Developing Islam drama in TiA, featuring INTERMITTENT CAPS LOCK ABUSE

31  2017-03-01 by xjapxn




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My God is greater than your God.

It's like I'm in 3000 B.C. all over again.

May the soil be stained red with your blood!


MY God, is an awesome God. He reigns from heaven above, with wisdom, power, and love. My God is an awesome God.

Looks like any semblance of a decent discussion there got thrown off a roof.

New snapshill quote right there

Just remove the t in there and it's perfect


In all seriousness though, I thought the hung from cranes story was just that. But sure enough, they like their necktie socials every now and then.

thrown off a roof

Like a Gay man in an ISIS controlled territory

Seems like a good day for drama on TiA. The militant vegan post is pretty entertaining as well.

For the uninitiated:

Uno, dos, tres (best one IMO)

but what about Christians

every time

Because the Westboro Baptist Church and some cranks on Bourbon Street hold up signs calling gays "heathens," it means Christianity and Islam are the exact same in their views of homosexuality.

To be fair, the whole Inquisition thing? Lots of it was devoted to finding and killing gays.

Yeah, but the existence of the Christian Inquisition in the past isn't a good reason to excuse what are essentially Islamic ones operating right now.

The Inquisition was terrible and what those other groups are doing is terrible. One exists in modern times, one doesn't.

Dude, Christianity is an Abrahamic faith. The Bible says the same exact things about gays. Do you think that the hatred of gays is limited to the Westboro church or something? The absolute majority of Christians already do, or are supposed to, have those same exact beliefs. The sole difference being a relatively successful secularization of wide swaths of the Western world.

You think the struggle against homophobia is old news? Noted literal soviet union and also islamic shariah law hellhole and also hippy weedland California voted to ban gay marriage in 2008. Everyone completely ignored the AIDS crisis because they thought "Oh, it's God personally killing gays with the plague that they deserve, no crisis here".

The sole difference being a relatively successful secularization of wide swaths of the Western world.

I know this, which is why I was talking about the Inquisition. It was something terrible that happened, and then things changed over centuries for the better. Christianity now is still less than accommodating to gays, but not nearly to that degree.

On the other hand right here and now, you have large religious groups running nations who are where the Inquisition was hundreds of years ago.

Noted hippy weedland California may have voted to ban gay marriage (sucks), but when you have government sanctioned mass murders of gay people for religious reasons, it's many degrees worse.

The life of a gay person right now in, say Iran, is orders of magnitude worse than their western counterpart.

Can those groups change like Christianity had to do? Sure. But if you consider the time frame that it took for their Abrahamic counterpart, there's going to be a lot of innocents killed in the meantime.

Half a millennium ago, so irrelevant now.

The inquisition killed about 3000 people over the course of half a century.

That's small-time.

That's the church court.

You're better off being gay man in even a Muslim extremist country like Saudi Arabia than in Christian Congo or Uganda.

There's really no demographic that's safe in Uganda.

You cannot compare most of christianity in the west to islam in third world countries.

However you will find just as much homophobia in third world christian nations as in islamic ones.

Jamaica, Uganda and probably a bunch of more christian countries have huge issues with homosexuality, murder, public shaming and punishment are or were common place.

Fact is that homosexuality is a taboo in all of the abrahamic faiths as it occurred first in the old testament the book all 3 religions borrow from.

And if you could would give Christianity the same power and position as it used to have in the past, today, then it would pretty much act equally as vial as the examples of modern Jihadist Islamism you find.

Thankfully Europe had to suffer for 1000+ years to overcome that time in some way, while the islamic world wasn't so lucky and has to pick up their slack a bit to overcome their shit as well.

However meanwhile third world countries suffer still under religious dogma, because economic and educational standards are far lower than here in the west.

Having no arguments, whataboutism is the way to go.

What is the current wage for being on the Saudi Arabia PR Team? I'm guessing they pay you in not cutting of your hands.