole "the next Hitler" stuff. I always kind of assumed he wasn't really a bad person just kind of a bumbling fool with a bit of an ego problem.

But putting ketchup on a dry aged steak? That's an abomination that dwarfs the holocaust itself.

is ketchup okay to use on a kobe beef burger?

No. You only put ketchup on something you don't want to eat, because somehow drowning something shitty in something even shittier is supposed to make it taste better.

The Kobe burger is enough to send you to culinary hell.

Putting ketchup on any high quality meat is fucking sacrilege. It is an overpowering taste. You know what a $2 hamburger with Ketchup tastes like? It taste like ketchup. You know what a $30 hamburger with ketchup taste like? It taste life fucking ketchup. So just buy the $2 one and stop ruining high quality meat.

I mean, if you're eating it well done it compliments the flavor really well

it's just that you probably shouldn't waste such great meat by cooking it well done when you could take basically any piece of cow meat and cook it that much, and it'll taste the same

He burnt that steak like he plans to burn the Mexicans in his death camps.



Pretty sure that is more conservatives knew this before, the result of the election would have been so very different

If only Bernie had gotten the nomination everything would have been different

Yeah, we'd be putting ketchup on our breadcrumbs.

Ketchup? Report to the Central Committee Office immediately for re-education on appropriate condiments.

Answer: all condiments are enemies of the people, Feel the Bern!

Both condiments in general and non-potato based foods are bourgeois. That's a one way ticket to the gulag.

Actually ketchup lines are a good thing

In the related articles.

I really fucking hate the American left, while agreeing with most of their ideas. I'm so glad I don't fucking live there.

who fucking cares

the president being a huge fucking degen is a pretty big deal, man

Anyone who legitimately cares about this needs to be committed.

on one hand this is an abomination on the other hand it's the most 'murican thing I could think of

If there is literally one thing America can do well it's fucking BBQ and other forms of meat cookery.

oh I know its more the idea of fuck you i do what i want

Fake news, hes eating a medium well steak without ketchup in the picture even.

I like kechup on my meat. is that so bad? :C