ESS finally goes full retard

70  2017-02-28 by Deity_Of_Darkness


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Cut out the extreme left. Let them all go to the Communist Party or whatever. They're a small minority, a cancer that we must not let proliferate. We must cut them out now before they draw more to their ranks and they bring us all down.

I see more hashtags about#DemExit than I see these people ACTUALLY leaving. Fucking leave already. You Bernouts are a legit nuisance and a waste of human space. I could bring in a dog wearing an ad that says "Go Democrats" and it would contribute more to the Democratic party's chances in 2020 than 90% of these losers. You want a party that bitches and does nothing? Go to the Green Party.

If the "extreme left" is literally people willing to vote for Sanders this election boy us Republicans would sure love to have them.


imgur lurker

how much more of a depraved human can you be?

I'm an Oregonian Republican so I supported Trump because he was the most moderate out of the pack and I voted for Ron "I think the way the public is brought in to these positions and the way materials are classified is totally out of whack. People normally think things are classified and buttoned up for national reasons. I find it's far more likely to be political security than national security." Wyden

and now I'm a deplorable Nazi who posts Anime girls who the Democrats are going to have to knock all this dumb shit off to get my vote back.

I've got a lot of crossover with the BernieBros since my LifeLong Republican Mother is one of them.

I just don't think the government has the right to tell you who you can marry or take your guns away so I'm pretty depraved.

I was mostly kidding, given the nature of the subreddit we're in, trying for serious discourse seems kinda retarded.

I like that "make me president pope" line though, am stealing

Pretty sure a common derogatory term for Cruz supporters during the end of the republican primary was "Cruzlims"

why not just call them muslims

Are you satisfied with the way trump has run office since he won and what are your opinions on puzzagate? Honest question pls no bully

Are you satisfied with the way trump has run office since he won

It's only been 40days, remember how rude it was during Obama's first 100 to question how the president is doing.

what are your opinions on puzzagate?

I'm a Non-Conspiracy theorist who watches Alex Jones, Pizzagate is a distraction from the real things found in the emails like govt paying way too much for Hotdogs and "waitresses"

Weiner's laptop being full of Cheese Pizza and Hillary's Emails is the real story.

sometimes i wonder if ess has the slightest conception of what being left-wing actually means, or if they're under the impression it's the same as being a clintonite liberal except sharing stuff from communist meme pages on facebook occasionally

There's is no left and right, only democrat and wrong.

Guilty until proven democrat

There's Wrong, and then there's Democrat Wrong.

There is no left and right, only nationalism and slavery.

As a white person the government owes me reparations for taking my slaves

To these people, "opposing trump with fierce voracity" is left-wing. And TOTALLY RAD DUDE!!!

It's amazing that sub and the types who go there can spout that Sanders and his voters fucked Clinton out of the election when they've been spouting (and continue to, apparently) spout that they don't need their votes. It's almost doublethink.

If you lose an election to the_toupée, you clearly need some self-reflection and improvement.

Clearly if you claim to lose because of someone, you ought to do well to cozy up to them, instead of rejecting them, right? They're more similar to daddy Trump than they'd like to admit

They lost because they didnt have their support you fucking autist

If you lose an election to the_toupée, you clearly need some self-reflection and improvement.

No, you just need to tell enough people to fuck off and and die, then eventually you'll get all the votes.

Self Reflection is for the wrong side of history, duh.

8 Y E A R S






the chairman of the DNC is a glorified version of that guy harassing you on the sidewalk to donate to charity. the fact that berniebros treat it as some hugely important role just further confirms they know dick all about politics

trump is probably going to win in 4 years if they don't stop being such whiny little bitches

Bernie supporters are still mad at the DNC daring to favor Clinton who is an actual Democrat instead of Bernie who has never been a Democrat. Except for when he ran for President.

And now they're mad because someone who passes their version of a progressive purity test didn't get picked to be DNC chair.

Perez is retarded and will just cost you the election in 4 years. Your party is out of touch with reality and lost an election because they didn't want a candidate who wasn't a political backscratching cunt to take office over the queen.

Maybe you faggots should have ran another moderate who wasn't a walking coma. (Oh wait you don't have any)

Yeah. The old have a tantrum because we can't get our own way play. Super effective.

WRONG, I for one am enjoying the election results and the destruction of the democratic party immensely.

That doesn't change anything. Those self proclaimed progressives still have sore asses over not winning the election. Hell, they're still mad over the primaries. If all of that anger was converted into sustained political action, then progress could be made.

If all of that anger was converted into sustained political action, then progress could be made.

it was political action, until their guy got shit on by his own team

sorry that all their passion and shit for Bernie didn't just magically transfer over to Hillary... maybe if the DNC had a fucking clue what kind of candidate their base actually wanted, it would have.

Implying "berniebro" is an actual thing and not a shitty meme.

uhh they're everywhere. hell one DNC staffer who they harassed posted the voicemails she got from them

Oh no, the dnc might have had to talk to its members after they got rigging the primaries 😱😱😱😱

what person doesn't like receiving death threats from pasty limp-wristed poindexters

Yeah, what group of people don't like establishment insiders rig a primary that was suppose to be fair, and then lie and smear them in the media (how many chairs were thrown at the NV convention?)



My god, you are a walking, posting stereotype 😂

i'm sorry i don't buy into the tireless berniebro conspiracies :'(

are we still on exit poll fraud or clinton getting a generic question on the death penalty?

Using berniebro unironically.

How can one person be such a retard. Pls go back to srd or srs.

ok berniebro, tell me how a generic question on the death penalty cost bernie 4 million votes. was her answer that good?

Lol using berniebro seriously. Not even gonna bother on such a mouth breather like you.

Pls go back to ESS with the rest of those tards.

yeah that's what i thought berniebro

RIGGGGGGGED ( but don't ask me how )

Yeah, those leaked questions, setting up debates on days with low viewerships, setting the first debate after the registration for the ny primaries, pulling interviews with dander friendly outlets, asking the media to play up trump over Sanders, smearing in the media (how many chairs thrown at the nv convention?) just off the top of my head from the dnc/podesta leaks mean nothing.

That's just from the emails alone, who knows what else was said the phone, or behind closed doors. But yeah, the "berniebros" are just claiming rig over nothing.

Enjoy your 8 years of trump, you useful fucking idiot

sanders was polling at like 7% when the debate schedule was announced. he was a non-factor. he wasn't even running at the time the DNC were planning on elevating trump

this is why you are called dumb little babies, because you decide a conclusion before you see the evidence, then try to mash that "evidence" into some dogshit narrative

no one needed to rig the primary against bernie because he was a shit candidate and lost by millions of votes

No name senator from Vermont had low polling in the beginning? Wow, what an amazing conclusion!

Managed to bring in more money and supporters then ny senator and previous floutus. Maybe if southern states knew more about him, he could have won. Who knows. I can tell you, it required the full weight of the dnc to stop him.

Convient how you ignored everything that showed rigging.

you didn't show anything that proved rigging. you gave some nonsense about them "pre-rigging" it against a guy who wasn't even running for president

aka typical berniebro garbage

Lolololololololololololololol how far are the fingers in your ears? Whatever, it doesn't matter now anyways, Clinton, the two time loser lost, to trump. Enjoy your 8 years of MAGA. As a white fucking male without debt and actual real health insurance I got nothing to worry about.

it's funny how little it takes to make so called "progressives" drop the pretence of caring about non-white people, women, lgbt etc

as long as you got no debt bro

You can lead a horse to water but can't make them drink. as long as idiots like you are in the rank, there's no helping them. I wasted enough energy doing my part to help, I dont give a fuck anymore.

Enjoy President MAGA, you useful idiots installed him :)

i'll enjoy president maga from my comfy european country

Of course I should have known you were a eurofag with you lack of understanding about anything in the American process. It also explains your terminal case of being a fucking idiot and your love of Jew dick.

cool man keep talking about how the DNC rigged the election against someone who wasn't even running. it's riveting stuff, i'm taking notes

Sorry man, you're a lost cause. Enjoy your sharia law, eurofag.

pro-tip: when you can't explain something, you either don't understand it, or it's just false. getting upset about it doesn't help your case at all and just makes you look kinda unhinged

You severely overestimating how much I care now that I know you are yet an another euro cuck who knows nothing and ignored everything I said before.

i addressed what you said, and showed it made absolutely no sense. your reaction to that was "REEEEEEEEEEE"

for someone who doesn't care you do seem awfully determined to keep mentioning it

You didn't address jackshit eurocuck.

lmao i hope you're like 14 berniebro or i just pity you

The DNC literally helped create the Bernie bro narrative and pushed the sentiment that the DNC was against Bernie in his voters. The DNC has been totally incompetent for the past 8 years. Their work in the mid terms were also a joke. Bernie Bros are a problem but the DNC is what made them an issue.

If they got off their high horse and let Bernie loses naturally there would have never been a serious issue with Bernie bros.

Thinking mentally ill bernie retards wouldn't latch on to any small thing and run it into the ground.

What can I say. I love driving things into the ground.

Nothing is tickling my fancy more than see the DNC drive themselves into the ground trying to decide between their racket and actually being progressive.

lol sanders lost fair and square, he was a dogshit candidate who could only appeal to white men. he just an overhyped"not clinton" primary candidate, that's why he never ate into her support

Yeah that rock solid Clinton support base really helped her win the general.

Fucking retard

go suck old jew dick you lil crybaby

Why are all Clinton supporters so anti-Semitic?

Make sure you take some antihistamines before you dive back into Hillary's dusty gash.

i don't care about clinton, i support whoever the dems nominate. doesn't mean i didn't love the sanders crash-and-bern though

i support whoever the dems nominate

American politics in a nushell

No wonder you hate Sanders so much. Closest self-loathing homosexual for Jew dick, conflicting feelings Is causing you to lash out. you poor dear 😔

Not to mention all the evidence linking the bernie bro harassment campaign directly to the Sanders campaign.

Haha, that actually had me going for about 4 paragraphs. It's sad that the state of our actual news made it almost believable for a while.

The bernie faction is looking to build a large grassroots movement of mostly small donors, akin perhaps to a leftwing tea party (the idea I guess being that since the tea party was so successful in such a short period of time for anti-establishment republicans, something similar to it could work for the left -- and also this was the playbook Bernie used during the primaries, and it worked out better than expected). In which case the ability to coordinate that kind of grassroots, small donor fundraising with the DNC would have been a big deal for them. There are other ways they can build that sort of movement, but the nomination of someone sympathetic to those goals was far from unimportant. It is no big revelation that a large part of electoral political involves appeasing your donors, and so if you're looking to change party politics you're going to need to change your donor base.

I don't know where ESS got the idea that donors and money in general have no effect on politics, but it's kind of self-evidently wrong. Don't get drunk on your own circlejerk.

cool lemme know when one of these guys actually wins an election

Hillary lost lol

bernie lost by a lot more, so did virtually everyone he endorsed lmao

Hilary lost against the worst candidate lol

bernie lost to the person who lost to the worst candidate lmbo

Bernie lost a pantomime lol

C'mon, Bernie can still win this.

I just donated my mother's life savings! Match me !


It's like they have no idea how politics really works and think it's just virtue signaling on a national level.

I usually fucking hate the term virtue signaling but... ya pretty much.

The TPP would have been great for the working class

Oh for fuck's sake.

ESS isn't the type to actually read the documents they champion. They just want to spout Progressive nonsense and hope something sticks.

Yeah. I have been talking about the TPP a lot with one of the international business professors at my school and in theory... Absolute theory, trade agreements are good.

That being said, just like NAFTA, people decided to make sure that they could make a lot of money off of it so it loses all the usefulness it had.

The lady who championed NAFTA and got it passed ended up resigning the day after it passed and she made a law firm to make a lot of money sueing governments over a thing she added into it halfway through

Not realizing that most of the countries that were in the TPP are way more protectionist than we are


Supporting international IP theft because it lets you stream your animes for free


Wanting to abandon our ring around China

What's it like to stand athwart progress, global economic restoration, and Chinese containment?

ur gay lol

clerical fascist

supports clinton


I'm not a fascist. Why would you think that?

Your flair on debatefascism says political Christian. Christianity applied to government would would be fascistic as shit.

No, it wouldn't. By "Political Christian" I mean that while I generally support liberalism, I support conserving and building Christian institutions and using Christian moral standards for our government. Nothing fascist about that.

Christian moral standards for our government

Ah so you want Christian Shariah. Stones the faggots amiright?

Almost all denominations, including mine do not support stoning the faggots. Stop using the straw man fallacy.

In the affluent west, where church and state are seperate, that's the case. But in certain places in Eastern Europe, as well as Christian Africa, institutionalized violence against LGBT is celebrated. I can't believe a sick alt-rightist like yourself wants to install a theocratic regime to punish degeneracy. I bet you think women belong in the kitchen and abortion is evil too!

I'm not a fascist or an alt-righter. In the last election I supported Hillary Clinton. Anti-gay violence in Eastern Europe is mostly done by Neo-Nazis, not Christians.

But I do oppose abortion.

Neo-Nazis, not Christians

Implying the two are mutually exclusive.

But I do oppose abortion.

Why do you hate women?

GR8 B8 M8

Do you make your girlfriend (imaginary) wear a veil too?

That is because almost all denominations selectively interpret the bible.

So we're not real Christians now? And you're just dismissing a lot of work and thought by calling it "selective interpretation".

Well, that more or less depends on how you define "real Christians". I'm always somewhat averse to saying someone is not something they claim to be without a strong definition of what that thing is.

The Bible tells you to kill homosexuals, pick up a stone and get to it

Yeah, but the Byzantium of Constantine was the greatest city in the world.

Christianity applied to government would be is fascistic as shit

FIFY. All hail to the galactic dictator!

It really is incredible how quickly certain subreddits did a complete 180 on the TPP. As soon as it became a political issue, this universally reviled trade agreement became weirdly popular among a certain demographic. Something's Just Wrong.

Trump went against it, therefore it is good.

Uh, Hillary supported NAFTA and thanks to NAFTA the entire rust belt revolutionized it's workforce!

Well, maybe if the working class just bootstrapped hard enough then NAFTA would have worked! -said from a "progressive" sitting in their ivory tower in California.

"Maybe they should've prepared ahead and retrained." - A smug progressive

Yeah it's weird how LA is the most "progressive" city in the nation, yet still impound tiny homeless shelters. It makes a good argument for everything is class warfare, considering that even social progressive causes.

"You know, we could actually end slavery" "That sounds great!" say the californian. "But it's going to raise the prices of our clothes by a dollar and electronics by at least $25" "eh, never mind lets talk about bathrooms".

This election has further confirmed my belief that everyone is retarded.

Trump likes it? Its worst than Hitler. Trump hates it? Best thing ever.

Oh, and if you disagree with me you are a Trump supporter racist xenophobe and deserve to be put in a deathcamp.

Lets just end it all, already. Humanity has had a long enough run.

I mean you can end it all if you want

Only if I bring everyone with me, otherwise its pointless.

ok you go first and the rest of us will follow promise u bro

If I trusted people, I'd do that.

what if i send u nudes

Pls send nudes of all humans ded.

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I am very angry with you today.

He's not wrong.

Pretty much the minute it got shot down and credit was given to Trump people started to go 'well it isn't bad people just don't understand.'

Free trade is great for the American working class. Most Americans now work in the service industry, so they aren't negatively effected by outsourcing. What they are effected by is the lower cost of all manner of goods and services that free trade brings. This is beside the fact automation made loss of manufacturing jobs inevitable no matter what protectionist policies are put in place.

Just define labor as no longer part of the working class, and the statistics work out great!

The Rust Belt sure did find out how "great" free trade was

Pro tip: if you aren't even using your resources at capacity, then free trade is a rounding error. Improved efficiency is only beneficial when you can't just make your domestic economy produce more stuff first.

Sure thing Pol Pot.

That wasn't just free trade, but also automation.

In fact it was mostly automation

But you're right, let's decry the loss of manufacturing jobs. While we are at, what about all those farming jobs we lost 150 years ago due to the industrial revolution. Can we get those back, too?

I love dumbass Econ 101 arguments from people who don't know shit. You're a moron if you think that manufacturing in general can no longer be competitive in America. The decline in jobs accelerated very sharply after NAFTA and the widening of our trade deficit which is rather inconsistent with your naive "slow increases in productivity" hypothesis.

Will Detroit ever be roaring with life again, or was it destined to stay busy forever? Probably not, but things didn't have to turn out as badly as they did either.

American manufacturing is plenty of competitive in America. We are just doing it with fewer people.

There's nothing "dumbass Econ 101" about what I'm saying. I'm sorry, are you a professional economist? Maybe there's an angle to this issue that you have that isn't an appeal to emotion.

I'm an econ PhD student and you are one of the many salty, salty ESS losers on this site. It's not my fault if you don't want to read what I posted, or are incapable of reading.


I just don't believe you

I linked to a graph of manufacturing employment which showed a slow-ish decline over decades, then sharp drop off that just coincidentally happened at the same time as NAFTA and a widening trade deficit (reasonable causative explanations). You just... ignored it and repeated yourself like an idiot that productivity was the explanation. Hurr durr.

Well, I don't want to murder you.

So if you're an Econ phd then you know that a trade deficit isn't a bad thing per se. It means we send over greenbacks and they send us useful things. That's not a bad trade.

Furthermore money overseas needs to come back at some point, meaning foreign investment.

Furthermore every good scientist knows correlation does not imply causation

Trade deficits aren't inherently bad but if you aren't running larger budget deficits or something that will make up for the lost demand then they can be.

u/ghazelleberner? How fucking gay is that? Guaranteed white person, mayos need to spontaneously combust

Oh, I'm sorry, I thought we were the easily "triggered" snowflakes. It seems it was you all along!

The only snowflake is you, baby, with your skin so white. Take your cumskin out and do the world a favor

Lol nice meme

The only thing less funny than using terms like "triggered" and "snowflake" unironically is using them them ironically.

Holy shit, his posting history is literally all ESS. How can you still be that salty about bernie bros?

Pfft. You can never have enough mayo.

Full comments


ESS is full of people upset a 70 year old socialist gave Clinton a run for her money then they further got cucked by losing to a mentally retarded TV star who enjoys casual sexual assualt in the general. These people might just be the most salty life forms on reddit.

I mean I thought Bernie fans were salty when they wouldn't shut up about the primary for a month. But here we have Clinton fans crying about it for half a year.

excuse me, treating politics like sports is a venerable american tradition

Viewed in this light, it's hardly surprising that the Elephants stomped their dreaded rival, the donkeys.

fucking donkeys threw such a huge lead even after the elephant's captain self scored 3 times

Thing about Democrats is, they always try and walk it in.

That's the problem with the fucking donkeys, they always try an' walk it in!

I mean Bernie Fans are still crying that Hillary rigged the primaries.

The thing is most Americans are too stupid to understand who to vote for. If they did. Hillary would have won in 2008 and Trump would be selling bootleg watches on a street corner in the Bronx.

Hillary would have won


She should have if Americans didn't get so easily swept up by charlatans promising free stuff. Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump. All charlatans, all the same, and all responsible for keeping the only competent adult away from the presidency.

the only competent adult

You must be sad that your mommy didn't get to tell everyone what to do.

Not my wife she's my side bitch.

I think you mean Hillary would have been up against a real politician and would have lost by even more.


t. ESS

No downvoting lolcows

Christ we really don't know an ebin ruse when we see it

It's a game of who will let go first: Clintonites or Sandersbros?

All while Trumpets laugh their way to the white house.

Ellison would have also been a great choice.

Wew lad

Keith Allahson hu akbar

The important thing to remember is Haim Saban got who he wanted to be chair.

Their ilk really love talking down to people. Doesn't seem like a winning strategy when trying to gain votes

Um, we have more Gender Studies degrees than you dumb, in-bred rednecks do. Which means we are smarter.

Finally? I think ESS and ETS are the products of a brother and sister marriage.

Ellison had all the endorsements early on and was coasting to the job. But when you all submitted the ultimatum - choose Ellison, or we're leaving - you tied the Party's hands. The Party couldn't allow any group of people to rule by blackmail, so they recruited Perez.

Jesus christ these people are dumb as shit.

I don't know much about Muriclaps politics but even I understand how dumb these people are.

Wow, and I thought the Trumptards were the gold standard for lack of self awareness. I think they have serious competition from these vapid shitheads.

I thought

uh huh

If you actually care about the issues - if you actually care about helping LGBT people, Muslims, immigrants, oppressed people, the working class, everyone - get off the fucking canvas, end the pity party, and get to fucking work.

I literally only care about one of these categories, which the democrats ignored in 2016. So I guess I will unregister as a democrat by next presidential election after fucking them over in the local elections.

ok bye

TPP would have been great for the working class.

You're completely round the bend /u/rebel581

Don't call me into an unrelated subreddit degenerate. I don't go seeking you out to harass you, don't seek me out.

this thread is a gold mine of salty berners. i'm loving how deluded the people are here

Finally goes

They started retarded.