Press F to pay respects to the victims of the Bowling Green Massacre.

14  2017-03-01 by IAmAN00bie


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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We don't know about the unknown unknowns. There are unknowns out there that we don't know!

Lefties still love to make fun of that statement but in reality it makes sense and was in use long before Rumsfeld fired it off in that briefing.

Whenever Zizek makes sense I get scared.

Also, *Rumsfeld. Serves me right for trying to be a smartass.




noobie pls stick to shitting up srd and top minds, we have enough autistic shit flingers here as it is

His name was Ed Orgeron!

*weekly "ban noobie" post


Wow that is so tragic



they attempted to send money and guns from the US to Iraq.

Man, that doesn't sound good - probably not the type of refugees we want to be letting in to the country.

The Irish had been doing this for years during the Troubles. We should have kept them out too.

The FBI discovered his terrorist activities and inserted an informant, to whom Alwan bragged in recorded conversations about the Americans he had killed from 2003 to 2006. His motive in coming to the U.S., he said, was not altruistic: He wanted to obtain a passport so he could carry out his jihad around the world.

Tell me more about the Irish and their "jihad around the world"

Huh, TIL - Sorry Great Britain :/

You should have stood your ground and doubled-down on blaming the "liberal media" for misreporting. Now you just look like a cuck for admitting you were completely ignorant and speaking out of your ass on multiple topics.

shaking my damn head over here familia

What? Are you a bot?

"""great""" mayo island

The Irish are demanding abortion, and I for one think they should have it.



terrorism in America is simply unknown because of the media's refusal to report it.

Followed by

Just search your local media over the past couple months. Guarantee you'll find Muslim attacks in it you never even heard of.


If I were ISIS I'd do a massacre in Bowling Green now, just to confuse everyone.


If every one of the 1.6 billion Muslims on earth want to kill you, then I am inclined to believe that you deserve it. A few Muslims I know are chill-as-fuck laid back stoner types. If even they want you read then you must have done something bretty bad.

Also probably a good first step towards the mayocide.

It's their faith, not me, that makes them want me dead. The Muslims you know want you dead. Donald Trump has ensured a long pause on the mayocide and if things go right, especially with Bannon, we will start genociding our enemies.

That's where you're wrong kiddo

The mayocide is unstoppable and soon the world will be rid of Yakub's horrid creation.
