Antivaxxer drama ensues when u/asieo claims science is on his side!

16  2017-03-02 by Harbinger147


Now with added Cancer!


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tldr: american education

Are all Americans this retarded or only whites?

Not white, just a sub segment of whites: Whole Foods mommies and conspiracy theorists.

And Californians

They can't anymore. All exemptions, except medical exemptions verified by an MD, have been removed in CA.

Oh shit, that's great. I always thought it was funny that before the measles outbreak, only West Virginia and Mississippi had no religious or philosophical exemptions for kids going to school.

That's like asking if the entire special needs class is retarded or if it's just the ones with downs.

That's not American education.

I just wish anti-vaxxers would just shod off and die from bubonic plague already. How many preventable measles outbreaks will this world have to endure due to their reactionary fuckery?

Thankfully in California they were silenced. There are no more exemptions to vaccines in this state except medical exemptions verified by a medical doctor.

Those can be faked, and doctor can be paid off, don't say silenced cuz it's still there

and a doctor can be paid off

Which is exactly why you have people go undercover to catch anyone who would be bribed. It's not perfect but after you catch a few it'll become significantly harder to bribe anyone.

Hopefully just one

There is no drama in that post, /u/asieo is just woefully uninformed and uneducated on the topic of vaccines. People like him rarely read scientific literature because they don't understand it and their foundation in science education is piss poor. Instead they "research" by googling for websites that confirm their anti-vaccine biases. Vaccines have been around in one form or another for over 200 years and there are anecdotes in historical literature of print ice forms of vaccination during the early Middle Ages. In the last 50-60 years, though, vaccine science has really taken off and the vast vast majority of vaccines have proven both safe and effective. People who deny this can really just be written off because they fall witting two groups conspiracy theorists who have no idea what they're talking about and will buy into anything that sounds contrarian OR Whole Foods mommies who spend their day doing yoga whole their lawyer-husbands work to buy them the next pair of Lululemon yoga pants.

Source on the Whole vaccine between 300 and 1000 CE thing?

Read it in a book on the history of medicine, but [this Nova] clip talks about variolation (a primitive form of vaccination) used in India as early as 1000 AD.

What nova clip?

Fixed it, thanks.

Guys, soda and alcohol CAN KILL SMALL ANIMALS. We need to ban these RIGHT AWAY.

Finally, proof that r/drama is vaccinated!