Leftist Muslims are taking over the UK!!!

1  2017-03-01 by botacct22




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Black lives matter UK? Lol. Hasn't London cops only ever killed like... one dude ever?

Also everyone knows if Islam had its way it would be like some crazy theocracy nightmare, but gosh darn it, the right need a boogeyman to hate and the left need a poster child for fake progressive virtue signalling.

Black lives matter UK? Lol. Hasn't London cops only ever killed like... one dude ever?

Whatever it takes to be a victim and blame someone else for your problems I guess.

Actually, if you go to one of these protests you'll discover the police have shot a few brown people. You'll see their names on signs.

What they won't tell you is a bunch of those people were committing armed robbery and things of that sort.

Pay for my tv license or I'll stab you with this plastic knife!

The BLM UK movement is only being peddled my white middle-class kids with nothing else to do. It pretty much died last year.

Not doing a very good job of it.

Which women's march leader said they'd want to see Sharia law? Anyone got a source for that? Mainly just curious about it.

Her name literally means cockroach, its fitting really.

Sharia law and hint[ing] at it taking over America whereby we would have interest free loans.

huh, maybe Sharia law isn't so bad

Doesn't count for infidels

Gotta convert first, Christians are supposed to do it, too. Dunno what (((happened)))

Blame the (((Romans)))

Technically even Judaism prohibits interest on loans too according to the five-second research I did on the subject.

They end up lending with interest just in barely disguised ways. Like "I'll buy your stick of gum for $100 if you agree to buy it back for $120 next year."

"Sharia-compliant finance" is s big business on Wall Street.

aw lame

so basically every religion and/or lack thereof is in fact just (((Judaism))) in disguise.

and here i was thinking that towlheads were right wing militants

What is going on here, why are all those people protesting in front of an empty shop and why is that guy standing in front of them like that, did they just randomly see him in the street but why would all the people with cameras be there.

The antifacist people really need to sort themselves out, some of those people look like they were around in the late 70s and 80s when there were actual neo nazi street gangs that they could go and fight, now they're just shouting at a scared man with a cardboard sign.

The shop is an art gallery (IIRC) that is shuttered because people were threatening to fuck it up in protest of their hosting a exhibit/talk by some alleged right-wingers.