An innocent question leads to insane butthurt. A true "that escalated quickly".

19  2017-03-02 by fluoroamine


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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And that comment chain goes on and on. It's a bit of an in-joke. The person in the video always wears a coat indoors, so asking that is either a newcomer or a troll. So the replies rapidly lose to make sense.

Without even looking at the link, its that autist Thooorin or whatever right?

he's a p good CSgo commentator


It's pretty much peak autism to say "oh I'm out of house so often, I'll just never turn on the heat" instead of turning off the heater after you leave like a normal person

Where I live the heating is an on/off option. You can't turn it on when you want.

What the fuck kinda bullshit is that?!

Soviet era buildings. It's common heating. Very rare around the world afaik. I suppose he has some other system.

Reported for Marxist nonsense

I mean, it's DOTA sub.

Never trust a person with two first names or that wears a coat indoors.

gamers lmao