#StopBeingJealousOfUsAsianGuys western males losers, also go tell your western girls to stop offering themselves to us Asian guys by making sites such as hey-ai.com because we Asian guys don't want them

57  2017-03-01 by [deleted]



Jews did this


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I love her eyes, nose, lips, face, etc even her neck which make me want to bite her.

She is the kind of girls we Asian guys will protect with anything we have.

Can you translate what she's saying in the vid for us? I need to know if she has the slightest clue what those glasses represent.

Nope, anything she have only mean for us Asian guys to enjoy.

Just go translate what your own western girls said when they are pummeled by bbc, not that I want to know what they said.

So, in other words, you don't speak gook either, so you just pretend to in order to excuse your hung like a hamster life of anime, got it. Don't worry, you'll see what's behind the blurry spot someday. :)

I have seen the full 43 minutes video, I don't know what you are talking about, you are just jelly.

"seen it" doesn't mean you understood a word she was saying. I can tell you, getting laid gets much easier if you actually listen to what they have to say instead of just watching their lips and drooling. They have to acknowledge you exist before anyone is going to get jelly.

Someone is butthurt because he can't get what he want, awful.

Nah, I've been faithful to the same trailer park slut woman almost a decade and have no need to fuck it up now. I just enjoy watching kids talk about things they've never seen in person. Come up with a few yen, you can probably rent her a few hours though.

Nope I don't need to pay anything becuase there are millions of our Asian girls who look like that including in where I live.

The one who need to pay are you poor western males losers because you can't find any of your gay-looking western girls who look like that.

Anyway, the blood have start to drip from your anus so better shove something inside it to plug it up before you run our of blood. It is must very painful especially when you read what shown at the end of the video.

Must be tough knowing there are millions and you still cant find one that will touch your little pencil eraser. If I wanted a woman that looked like a 10 year old Asian boy with long hair, I'd buy one like most Asians who can afford to eat do.

Haha oh shit it's like that bot earlier this week


It is good that our Asian girls love us Asian guys not because of penis size which is why we Asian guys never go on saying about anyone else have small penis.

Unlike western girls who love a guy because of his penis size which is why western males keep saying about penis size of other males so we Asian guys don't need to worry about our Asian girls pummeled by bbc.

5/10 trolling.

Everyone knows Asians love the white senpai.

If its only meant for asian fellas to enjoy, why do they always go for Western men?


She is the kind of ladyboy we Asian guys will protect with anything we have including with our own life.

It is awesome that we Asian guys don't differentice a guy and a girl from their boobs size but from their face, we are not retards like you western males losers.

How do you westerners feel when you see your western girls have big boobs but they have manly faces? That is what we Asians see on most of your western girls who look like males. As for our Asian girls, we really don't care they have small boobs as long their face are cute and innocent, big boobs are just like bonus to us Asian guys.

guy and a girl from their boobs size but from their face,

Refer to my previous comment. Boobs or lack there of wasn't mention. But the person in the video looks like an over makeuped child tbh.

So are you're saying you'll eat my bussy as long as I have a cute face?

Asians do love traps, but TBH who doesn't.

It is awesome that we Asian guys don't differentice a guy and a girl from their boobs size but from their face, we are not retards like you western males losers.

How do you westerners feel when you see your western girls have big boobs but they have manly faces? That is what we Asians see on most of your western girls who look like males. As for our Asian girls, we really don't care they have small boobs as long their face are cute and innocent, big boobs are just like bonus to us Asian guys.

Her? Its like impossible to tell Asian men from women. Are you sure?

Damn, I guess I'm not getting any of that then.

How long is your penis?

I especially love her neck, I never find anything appealing about girls neck before seeing hers, whats wrong with me, am I gonna turn into a vampire who suck out blood?!






u/scma04, why do you always post girls who look like their eyes have been surgically widened and their skin lightened? Are natural Asian women not good enough for you?

There millions of our Asian girls who naturally have eyes like that, you are just butthurt because you will never find any of your western girls who have cute innocent eyes like what our Asian girls have.

Here's my butthurt: Your hashtag doesn't make any sense.

If you asian guys got the best, why would we "StopBeingJealousOfUsAsianGuys." Wouldn't the correct response be to START being jealous of asian guys?

Maybe I'm misunderstanding. Help a nigger out.

Because we Asian guys got the best is the reason why you western males losers very jealous of us Asian guys that you losers have to keep saying we Asian guys have small penis in hope our Asian girls who belong to us Asians will then chose you western males losers than us Asian guys.

I think I get it now. Thanks.

He's saying you need to transcend inferior emotions like jealousy if you want to become more like your Asian betters, you stupid white western trash.

If I understand correctly, he's saying is that hostility to asian men is an expression of (subconscious) insecurity and jealousy that asian men have a better life because of their more traditional relationships, and because of their more naturally pretty women.

Him telling us to "stop being jealous" is telling us to fix ourselves rather than constantly try to tear down those who already have it figured out (asian men).

I feel like he could have some pretty strong bantz if he could just slow down and communicate better.

Small dicks and women who all much rather be with western men does not sound like a reason I would be jealous of you.

Tell us u/SCMA04, what are your thoughts on the mayocide?

Asian women are hideous tbh

Spotty, lots of spotty Asian women. Maybe their skin doesn't initially like our food though, big change of diet can easy fuck your body up.

You got bare roasted don't ah!

Well what kind of Asian are you? It seems like there's a hierarchy. Are you Japanese or Chinese? Or like... Malaysian or Filipino?

If I were an Asian dude, I'd be happy about Western ladies being interested in Asian dudes because, from what I understand there aren't enough Asian girls to go around. Did you manage to score one?

Where are these mystical creatures that seek shorter men with smaller penises you speak of?

I heard an interesting theory that Asian men(and women) developed their distinct eye profile because they had no longer had a need for peripheral vision to spot predators. This was because they're so small, that natural predators didn't even consider them worth eating. I only mention this because women are generally subconsciously attracted to men who could protect them from danger.

So, I'm genuinely interested in these women you speak of. I could really let myself go and still have a chance!

What an odd generalization. Do you really think no woman ever has been in a relationship with an Asian man? I personally am, and I didn't start the relationship thinking "oh yeah, gotta love tiny penises."

Also, that 'fact' sounds like bullshit.

I cannot believe you thought I was being serious. Do you honestly believe that "theory(not fact) of evolution" I made up, I was trying to pass off as legitimate?

It's hard take anything on this post seriously, so you've certainly impressed me with your resolve. You should review stand-up comedy routines. By the way, I was insinuating that only Asian women were attracted to Asian men. So, reading skills, invest in those too. 👌🏻

Yeah, in case you haven't noticed, we're on Reddit. You might not realize how many bullshit posts there are that people try to pass off as real because you're one of the contributors to these shitposts. Poe's Law, what you said was so damn stupid I couldn't tell if you were trolling or just that idiotic.

>taking people seriously on /r/drama

Your mind is as shallow as an asians pussy

Poe's Law guy was clearly fucking with the OP

Good job using something a guy said on the internet to prompt you to use your common sense.

Being unable to distinguish between sincerity and parody without any proper indication in a situation where either could be mistaken for the other is a very simple process of thought. It isn't exactly Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation. It's literally something someone said, that countless have said before.

You'd usually apply this logic to something that is known to be believed religiously by people. Such as religion extremism, or that the moon landing was faked, shit like that. When someone says "The dinosaurs faked their extinction and now live underground mind controlling all of us to do their bidding before they rise up and destroy us with incredibly advanced technology." Are you going to turn around and think "Not sure if trolling, or legitimate?" Then drop "Poe's Law" as an ace of spades to immunise yourself from looking like a fucking retard?

It doesn't work like that. You imbecile. And to clarify for you, yes, I am being serious this time.

Why are Asian men herbivore? Why is it so easy for us western male losers to hook up with Asian girls?

Moreso, why is Korea so much better than Japan?

This looks like a 14 year old's attempt at their first MySpace page.

I thought this thread would be funnier tbh

did you?


Wow. He is cute. What's his name?

Good to see you friend.


Noe THIS is what I call shitposting!

I had sex with a FoB not too long ago. She was boring. Why do you asian dudes keep teaching them awful sex?

Hey, I've sent an email to western girls and ask they stop offering themselves to you. Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience, I hope this particular issue didn't cause too much stress.

How was my customer service today?

Your feedback helps western males improve our overall service

Please reply with your recommendation

1 - 6 Would not recommend 7 - 8 Indifferent 9 - 10 Highly recommend


Your cringy post and comments really give us Asians guys a bad PR. We may have the same preference, but it's none of your business who others like, as long as its out of respect and not out of fetish.

Objectifying woman and feeling entitled as fuck. Go to r/incels or some shit.

This is definitely a troll. No other posts, new account, absolutely ridiculous statements? Yeah.

How can mayos even compete? What should we do about non Asian scum? Genocide?

Obviously a troll: -11d old account -no other posts -absolutely ridiculous points

Probs a teenage white kid having some fun.

SOURCE please


Not a bad troll. Solid 5/7.

The most utterly retarded part about the chink named /u/scma04 is how, historically speaking, no one hates Asian people more than other Asian people. The Japanese, Chinese, and Korean people have a history drenched in each other's blood and the fact that this mouth breathing yellow faggot ignores this is proof that he doesn't know the first thing about what he's talking about. Kill yourself op, you're a disgrace to humanity.


As the spokesperson for "all us Asian guys", perhaps a greater cause for you to take up, would be to facilitate peace talks.

I mean, it's not every day one human is deemed the official spokesperson for 60% of the entire global population, roughly 4.3 billion fucking people. Use your powers for good asshole.

wtf is this subreddit (came here from r/titlegore)

Fucking mod this man. He will advance the Mayocide to record levels.

If I had a dollar for ever asian girl I've fucked, well I'd be able to fill my gas tank with that money. Most of them make that insanely annoying half crying half moaning sound when they cum. The others just stare into the corner and watch /u/SCMA04 jerk it while I fuck them.

It's sad that he can't even get it up half the time. Just sits there pulling at his little limp noodle with two fingers. I told him he probably needs to stimulate his prostate. Everytime I tell him this he just stares at my cock as it stretches his cousin (I can only assume, she has the same last name), until I tell him to concentrate on the girl, not my dick.