Everybody's favorite lolcow AngryDM is back, and angry that Reddit isn't filled with more people like xir.

72  2017-03-03 by Ultrashitpost




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Well, Jewdank is 'gone' now.

Please, don't bring up such painful memories

I still cry every night

Even more proof that he's just taking the resentment he holds towards his brother and projecting it on most of the people he talks to.

Oh yeah, it's pretty clear that most if not all of his anger towards redditors stems from misplaced anger regarding his brother. A psychoanalyst would have a field day with him.

My first dose of AngryDM was actually reading the neckbeardstories he wrote about his brother, and I felt bad for him. It sounded like he went through some of the same stuff that I did when I was younger. In the comments there he sounded pretty well-adjusted, though.

Imagine my surprise when I came here and saw what direction he ended up going in.

So much so it kind of makes it hard to believe anything he says about his brother. I feel like the dude is probably super normal and maybe occasionally annoying but DM hates him so much he just comes up with fake stories and reasons to hate him.

True. Then again, there's not use dwelling on it considering he's the lolcow that just keeps on giving.

I bet he doesn't even have a brother. Or parents. He's just concentrated shitposting given form.

resentment he holds towards his brother

Is there an /r/Drama story time about this?

AngryDM wrote a ton of stories about a guy named "M", who turned out to be his brother. If you search by author for AngryDM at /r/neckbeardstories, it should pop up with all of them, but navigating through in order might be a bit more difficult.

The real plot twist that I learned here was that it was AngryDM who was the neckbeard all along.

Everyone else is wrong and I am the truly classy one. He indeed is almost a charactiture of one

Seinfeld may as well wave a cane at those whippersnappers who found his unfunny shit from the 90s even more unfunny this decade.

You have to be truly depraved to think like this.

AngryDM hates Larry (((David))) and Jerry (((Seinfeld))) so much that he could put them in a camp!

Don't forget Jason (((Alexander))) and Julia (((Dreyfus)))

I'm not sure how anyone could forget Julia Dreyfus.

Fucking Seinfeld is Nazi propaganda

What if I'm not just fucking, but, making love to Jerry Seinfeld?

This and that other side swipe at Sagan really annoyed me, it comes off as bitter and is bad writing in my opinion, u/RefuseAndResist stick to your point when shitposting, unexplained hostility towards generally liked figures like Seinfeld and Sagan is only going to turn people off


Well, he only thinks that because he's on a mission to dislike things that reddit users generally tend to like.

(78% upvoted)


Why is this person always ranting. I've never seen a normal post from him.

Imagine being a social reject irl and on the internet.

That's some impressive autism levels.

He is the king of strawman construction.




/u/angrydm is the only thing you like MLP?

Being angry and hating people are hobbies too.

The new handle is /u/RefuseAndResist

That's very bigly of xir to admit he's the real problem.

Also, your definition of normal sounds like "people like me" which is awfully masturbatory.

This was said by a guy that literally lives in tiny subs that reward the most extreme hateful jerking that gets posted and bans everyone that slightly wavers or dares to visit other subs.

The voice of old banal subversion, also aging badly. Seinfeld may as well wave a cane at those whippersnappers who found his unfunny shit from the 90s even more unfunny this decade.

wtf. /u/angrydm were you around in the 90s? Trust me no one thought Seinfeld was "hip." It's just a funny show that people like. Believe it or not some people enjoy laughing regardless of whether it makes them "cool" and "subversive."

Understand that not everyone is as obsessed with social capital as you are.

/u/refuseandresist is AngryDMs new handle

How in the hell would Seinfeld have been hip, it was literally the most popular show on television.

I think it's personalities that would be into 90s shock humour were it still acceptable, which it's not, and that sends them into an entitled little strop.

I, and people like me, get to police what's acceptable and If you disagree, it's because you're entitled.

















/u/RefuseandResist What's it like waking up every morning so enraged at your own pathetic social rejection that you feel the need to return to Reddit to sperg out over it? Will you ever find peace in simply shutting the fuck up and moving on with your life or are you simply going to stay on the autistic course you're already on? Will you ever stop screeching on Reddit?

/r/drama on suicide watch

As I age over time, I am beginning to think that everyone I know and associate with are turning old. You can see it all around you. They are no longer fresh and new like they once were when I first met them. I am starting to think that they will no longer be young and hip but instead will be older and less involved with the current trends.


/u/refuseandresist have you already turned off your cumbox?

This dude really is bizarre, if he hates this website so much than he should leave

He has before if I'm not mistaken, though I can't remember if he was ever banned before he left.

Nah he was never banned. Just chooses to remain pathetic

hey /u/RefuseAndResist any word on why i'm banned from LateStageCapitalism?

still waiting to hear back on that modmail.

Lmao AngryDM/their alt is a LSC mod? Why am I not surprised.

"SJWs preach peace and tolerance but now every window in the nation is broken because of their violent protests!" Okay, so what do they want us to do? (Don't answer that, I know the answer - they want us to sit down and shut up.)

/u/Babbit_B i want you not to break windows, silly.

Now try quoting it in context. How do you think people should respond to things they believe to be grave injustices?

I'm not sure, but whining in metareddit threads is probably a key component

Look at the context, genius. Here:

"Oh, all SJWs do is whine on the internet from their safe spaces. Why don't they take action in the real world?"

"Look at those idiot SJWs protesting. Yeah, wave your signs and sing Kumbayah, as if that's going to do any good."

"SJWs preach peace and tolerance but now every window in the nation is broken because of their violent protests!"

Okay, so what do they want us to do? (Don't answer that, I know the answer - they want us to sit down and shut up.)

So again, what do you suggest people do in response to what they believe to be grave injustices? Not engage in debate. Not protest peacefully. Definitely not protest in any way that's less than perfectly peaceful. So...what?

Ahh, I see, so I was right.

The sheer efficiency with which you put words into other people's mouths is really kinda impressive

So again, what do you suggest people do in response to what they believe to be grave injustices?

By not giving your opposition a reason to easily discredit you. Whenever that kind of shit goes down the right has a fucking field day and laughs.

I'm not suggesting jack or shit, and my not doing so does not somehow mean that "Not engage in debate. Not protest peacefully. Definitely not protest in any way that's less than perfectly peaceful" are secretly my actual positions

So what is your position? How should people express their moral opposition to things the government does? Because if you're American I'm pretty sure your constitution allows you to take up arms against the government. So there's a whole range of options there, from debate to armed insurrection. Which do you support?

my position is that leftists should acknowledge that "you are entitled to use your freedom of speech, assembly and to petition the government, guaranteed by the bill of rights, to their fullest extent to criticize the government" and "certain protest tactics can cause the general public to despise you and reject everything you stand for" are both correct and not even slightly contradictory positions

In other words, "Go ahead and have your voice heard, do it lawfully, responsibly, and don't do anything not only yourself but others may regret."

But when we protest peacefully - see the women's march on Washington - we're criticised for not taking more direct action. Which was the context that wasn't included when my comment was quoted here. The point is, there's no winning.

If by "winning" you mean "please the entire commentariat with no criticism to be had from any corner" then of course there's no winning. Lots of people will throw shade for lots of reasons, and those will inevitably contradict each other. Different people saying different things isn't a double standard. The only thing that should concern you is if any of those criticisms are true or not

Gotcha. The left are a homogeneous hivemind all of whom are responsible for any violent act of protest. The right are individuals whose views should be assessed individually.

You're doing the thing again

The thing where you attribute things I didn't say to me

Let's just give up on this, shall we? I imagine it's just as tiresome for you as it is for me. This is a sub for mocking people. Someone quoted part of my comment out of context to mock it, a good time was had by all. I'll live.

Sure. Have a nice night


Since angrydm won't answer us maybe you will. If you all hate this site so much why do you bother with it? Out of sheer curioisity.

...vote, perhaps? Y'know, that crazy thing all the trumptards did that gave an angry cheeto a lot of power?

What injustices have goodly shop owners done to feel the wrath of antifa?


how is southpark not acceptable to the average person?

Leaning on majority rule there is like saying Hot Pockets are the ultimate culinary pleasure because they're so popular.

He's not very bright, is he?

No drama. OP somehow found a way to make a boring AngryDM post. Way to lower the bar!


If everyone shut up and resumed the race to out-shock one another with subversive slurs and ironic neo nazi statements, everything would be fine.

This but unironically

Oh shit. He is back again?

I thought he went into hiding to RESIST and do avoid people "doxxing" him and his fake girlfriend