People get REALLY MAD on a forum about mailbox bashing.

41  2017-03-03 by snallygaster


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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How do you find something this old? It doesn't even have a domain name, lol.

shut up fag. i bet you are a french queer that plays the celitateoeno or whatever. bashing mailboxes( i prefer to burn them) give me a adrenaline rush and its a life. I wud rather bash a mialbox than play the penis like you. By the way im coming for your mail box

I'm coming for your mail box fuckin lol

The english language was made for phrases like this. But references to penis cosplay are a close second though.

Even though it causes less destruction, I speak from personal experience and can attest that it's way harder to grab a curbside trash can while leaning out of a passenger's window and careen it into a mailbox down the street, while your friend drives 40-50 mph in a residential area, all without spilling your Boone's Farm.

Kudos for not dying. A guy in another high school here died a couple years back when he tried to take a shit out of a moving car. I would have thought that would be the easier one to do.

I love vintage drama. We need more of this.

I posted some ancient news comment drama a few years ago that was pretty good

Post it again, bucky

How do you find this shit snallygaster? Snallyposts are best posts.

Snally is a professional internet archaeologist. if there's one person who I always upvote, it's /u/snallygaster.

When you're a NEET all you have is free time.

Those are alternative facts!

The existence of that forum, even in the past, really pisses me off. My parents' mailbox is really hard to open and close because of assholes like that, and my own is really hard to keep closed.

Vintage drama

I love the posts devising over-engineered ways to deter vandals. The system with the mailbox rigged to contain an M80 blast and funnel it back towards the front with staples as shrapnel is my personal favorite.